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"Oye, best wishes to wherever you go, and I hope you find a nice quiet, non-progressing one post-office, one police-officer, one fire-hydrant town to make your life happier than it has been for the past 35 years. I'm sorry that you think Houston is the only city in the world worth dissing and that we're the only citizens in the world that's trying to improve ourselves to your disadvantage, yo. Booyakasha!!!!!"

my friend lives in "middle of nowhere Iowa"

perhaps this guy bashing Houston can check out for himself their major headlines:


get a taste of what it is like out there, complete with nothing to do.

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you hate it here that much, LEAVE! My gawd, some of us like it here, some of us don't, but you know if you don't like it here, no one is forcing you to stay. You want country living go out to the midwest and enjoy your tree-hugging self.

You are finding EVERYTHING negative to say about Houston and its pathetic. I don't like Houston but I don't hate it either but you know what its my home city and I will defend it.

I guarntee you go somewhere else for a while long enough to hate it and come back here after the city is developed and we'll see what you have to say.

No city is perfect, they ALL have their problems and almost any major city you go to is going to be full of traffic. (wasn't that discussed?)

You want to bring down this city b/c your miserable in it. You know we're not missing much by you hating the city anyway.

I lived here for almost all my life (5 years in El Paso) and I couldn't wait to move back. El Paso was quiet BUT OH SO BORING! You want mosquitos? You try living with scorpions hiding in your clothes, in your house, up your walls, in everywhere you turn. You try living with 100 degree dry heat hot enough to fry a sidewalk, you try the dust storms that blow through, the endless traffic there, manuerving around Mountains, the endless unfairness of people who don't speak spanish can't even get a job there (well unless your billingual, you won't be able to get a job in El Paso. My mom didn't get a job she wanted b/c she couldn't speak spanish) you try the endless illegals crossing from Mexico into El Paso and the American's paying for the welfare of the illegals who DO Have their children over the border OR buying houses here and NOT paying Taxes!

There is an insight to one city that had nothing to do but travel to New Mexico for faires that happened out that way.

"I could NEVER work a 9 to 5er and live lets say around, yes Cypress, and have to work in downtown, and sit in dreaded un-nessasary crap hole we call traffic"

My brother travels downtown to Sugar Land (that's why he bought a Satalite Radio) AND from Sugar Land to the Galleria area working NOT a 9-5er but a more 4 AM-4 PM job and then about a 6 hour job at his other work. Now you want to talk about driving downtown in traffic?

"Im sorry, been dealing with it too long, as I said, I will NOT miss it. Everytime I get in my car and sit a congested intersecion with my brain baking from the heat "I WILL NOT MISS THIS PLACE, CANT WAIT TO GET OUTTA HERE!" All you proud newbies who are for some reason immuned to it can have this ever increasing MADNESS."

Stay away from NY, NJ, Las Vegas, L.A. -there is madness in traffic!

oh and let's see...

not sure what the vermin is like in certain areas but

Las Vegas-Scorpions (dangerous)

L.A./San Diego (Coyotes/Mountain Lions that eat your pets)

So if you are so unhappy WHERE DO YOU WANT TO LIVE?

If you are unhappy here, don't let the door hit you on the way out!

Well if you have a problem with the way I wanna air out my frustrations about the place... COME SAY IT HERE!... No registration required!! I just like to let off steam about a place thats driving me insane, and how other people "Love it!"......


Its just like some people LOVE WALMART!..Love to work at it! But some, or alot think it TOO sux! And want to air out their feeelings about it as well... Like right here.....


Im going to be working on a protest video, on the results of LACK of zoning laws have done to this place. Again for starters, look at all the Albertsons!! What a waist!!! And I know alot of other people who have lived here as long as me also stand by me on that! :angry:

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Well if you have a problem with the way I wanna air out my frustrations about the place... COME SAY IT HERE!... No registration required!! I just like to let off steam about a place thats driving me insane, and how other people "Love it!"......


Its just like some people LOVE WALMART!..Love to work at it! But some, or alot think it TOO sux! And want to air out their feeelings about it as well... Like right here.....


