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Heights Inspector? Roof inspector?


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Hi all.

We found a house and have an accepted offer! We have a list of inspectors from our agent. I was wondering if anyone on here had recommendations? This is an 80 year old house so I'm worried some inspectors won't be as familiar with what to look for, etc.

My fiancee and I are also a bit worried about the roof, as it is the original roof. Depending on how the inspection goes, we might want an extra inspection for that. Does anyone have recommendations for someone to do this?


Edited by mnicholls
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Hi all.

We found a house and have an accepted offer! We have a list of inspectors from our agent. I was wondering if anyone on here had recommendations? This is an 80 year old house so I'm worried some inspectors won't be as familiar with what to look for, etc.

My fiancee and I are also a bit worried about the roof, as it is the original roof. Depending on how the inspection goes, we might want an extra inspection for that. Does anyone have recommendations for someone to do this?


Don't worry, I doubt your agent would give you a bad list of inspectors, unless they are a bad agent. Of course, a bad agent wouldn't be handing out any lists!

Rest assured, the inspector will find more things than you can imagine while walking around with him (most won't be a big deal). You won't need an extra roof inspection, that is one of the main jobs of the inspector. I assume it is an asbestos roof if it is 80 years old? When they are that age they can't handle an inspection where they walk around on it so it will have to be a visually inspected from the ladder or the street. But, I can tell you now that even if you have the thick 1/4" tiles then the roof is approaching the end of its life span. And if it is the 1/8" thick roof it is probably as brittle as can be. If you need to have it replaced I know a roofer that is not outrageous for asbestos removal (PM me if you need his number).

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I REALLY liked the guys Hedderman Engineering sent. I can PM their names if you like.


State Roofing Co.


Also really liked our roofer - though he only did an inspection and no work. We called SO many roofing companies, half never called back, half wanted $ to come out and look.

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Thanks for the replies guys...

We actually have an advantage since there was a previous inspection done on the house, that we have access to. This is our first house, but after reviewing this inspection document, we feel comfortable about the house and it's "quirks", with the exception of the roof and possibly mold.

The inspection doesn't have details about the roof needing replacement. Overall the main points it listed were a sagging roof, one missing tile and a few broken tiles. It did mention that the roof most likely contained asbestos, which makes us worry. From what I understand asbestos tiles shouldn't be a problem, unless we need to replace the roof. After 80 years, how can we expect it to last much longer? I'd hate to spend $20,000 (or however much it would cost) a few years down the road...

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I don't see how a new roof for your house could cost 20 grand, even with trumped up charges for asbestos removal. I got a new 30 year shingle roof on my 1200 sq ft house a couple years ago for right around $5K. That included a few extra charge upgrades and removal of all the old roof down to the rafters.

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I don't see how a new roof for your house could cost 20 grand, even with trumped up charges for asbestos removal. I got a new 30 year shingle roof on my 1200 sq ft house a couple years ago for right around $5K. That included a few extra charge upgrades and removal of all the old roof down to the rafters.

I'm a house virgin so please set me straight! I had no idea what the premium to abate asbestos would be. I was able to speak with someone this morning who guesstimated it would cost $4000-$5000 to remove the asbestos roof, if we ever needed to. Add maybe $4000 for new shingles and I feel a lot less worried about having to replace the roof.

I was able to locate 2 people who do work on asbestos tile roofs who are willing to check out the house. So we'll see what they say!

Yankee_In_TX: I called a number of roofing companies this morning and the majority haven't called back. The few I did speak to wouldn't mess with asbestos roofs.

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Here's a short article about asbestos shingles.


Don't let people scare you into spending a fortune ripping out the old roof and replacing it. If it is leaking, or has significant damage, then replace it. If it is simply old, don't replace it immediately. Spend some time figuring out what to replace it with. An asbestos roof is not a danger if left alone. It is when people mess with it that it becomes problematic.

As a first time home owner, you will find any number of people who are quick to tell you that everything on your house is bad, needs immediate replacement, will kill your children and pets, and all manner of other scares reminiscent of a terror attack. Take all of it with a wheelbarrow of salt. That house made it 80 years without your "friends". It will make it a few more without their help. The only things that need immediate attention are leaks and broken pipes or appliances. Even termites take years to do significant damage. Keep in mind that the two main motives of the dire home repair warning is profit (from contractors) and superiority (your friends).

I own a 89 year old bungalow. I lived in it 3 years before I touched anything (except for a leaky kitchen faucet). When I finally got around to tearing it up, I found it to be in remarkably good shape. I still haven't touched that old-assed roof on top.

Enjoy the ride. It is expensive, but worth it.

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