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Wooden Storm Windows

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I've been trying to figure out how to get my windows a little more weatherproof. I did not want to replace them, both for the cost and the fact that I wanted to keep the original windows. I also did not want to install metal storm windows. Playing around on the internet, I just found these very cool wooden storm windows. They are styled like old wooden storm windows, but have a glass window and screen built in behind the wood frame, just like metal storm windows.

Here is the website...


And here is a bungalow blog with photos of the installed windows.


I'll be calling on prices. I'll update later.

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Forgot to add, one of the best things about these windows is that if you plan to rehabilitate the original windows, having these storm windows in place will allow the original window to be removed and restored, while still having a window over the opening. No plywood coverings while you work on the old window.

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Those are beautiful! In the blog comments, the Oak Park guy noted he paid just over $300 for each one. For me, that translates into about $10k, which is steep. However, custom replacement windows that are styled to fit the house (custom colors and all that) are likely at least twice as much.

One concern I would have is how these are to look out of from the inside. Will they fog up or get dirtier than the standard windows? At least the glass will be new and so (in theory) should be easier to clean than the old, wavy glass.

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