Im going to be working on a protest video, on the results of LACK of zoning laws have done to this place. Again for starters, look at all the Albertsons!! What a waist!!! And I know alot of other people who have lived here as long as me also stand by me on that!  :angry:

Hellraiser, i have been down here in Houston for almost a year now attending college and i can see how this place after beingere for so long might start to get one annoyed in frustrated. My biggest problem is the heat, humidity and air. But honestly, i can say that anywhere you go, you're going to run into something about it you don't like.

This board is a board to where you can speak your mind but i guess people on this board want to look at the fact that Houston is slowly but surely improving. It won't be long before it actually gets well known as a major destination place. It's really not that much different from places like Atlanta, Denver, Dallas, or any other of these large cities.

I wish Houston would kind of glitz itself up a little more esp in downtown at night. If they did that at both street level and on the skyscrapers, i bet they'll see a more surge of retail. I know because storeowners want to be in a place where it seems lively and somewhere they'll be noticed. Not having any lit up signs definitely runs the risk of them being overseen.

I also wish Houston would stop with the freeway expansion and start using that money and putting it toward lightrail expansions and improvements. Houston already has a sprawl problem like Atlanta. I guess that is the thing that frustrates me the most here.

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Im just sick of all the worsening 'PUSH AND SHOVE' envoriment. tierwestah, ill bet your a newbie from points elsewhere that has to reply with that kind of comment. Ill be glad to get away from people like him too, who take PRIDE in getting around in rubberneck / horn-honking,accident prone conditions.

I'm a take it easy on you since you're new but all i'm saying is, if you hate it here that much, you have I-10 that runs east and west and I-45 running north and south. Take your pick buddy! You can leave anytime. What's stopping ya? I'm with BayouCity Girl but i'm gonna add my own little phrase:" Don't let the door hit ya where it shoulda bit cha!"

And I'll BET THAT you're just one of those many who like to gripe and complain about everything about a big city like Houston. Most big cities i know of have that same PUSH AND SHOVE environment you speak of. I think you'd be better off in Tyler Texas :lol:

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Hellraiser, i have been down here in Houston for almost a year now attending college and i can see how this place after beingere for so long might start to get one annoyed in frustrated. My biggest problem is the heat, humidity and air. But honestly, i can say that  anywhere you go, you're going to run into something about it you don't like.

This board is a board to where you can speak your mind but i guess people on this board want to look at the fact that Houston is slowly but surely improving. It won't be long before it actually gets well known as a major destination place. It's really not that much different from places like Atlanta, Denver, Dallas, or any other of these large cities.

I wish Houston would kind of glitz itself up a little more esp in downtown at night. If they did that at both street level and on the skyscrapers, i bet they'll see a more surge of retail. I know because storeowners want to be in a place where it seems lively and somewhere they'll be noticed. Not having any lit up signs definitely runs the risk of them being overseen.

I also wish Houston would stop with the freeway expansion and start using that money and putting it toward lightrail expansions and improvements. Houston already has a sprawl problem like Atlanta. I guess that is the thing that frustrates me the most here.

Well said my freind. Like I said, im not saying this to be mean to anyone here, you all seem like a nice crowd, and partiers on your spare time when youre not sitting in the crazy traffic congestion. You all have jobs to do. You all have to make a living as well as others, and again I deeply respect thoes, and congraduate thoes who are taking a step up. I know i came on harsh, i know my name is not inviting, but I yes want the newbies to feel at home as though when i go to my new place of home as well.

The heat, YES... It should be a law to have a working air-conditionair here. The freeways need yes a alternative solution... Ok. I wanna breif you ppl on somthing else I enjoy also on my spare time, its too long to explain here, so just go here, scope it out when you get a chance......


I love exploring open roads and doing research and history on them. Like US HWYS 90,290 and 75 were once wagon trails that followed the railroads here to help build this city. The railroads PERIOD built the city and lots of others...Id love to see the rails rise again, because im a mega train fanatic as well. But they are too busy being at the time pilots and making interstates rise. Just go to this site here, tells all about it, VERY facinating....


I just wish Houston would ORGANIZE its zoneings and plans more carfully. PREPARE to build the roads and expand them to handle traffic before it starts getting too busy.

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Guest danax
Im with you on that. I worked for a VFD. Im moving to where I inherited some land in Montana, a place where zoning laws exist, and theyre not build,build,build crazy. Thats another thing to add, I wont miss the heat, and dreaded humidty.

