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Guessing Game 23


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Since the last winner hasn't started a new game in 2 weeks.. here we go.


If you 100% for sure know the answer, answer in a way that hides the location in your response yet is obvious to me that you do know. That way others can keep on guessing and have a little fun. Maybe even throw out a few misleading clues to throw off the others, Etc..)





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Oh, I got it now...Brisbane, Aus!

(I actually guessed that before I read your post Marmer...lol)

Edited by UrbaNerd
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I'm not naming any names.. but i think some of us have to work on our clues not being quite so obvious.

Congrats to Marmer and Urbanerd for guessing it correctly. ...However.. Congrats to Porchman for guessing it correctly first while offering a discreet clue.

Where the men go one way and the women go the other.

Streets in downtown Brisbane are named after British royals, with female names running parallel to Queen St and male names running perpendicular.

Brisbane map

Porchman.... take it away.

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