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Houston double murder suspect arrested in Mexico


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DA Gains Mexico Arrest of Fugitive in Harris County Double Murders

Houston, Tx - The Harris County District Attorney's Office, working with federal and Mexican authorities, has secured the arrest of a double-murder defendant who fled into Mexico, District Attorney Patricia Lykos announced Friday.

Librado Medina Jimenez, 35, will remain jailed in Mexico while formal extradition action is prepared against him. He was captured Wednesday in Matehuala, in the state of San Luis Potosi.

Jimenez is the third Harris County murder fugitive to be taken into custody in Mexico in recent weeks. Captures have come through the combined efforts of the District Attorney's Office and DA's Extradition Administrator Kim Bryant, the FBI, U.S. Department of Justice and Mexican federal and local government agencies.

District Attorney Lykos praised the close cooperation among agencies in these arrests. "Violent criminals are finding out that there is no longer a safe haven for them, either in Harris County or in our neighboring nation to the south," she said. "They can expect to be apprehended and returned to face justice, especially when Kim Bryant of our office is on their case."

Jimenez was charged in June 2008 with killing Israel Guevara, 50, and his son Israel Alvarado, 17, on March 8 of last year. He allegedly chased them in his truck after an argument and fight, and then shot them both as they attempted to flee in their vehicle.

Late last year, the Houston-based FBI Task Force relayed information on Jimenez's location to Extradition Administrator Bryant. She coordinated the case with U.S. and Mexican agencies, leading to issuance of a Mexican arrest warrant on August 5.

Jimenez is charged with capital murder, although the death penalty is not being sought in the case. A U.S.-Mexican treaty only allows for the extradition of defendants where the prosecuting agency agrees not to seek the death penalty.

Earlier this month, the District Attorney's Office and law enforcement agencies gained the Mexico arrests of Harris County murder fugitives Esequiel Rios Villareal, 42, and Timoteo Rios, 24. Extradition is pending against them.

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