Hey give us a buzz from Big Sky and let us know how you're doing up there. It will be enlightening to hear how someone who's lived 35 years here likes it there. I hear it gets so cold there that any livestock left outside risk having their ears freeze solid and fall off in pieces.

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enjoy your nothing to do wide open spaces as well!

"Well said my freind. Like I said, im not saying this to be mean to anyone here, you all seem like a nice crowd, and partiers on your spare time when youre not sitting in the crazy traffic congestion. You all have jobs to do. You all have to make a living as well as others, and again I deeply respect thoes, and congraduate thoes who are taking a step up. I know i came on harsh, i know my name is not inviting, but I yes want the newbies to feel at home as though when i go to my new place of home as well. "

I'm not a partier I can tell you that. Normally after 12 hours of work I'm too tired to go anywhere.

BTW, tell me when you find some clubs up in Montana worth partying over too.

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I agree.  I never appreciated Houston until I went and lived in Chicago, and even though Chicago beats Houston in just about all the "officially recognized" categories for urban/sophisticated types, I missed Houston every day I was there.  Now that I'm back, I don't miss Chicago, although I do enjoy visiting every now and again.

The thing about Houston is, it's so easy to live here.  As long as you can get over the things you don't have - lakes and mountains and all - life here is really a breeze.  Money makes itself.  Nothing costs anything.  People are friendly and generally unworried about social class.  It's easy to get around, and easy to park your car.  Don't tell me about traffic; I was a courier here after college, and I still think it's easy to get around.  It is impossible to become stressed out in this town - if you are, you're doing something wrong.

That is exactly the reason I moved to Houston and stayed in Houston. People don't understand how easy life is here, it's really very underappreciated.

As far as trees, I can't think of another giant city that has as many trees as Houston. Maybe Atlanta. I can tell you that I've seen old pictures of the area I live in Katy and the developers changed what was a prarie into a small forest.

As far as commute time, Houston has one of the lowest among the 10 largest cities in the country.

I agree that you need to move so you can truly appreciate what we have here. Good luck and see ya soon.

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I really don't know why some are so pissy with you, Hellraiser. Frankly, there are lots of points that you brought up that made sense. I love this city very much, but I'm not too proud to say it has its share of faults, and they're big ones in my book. Unfortunately, it's all part of life, this growth, this sprawl...cutting down trees and expanding highways, building crappy cookie-cutter neighborhoods and strip malls with little respect for the enviro-history...but unless people change, the situation won't, either (and I don't think people are going to change anytime soon).

Before I met my husband, I had a contract on my house and I was packed up to move to Key West. The contract fell through around the same time my husband fell into my lap. :) It was no coincidence and I wouldn't trade my life for the world, but there sure are days I would trade my town, because I just don't understand the motives of the people running it.

Good luck wherever you are moving! Enjoy! :)

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I know i came on harsh, i know my name is not inviting, but I yes want the newbies to feel at home as though when i go to my new place of home as well.

Hey Hellraiser,

There is another way to look at it. If you barge into a house, yelling at everyone who lived there, telling them they all sucked and the place they lived was a piece of crap, would you still expect to be welcomed as a newbie and would still want to feel at home?

You obviously prefer country-living but thats not everyone's preferred way of life and so you cant expect everyone to agree with you. For instance, I was once in Biling, Montana (which I believe is it largest city) and I couldnt imagine surviving in a town where it is freezing nine months of the year and where going out or partying on a weekend amounts to no more than shopping at a Wal-mart, dining at Denny's and watching movie at a Cineplex. But then of course there are others who are perfectly happy with that.

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As far as trees, I can't think of another giant city that has as many trees as Houston. Maybe Atlanta. I can tell you that I've seen old pictures of the area I live in Katy and the developers changed what was a prarie into a small forest.

Isnt it funny? Where the trees dont exist, developers are planting them. Where they do, developers are cutting them! I do agree though that, overall, Houston is indeed quite green.

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I really don't know why some are so pissy with you, Hellraiser.  Frankly, there are lots of points that you brought up that made sense. 

All of the "points" brought up by Hellraiser (heat, humidity, traffic, lack of zoning) have already been brought up and discussed numerous times before on this board. However, there is a fine line between insightful criticism and blind bashing. and when that's crossed, it can cause some agitation.

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enjoy your nothing to do wide open spaces as well!

