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Historic Chicago Bungalow Association

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Can anyone envision this in Houston?

Launched by Mayor Richard M. Daley in September of 2000, the Historic Chicago Bungalow Initiative is designed to foster an appreciation of the Chicago Bungalow as a distinctive housing type, encourage sympathetic rehabilitation of Chicago bungalows, and assist bungalow owners with adapting their homes to current needs, which in turn helps to strengthen Chicago bungalow neighborhoods.

The Historic Chicago Bungalow Association works in partnership with the City of Chicago Department of Housing to keep neighborhoods affordable and preserve a Chicago treasure.


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Can anyone envision this in Houston?

This seems like a proactive way to help protect neighborhoods where restrictions do not. It might play well in designated neighborhoods. It dovetails well with some of COH's drive for affordable housing, tax incentives around restoration and its greening initiatives. Two skeptic's questions:

  • Would this be deemed an efficient use of resources (versus the more applied build-new-box approach to housing solutions) such that the resources would be made available? Perhaps, a more private-based approach would address that issue.
  • Would the "uplifted" housing simply promote gentrification, thereby undermining the goal of affordability? (It just might be possible that some neighborhood in Houston could have restored bungalows selling in the mid-300's, you know?emoticons.png)

Neat program. Thanks for sharing this.

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