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The Rail Runs At Closing Time?

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Hey all,

I was driving around downtown from 1:30-2:30 last night and was STUNNED to see a light rail train going through.

I thought they had decided not to run them at closing time? From what I've seen, they got quite a few riders, is this an adjustment for the summer?


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they've been running "last call" trains for sometime now. they run until 2:15am on fridays and saturdays. this was started as a trial last fall i believe, and ridership was low, but they decided to keep the trial going for now. as far as i know this is still part of the trial and not permanent.

we've been tempted to ride them home when staying at a friend's place in midtown and going out, but by the time we get everyone together, and get food or something it's well passed 2:15 so we have to cab it anyways.

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The late Friday and Saturday trains were started about a year ago at the request of city leaders and downtown businesses. They were not initially successful in terms of ridership (I've ridden them a few times, and on one occassion I was the *only* person on the train) and METRO's service evaluation manager recommended several months ago that they be eliminated. I'm not sure why the trains are still running - either ridership has improved (which is a possibility) or METRO's under a lot of pressure from businesses and politicians to keep these late trains in operation (which I seriously doubt, since METRO had no problem ignoring business leaders and elected officials when they recently killed the downtown trolleys and eliminated a lot of "low-performing" bus routes).

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