"Well said my freind. Like I said, im not saying this to be mean to anyone here, you all seem like a nice crowd, and partiers on your spare time when youre not sitting in the crazy traffic congestion. You all have jobs to do. You all have to make a living as well as others, and again I deeply respect thoes, and congraduate thoes who are taking a step up. I know i came on harsh, i know my name is not inviting, but I yes want the newbies to feel at home as though when i go to my new place of home as well. "

I'm not a partier I can tell you that. Normally after 12 hours of work I'm too tired to go anywhere.

BTW, tell me when you find some clubs up in Montana worth partying over too.


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All of the "points" brought up by Hellraiser (heat, humidity, traffic, lack of zoning) have already been brought up and discussed numerous times before on this board. However, there is a fine line between insightful criticism and blind bashing. and when that's crossed, it can cause some agitation.

You MUST be a native!! :D:P

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Interesting topic. After spending the last few days with my new coworkers (who are from all over -- Olympia, WA, central Oregon, Rochester, NY, and Richmond, VA), it's interesting to hear their take on our lovely city. Overwhelmingly, they love Houston! One (Richmond) has never been here but is dying to come see the city and has always considered it almost a "dream" destination. Oregon has a sister here and loves the urban nature of the city and beautiful older neighborhoods inside 610. Rochester loves great dining and shopping and considers this to be a fabulous destination for both. And Olympia thinks it's just a fun place to be.

Then there are the Canadian contractors in my training class. The two from Montreal act like civilization starts to disappear when you cross the Quebec border, and is gone completely when you cross into the US. At lunch the other day Rochester and I were discussing the great Chinese and Vietnemese restaurants here and one of the Montreal people was absolutely shocked to learn there was a Chinatown in the US that's not in New York or San Francisco. :rolleyes:

It was interesting though to hear multiple people from diverse backgrounds and different parts of the country have such positive things to say about Houston. It does make me wonder how much of our *perceived* negative image is of our own creation. I only encountered one person while in Pennsylvania this last week who had something negative to say about our city, and he was someone who was about as exciting to be around as a pile of dirt. I'm not sure he could be excited by very much in this world anyway.

Yes, this city has it's faults. I'm right up there with 27 when it comes to bugs, heat, and humidity. However, those are by no means universal to Houston, and fortunately we have the air conditioning to deal with our summers. I've been to a lot of places in the northeast that are just as miserable in the summers but don't have lots of AC, so when you go inside it's still warm. Much of the midwest is the same way in the summers.

Ill get back with you on that amigo.

Thanks for all the positive replies from the rest of you. It raises my confidence. :D

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You MUST be a native!! :D  :P

Nope! Just moved here from Seattle few months ago. Since you have lived here all your life, I can see why you want to try something different. I think you should go ahead and try it, if only to experience different places. As an outsider, you may then be able to look at Houston from a different perspective, compare and contrast it with other places and more clearly see what does Houston lack and what it doesn't.

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Probably because they didnt live here since 1971, nor they never knew this place existed until they got their degree. (The wealthy college people they are dont ever have the education enough to admit theyre WRONG!) and ONLY payed $20k for a 3 bedroom home, and payed reasonable property taxes. Now this home, single story, 2 car garage i might add, now sells for $100k and outrageous taxes. Yes we're also sitting here also to pay the rich to be richer. Some of these people who also wanna drive me insane, come down here and want to ((TAKE OVER THE LAND!)) and buy everyone out, like THEY also did to the native indians YEARS ago. As much as I hate to say, I hope to END the madness, there will be a stock market crash, and they will be in street bumming dimes, and ill take every delight in looking them in the eye and say "I told you so"

If you yuppy SNOB, especilly YOU  "Bayou City Girl" OOOO LAA DEEE DAAA!! (((ARRRAHHH!!!))) Have a problem with that!!... you know where to meet me!....


The stupid TARD show "Wild about Houston?" Do you spend your 12 hours WORKING for them!? Boy, to fed up natives like me Im sure as hell "WILD ABOUT LEAVEING Houston", and its sure going to be a honer! ...


Parrothead,Well, you must do what you feel is right. Let me also rephrase somthing else... Im also a native Houstonian. Lived here ALL my live. Born on the S.W. side. Ive seen it all. But im TIRED! I want a change of scenerey.

