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Your Favorite Central and South American Cities


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Hey everyone, I was thinking about taking a vacation to Central or South America before the year is over and I was just wondering if everyone could tell me their favorite cities down there. I'd like to hear just as much if not more about the lesser known or smaller cities too. Also, it would be nice if Continental or some other airline flew as well.

Looking forward...

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I lived in Caracas for a couple of years, and traveled extensively all around Latin America.

That being said, it was about 16 years ago, so your milage may vary.

Caracas can be a lot of fun, especially if you are with a native and not afraid to get out and about. But it IS dangerous. Do not underestimate that. But if you like dancing, meat (as in beef), and some great seafood, you can have a blast there. But you really need to be careful.

Quito was always a good trip (I will also point out that most of the trips I took were for business. If I had some extra time I would tourist around as much as possible) and it is much calmer (and smaller) than other Latin Amercian cities. You can use Quito as a base to visit interesting places like the Mitad Del Mundo (the Middle of the World - or the equator), Otovalo (both a big volcanic crater and a wonderful market), Cuenca (a little far, but plenty of Panama Hats there) and some interesting Haciendas.

Bogota is also a lot of fun, especially if you know someone there. It is much safer than Caracas, and pretty safe in general. The gold museum there is not to be missed. And if you have a spare evening, visit Andres, Carne de Res (roughly translated as Pete's Fine Meats. But it is a club, not a butcher shop). If you go to Colobia, make sure you go to Catagena des Indias. Great old colonial city.

I really love Lima, mainly for the food and the history (There was an artile in the NYTimes lately about the food in Lima. If you go there, make sure you read that article. Sorry I don't have the link) Parts of Lima are a bit dangerous (pickpockets, mostly) but that is the case with any large city. Barancas is gritty, Miraflores in beautiful. Not to be missed.

If you decied to do Peru, go to Arequipa as well. You will not see many tourists there, but it is a loty of fun. In the shaows of El Misti (a volcano) the city is built from White Ryolite (A volcanic stone) you will have great stories to tell your friends.

I have only been to Santa Cruz del a Sierra (which, oddly enough, is in the jungle) in Bolivia, and I would not recommend it.

Buenos Aires is spectacular, and you can spend a month there as easily as a week. Of couse, you will have to deal with the Argentines, the most arrogent of all Latin Americans. But wonderful people once you get to know them. (How is that for a generalization?)

I have spent a ton of time in Mexico as well, but I would say you can find out much about those cities on the Internet.

I never enjoyed Rio, except for the view on the beaches.

Have a good trip.

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I've heard good things about Costa Rice and Panama City. Though Costa Rica is supposed to be overrun with lower-class Disney types these days. I saw some pictures of Panama City recently and thought it looks quite interesting, and massively more developed than I thought it would be.

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Hey everyone, I was thinking about taking a vacation to Central or South America before the year is over and I was just wondering if everyone could tell me their favorite cities down there. I'd like to hear just as much if not more about the lesser known or smaller cities too. Also, it would be nice if Continental or some other airline flew as well.

Looking forward...

1. Southwest Houston (bordered by Bellaire, Westpark, Hillcroft and Chimney Rock).

2. Walmart

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Nice suggestions. For this particular trip, safety is important to me.

How many of these are coastal towns? Being close to the water is sounding pretty good.

go to chile. north to south, in my opinion it's one of the most varied and beautiful countries in terms of physical geography. and the people are really, really nice. i felt safe everywhere. as for the water, it will be pretty cold. on the plus side, you can see deserts and flamingos in northern chile, the lake region in the center, and glaciers in the south. it also has penguins pretty far north, and, of course, spectacular mountains throughout. oh, and don't forget the vineyards. peru's a great alternative, but chile's my favorite. whereever you end up, enjoy!

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I've heard good things about Costa Rice and Panama City. Though Costa Rica is supposed to be overrun with lower-class Disney types these days. I saw some pictures of Panama City recently and thought it looks quite interesting, and massively more developed than I thought it would be.

I am writing from Panama where I am currently visiting, at the moment in Panama City. This is my third visit. A trip from Panama City down the Pacific Coast to see the beaches is easy to make as is a trip to the Atlantic side which is only 50 miles away and can easily be reached in about an hour on the recently completed highway that goes from the Pacific to Atlantic sides of the country. In addition to Panama City, a trip to David, a city to the north is worth a visit, mainly because it is a jumping off point to Boquete and other places in Chiriqui Province that are much smaller, are in the mountains ( a non active volcano, Volcan Baru is located in this area), have beautiful landscapes and flora. Bocas del Toro, an archipelago very close to the Costa Rican border is also worth the visit, particularly if one likes to surf and scuba dive. There are regions worth visiting in Panama, but the ones described above are the most popular.

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go to chile. north to south, in my opinion it's one of the most varied and beautiful countries in terms of physical geography. and the people are really, really nice. i felt safe everywhere. as for the water, it will be pretty cold. on the plus side, you can see deserts and flamingos in northern chile, the lake region in the center, and glaciers in the south. it also has penguins pretty far north, and, of course, spectacular mountains throughout. oh, and don't forget the vineyards. peru's a great alternative, but chile's my favorite. whereever you end up, enjoy!

I agree on Chile. Santiago is a nice city with quick access to the vineyards and not far to get to the coast. I felt safe everywhere that I went as well.

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