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Addicks Reservoir Mystery Road And Cross

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This thread is one of the all time greats. It shall live as long as the reservoir holds it mysteries...... or until some developer gets their hands on it and builds strip centers and apartments. Then the thread will move to a urban sprawl forum.

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This thread is one of the all time greats. It shall live as long as the reservoir holds it mysteries...... or until some developer gets their hands on it and builds strip centers and apartments.

Never happen. The Addicks and Barker dams and reservoirs are federally owned and controlled for flood control purposes. No development of any kind is allowed and they will remain in their natural state into perpetuity.

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Never happen. The Addicks and Barker dams and reservoirs are federally owned and controlled for flood control purposes. No development of any kind is allowed and they will remain in their natural state into perpetuity.

I think it's like those alien landing strips down in Peru...it's the Houston version... ;)

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  • 4 months later...

As a person who grew up hiking and camping at this exact location, I can tell what I have seen some 35 years ago. I have seen a combination of strange activity of which I am not sure is related to each other. The road you question was used by 18 wheelers and military equipment exercises. This activity was conducted at night along with helicopters. What ever they were doing was related to mutilating cattle I assumed for examinations or experiments. I later leaned that a cows blood is closer to human blood than any other known animal. I was escorted out of the Addicks Dam area several times by Houston police who would patrol the top of the dam at night. They claimed to be looking for people starting fires. I never saw or heard of a fire behind the dam and this area was way out of their jurisdiction at the time. The area was prone to flooding which would drown the cattle just to be replaced again over and over. I also have seen the blue light cemetary glowing fog that I assumed was a natual occurance. I also saw many ufo's that could have been military but sure didn't look like anything I have seen since. I do not have a personal belief in ET's but this was a heck of a lot of strange activity to take place in the same exact area of your pictures. Everbody in my school knew about the strange lights in this area and was on Ripley's Believe It Or Not. Very close to the spot of your photos were pins for the cattle with heavy tire tracks. This seemed like a very remote spot to pin cattle up with no loading docks, just large area's of no grass and lot's of large truck tracks. I have often wondered if the ufo, blue light cemetary glowing fog and the military night operations along with numerous mutilated cattle were related in any way?

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There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat, there is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to... The Outer Limits.

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There are over 599,000 websites on this subject so this is not just my story. They are still being reported as happening at this time and their documents and photos are exactley like my expierence. What is even stranger is in most cases the cattle are found near crop circles or markings on the ground like the ones that started this topic. I did not know this when I first posted my story but after reading about Black Helicopters, I learned that there are thousands of reports from other countries and finding these cattle in areas of Dams is very common. Even the well known glowing gases from the Blue Light Cemetary are related to these findings in some way because this natual event is mentioned on most of these sights as popular areas for these cattle to be found. My intent is not to convince anyone of anything but that while the goverment admits this is caused by lightning and preditors they can not explain why the same body parts and blood is always removed. Texas is one of the states with many reports, estimates range from 10,000 to 20,000 reported cases. Most news papers claim law officers are reluctant or have been ordered to not discuss this topic. Here is a very small list of some of the news storys I have read but the list is endlist and redundant with every report the same.


* Texas, Jan. 22nd, a flap of sightings began of unmarked black choppers with spotlights. The flap began with a chopper hovering over a field where a mutilated cow had been found an hour earlier.

* Wood County, Texas, February, Mrs. A. D. Cruse heard a loud helicopter circling her home. A mutilate cow was found the next day.

* Smith, Gregg, Bosque, Croyell, Hamilton, Camp, Kaufman, and Hopkins County, Texas, February, a wave of black helicopter sightings continued.

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No, it's not my story to ruin. Actually, the hemoglobin in cows is the only human substitute! Please read below. This took about 15 seconds of research and no mention of pig blood on any website.

The US blood supply is chronically low. American blood banks are expected to come up about 250,000 units short in 2000. Donated blood is good for only about 42 days, and <5% of eligible donors give blood. While blood is a scarce resource, it also comes with a risk. Donated blood cannot be 100% safe. Hepatitis C is transmitted about once in every 100,000 transfusions and HIV, about once in every 675,000. There are 11 million transfusions a year in the USA.