If you guys are happy with the crime, crouds and congestion...fine with me. I sure dont enjoy it. It gets OLD after awhile..and yes, thats all part of living in a enviorment such as this.

Tell you what... I may have land in Montana... Im going to check it out... The only thing stopping me from STFU, and leaving is my freinds are still here. Hard to break away from that. 2, is common since. :)

So, um, lemme get this straight. First off, you could have purchased a $20k home in your disco years, and now that land's worth FIVE times as much, and you're complaining about it? Secondly, you diss da "wealthy college people" for being "wrong" for wanting to move here while you sat there ? THEN you'd rather live in a place famous for their "Rocky Mountain oysters" instead of da city wit da best barbecue on earth? Then you diss Bayou City Girl for pointing out Montana's VIBRANT nightlife compared to ours <_< ? Dude, no one's ever built over my family's land, and I live in SW Houston too. I really couldn''t imagine wishing poverty on anyone, but I guess if I didn't have a life, I'd be mad at Houston too.

If this city was so bad to you, why would it take 35 years to leave, yo? There's nothing wrong with wanting to try a new change in your life, or living in a new place, but dude, why did it take you so long to realize that over 4 million people live in our metropolitan area?

Houston, there is A LOT that we can do to improve our city. Perhaps losing one ungrateful is a big step? :P I must send props to Hellraiser in the fact that Ozzy is cool! However, I LOVE HOUSTON!! You still haven't convinced me that H-Town doesn't kick ass, yo. Once again, Houston's Rick James. You Charlie Murphy.

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If you yuppy SNOB, especilly YOU "Bayou City Girl" OOOO LAA DEEE DAAA!! (((ARRRAHHH!!!))) Have a problem with that!!... you know where to meet me!....

-Um excuse me, yuppy? because I don't party maybe?

I'm far from a yuppy. I'm 27 years old and I am just not into partying. I work because I have bills to pay. I just don't understand why a 38 year old adult man would come on here, bash a city and make us all want to feel for him. I haven't left Houston yet because I can't afford it. I am thinking that if your house brings you so much money, perhaps you can see your 100K house and go move out of here like...yesterday. Nothing is stopping you from leaving. But you know once you leave home you can never come home again. Meaning once you leave here, things change and sometimes its hard to adjust.

You really need to do something about your anger problem too. You don't have a problem with the city, you have low self esteem and you want everyone to be pissed off like you are. Because now you are biting into trashing people as well as hating Houston. Maybe its not Houston that's the problem its you.

Its not me. I don't have alot of money either but I don't go around bashing people on a board because I don't like it here.

If you think doesn't have trees, high tail it toward Lousiana. Go toward the Woodlands, go see toward Intercontinental Airport, as far as I know I saw plenty of trees. As a matter of fact, how can you say Houston isn't wooded with trees? flying into town I saw lots of trees in the area.

I got another question...

Your 38 years old and your clubbing (or partying)...have you established ANYTHING in your life? I would think its a bit sad to see a 40 year old guy clubbing (you didn't specify your idea of partying)

Its a bit sad that you are mean spirited in this way. I could think of other ways of why you are unhappy but I won't go into it.

It just seems no matter where you'll go, you'll never be happy.

If you move to Montana maybe the mountains won't be perfected ridged for you, maybe the horses you ride won't be beautiful enough, maybe just maybe you need to look at yourself and see why you are the way you are. Perhaps change your outlook and then perhaps it will change your unhappy mood. I mean who wants to be around so much negativity?

I USED to be like you -upset all the time- I found alternative ways. I am more into spirituality and starting doing "Reiki" and actually using gemstones. (Amtheyist is a REALLY good stone and so is Rose Quartz) but then again that's just me. After Reiki sessions I took, people noticed I changed and stop being so snappy at them. I learned to ease back a little. I'm still me but half the load I carried was gone. I have been carrying it on my back for so long I was losing friends more then gaining them.

But do what's best for you. If leaving is what's best, take the next flight out. NOTHING is stopping you. You are only stopping yourself.

i got a question. What makes me a yuppy?

Your just a negative person with a negative attitude and I think your PERFECT for Montana...as they say:

The further you get up north, the colder the air and the people.

(See you fit in there already!)

