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Orient Ballroom At 5400 Harrisburg Blvd.


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My mother lived in West University Place while growing up (she's 94) but is trying to remember the name of an old dance hall where she went with her parents back in about 1925-30. She remembers that it was in the East End & thinks it was close to Park Place. This hall had the name of a woman. That place holds fond memories for her & I'm hoping I can find an old picture of it, if I can first find the name of the hall. Thanks a bunch for any help.

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The Orient Ballroom at 5400 Harrisburg is the closest match I could find in the 1932 city directory (the closest date to your date range that I have).

There are many more dancing academies and teachers (like Miss Ella D Lupau at 2347 Delafield and Kensington Hall at 2626 Lidstone), but I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for..

Here's a screenshot of the listings for reference:


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i think their were a number of night clubs (some might have been considered dance halls) on galveston road back then...i know there was one near the park place blvd. intersection.

they might not have been listed in sevfiv's directory since it probably wasn't in the city limits then.

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  • The title was changed to Old Dance Halls In East End
  • The title was changed to Orient Ballroom At 5400 Harrisburg Blvd.

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