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Firefighter Appreciation...


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Once a year or so, I give a Pizza Hut gift card ($100) to the Captain on duty at a Firestation so they can buy pizza for at least one shift at the company.

I will probably give one in early April and was wondering if anyone would like to do the same for a station that is responsible for their neighborhood or workplace.

This year I've been quite fortunate and plan on $200, which should be enough for at least 2 shifts. While I don't expect everyone to give that amount, I would like to know if anyone would be interested in coordinating so we can generally give on the same day, or at least the same week.

It doesn't need to be pizza, nor does it even have to be costly, but something to show your appreciation to them and that they don't go unnoticed.

For the cynical on HAIF, I generally try to have a witness or two when I hand it over to the officer so that it becomes general knowledge.

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Once a year or so, I give a Pizza Hut gift card ($100) to the Captain on duty at a Firestation so they can buy pizza for at least one shift at the company.

I will probably give one in early April and was wondering if anyone would like to do the same for a station that is responsible for their neighborhood or workplace.

This year I've been quite fortunate and plan on $200, which should be enough for at least 2 shifts. While I don't expect everyone to give that amount, I would like to know if anyone would be interested in coordinating so we can generally give on the same day, or at least the same week.

It doesn't need to be pizza, nor does it even have to be costly, but something to show your appreciation to them and that they don't go unnoticed.

For the cynical on HAIF, I generally try to have a witness or two when I hand it over to the officer so that it becomes general knowledge.

As an ex-firefighter I thank you for your generosity Ricco. Remember your feeding 4 shifts (if in Houston, 3 anywhere else). Bake some cookies or brownies if you don't want to donate pizza. Take it from me, anything involving food is a great gift. Firefighters love to eat.

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These men & women deserve so much more recognition.

I would ask Editor if it's ok to make a request in Community section and go further by posting on other local websites that let you do (advertise) it FREE. Be careful though when it comes to collecting $ from the people you don't know, it could become a real problem.

Sadly with the economy the way it is right now, the timing is not good. At all. but dont let that hamper your efforts. :)

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