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So, um, lemme get this straight. First off, you could have purchased a $20k home in your disco years, and now that land's worth FIVE times as much, and you're complaining about it? Secondly, you diss da "wealthy college people" for being "wrong" for wanting to move here while you sat there ? THEN you'd rather live in a place famous for their "Rocky Mountain oysters" instead of da city wit da best barbecue on earth? Then you diss Bayou City Girl for pointing out Montana's VIBRANT nightlife compared to ours <_< ? Dude, no one's ever built over my family's land, and I live in SW Houston too.  I really couldn''t imagine wishing poverty on anyone, but I guess if I didn't have a life, I'd be mad at Houston too.

If this city was so bad to you, why would it take 35 years to leave, yo? There's nothing wrong with wanting to try a new change in your life, or living in a new place, but dude, why did it take you so long to realize that over 4 million people live in our metropolitan area?

Houston, there is A LOT that we can do to improve our city. Perhaps losing one ungrateful is a big step? :P  I must send props to Hellraiser in the fact that Ozzy is cool! However, I LOVE HOUSTON!! You still haven't convinced me that H-Town doesn't kick ass, yo. Once again, Houston's Rick James. You Charlie Murphy.

listen, let me tell you somthing!!! A TREE TRASHING BULLDOZER HIT MY CAR, TRING TO CLEAR OUT LAND TO BUILD MORE CRAP!!! IM GOING TO SUE,((SUE)),((((SUE!!!))))... Thats my applogy!!

*snaps his fingers!* I hate Houston LIFE... Simple!! If you have a real problem with that... dont say it...bring it HERE!.......


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Um keep yelling and your going to have a heart attack. I'm serious.

If you have this situation with stress why do you live in a big city anyway?

Anything we tell you, you'll fight so there's no sense in telling you to go to Montana and leave.

You want to stay here and raise hell with everyone.

You seriously need major emotional help.

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I just checked out Hellraiser's Rules of the House on his forum, and took a look at how he seems to be the only one there, and I'm guessing he's just lonely and frustrated and feeling powerless to change things for the better. I do feel for you H., but it might help if you joined a group trying to enact some of the changes you'd like seen happen, or maybe even enact that group on your own. A few years back when I was out camping with my family, I noticed an elderly couple up bright and early with big trashbags in their hands. I asked them what they were doing as they put on their workgloves. They said that they always go out every day and collect all the trash around them wherever they stay and get rid of it, so that they leave the place in better shape than when they found it. Not a bad motto to try to apply to our own lives as well, don't you think?

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listen, let me tell you somthing!!! A TREE TRASHING BULLDOZER HIT MY CAR, TRING TO CLEAR OUT LAND TO BUILD MORE CRAP!!! IM GOING TO SUE,((SUE)),((((SUE!!!))))... Thats my applogy!!

*snaps his fingers!* I hate Houston LIFE... Simple!! If you have a real problem with that... dont say it...bring it HERE!.......


Dude, I'm offended. Hellraiser snaped his fingers at me, yo! Did you see that <_< ?! And how can you try to lure me to join a forum where you're the administrator? Thanx for the invite, but I think it's more fun to laugh at you here where the whole city can read it. :lol:

Also, MAD respect to the Editor, BayouCityGirl, 27, Pineda, kzseattle, and EVERYONE that uses HoustonArchietchure.com for all your great ideas about how our great (Yes Hellraiser, GREAT) city can improve. It really is very moralizing when you know that you're not alone when you think something around town could be better. And it's a much better feeling when you see Houstonian like you wanting to do something about it instead of complain about it and run away to Montana like ome people.

To be honest, I'd be REALLY upset that someone bulldozed a tree into my car and didn't take responsibilty like I thought they were supposed to. That is, until I realized that I parked the car in front of a tree about to be bulldozed without expecting the tree to land on it :P

I kid, I kid :rolleyes: . I don't have have a problem with you hating Houston life. But if you ever try to diss Houston again, try to make more sense, yo. There's no place like da Lone Star State! RECOGNIZE!!!!!

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Damn right DJ! Once again you are totally right!

that guy has major issues!

Next time he better watch out for Rocks from the mountains falling on his car? what's he doing about that? Sue Montana?

He's probably one of those people who go to resturants and orders something only to take it back b/c its not to his exact satifaction (and get a free meal out of it)

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