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Dune Houses - Ideal for Galveston?

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Check these out. Maybe this is what the west side of the island needs.

First, you'd have to have a dune. I don't think there are any left on Galveston, Bolivar or Surfside anymore. (Not that there were big ones to begin with).

Second, it's pretty, but...BAD IDEA!!! When Ike was taking out homes that were elevated 15 feet off the ground, I don't think one built in a dune stands much of a chance.

Edited by Original Timmy Chan's
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Check these out. Maybe this is what the west side of the island needs.


(Sorry I can't post a photo -- it's a flash slideshow.)

I really like the interior design and layout and the grassy exterior geometry. But, as others mentioned, storm surge is a big problem there. And somehow it just doesn't appeal as much if it were on a lakefront setting.

I had introduced monolithic domes as an idea somewhere else on HAIF. I even know of someone who is planning to build one on Galveston that will be very similar to the one in Pensacola, FL shown in the link.

It doesn't seem like very much of a stretch to say that the interior design of the dune home and some adaptation of the exterior geometry of the monolithic dome home would be physically feasible and in fact could be a superior design for coastal areas as compared to traditional construction methods.

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