In the Alliance trial, Oxygent is administered in the operating room under the supervision of anesthesiologists. Early results indicate that Oxygent is of great benefit to patients, and no serious side effects have been observed. The need for an oxygen delivery device has driven investigators down 2 general paths: modifying the blood's own hemoglobin and developing synthetic substitutes. Hemoglobin-based substitutes such as HemAssist require donated blood from either people or cows.

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  • 2 months later...

I hate to dig this thread back up, but more than 150 reply's and there doesn't seem to be an answer on this. What is it?

I saw the rodeo arena theory, but that doesn't explain the cross. Then the Indian mound theory.....still doesn't explain the cross.

Is it, or was it at some time long ago part of the "Blue light"?

I've done all the research I can on these, and can't come up with anything. However, I have noticed something that I don't think anyone else did. If you look on MSN maps, zoom down to 150 yards and look just west of what has been in a past reply reffered to as "USA" there is another mound, this one with pefectly straight line's or trails (possibly even waterways) comming from it.??

This is obviously man made, just like the other two features.

I'm just amazed that nobody seems to know what it is, except Fred of course.



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You mean just east? I don't see anything just west of the usa.

If you look on MSN maps, zoom down to 150 yards and look just west of what has been in a past reply reffered to as "USA" there is another mound, this one with pefectly straight line's or trails (possibly even waterways) comming from it.??

This is obviously man made, just like the other two features.



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I know for sure that's not Blue Light. Using the link a few posts above, go NNE across Patterson and you'll see a label for Bear Creek Park next to a clearing among the trees. At the southern edge of that clearing is the cemetery.

I know the Army Corps of Engineers will clear trees that show signs of some type of infestation or something. I know that's why those trees have been cleared near the cemetery. I don't think that was done in the disputed area because I don't see any path indicating heavy equipment went through there.

I have a feeling someone may have covered this in an earlier post! :lol:

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Bluelight what a huge blast from the past

I had been out there one or two times just being dumb on a slow night of drinking

not much to see on any of those trips and there was a bit of grave marker disturbance

this would have been 84-85

boy this site brings back memories of why Houston was so great to grow up in

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Your right gonzo, but wasn't that clearing the site of the Bear Creek Methodist church before it was moved over to hwy 6 and Park Row? I think that a marker is there stating that, but having not seen it with my own two eys's can't say for sure.

The Blue Light (Hillendahl-Eggling Cemetery) is that fenced area. It's been twenty years since the last time I went out there, and that was high school. I seem to remember though that, that clearing was there back then. I could have north and south confused though.

Searching around the net looking for information on this, has led me to several very off the wall sites. All of which have been filled with ghost stories about the cemetry, the cross and Patterson Rd. However no mention anywhere about the mounds.

The Patterson Rd. stories are the best. Did you know that if you drive down Patterson Rd. day or night, stop the car and turn it off, you'll soon start to hear tapping all over your car which will be followed by voices. :rolleyes: Anyway........

It's been extremely difficult to find a good detailed history of Addicks, I get bit's but nothing close to complete. A map of the town would be fantastic!

About the only thing close to an explanation I've seen came word of mouth from a farmer in the area, sometime back in the 80's. He claimed this was the work of "a bunch of pot smoking hippies". This was found posted at another fourm, onr of the ghost/haunted places ones, but I can't remember which.

I could almost buy that, but...... It's a cross. Not a peace sign!

Why would a bunch of hippies take time out of thier already hectic schedual of free love making and frequent LSD trips, to construct this cross and nearby mounds. Why also would they pick this snake infested swamp to camp in? This is not an area condusive to camping. So several things about the hippy theory don't wash either.

One other note, in what I've read there was another cemetary which was moved from this area at the time of the dam being built. Anyone know a location on this?



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Your right gonzo, but wasn't that clearing the site of the Bear Creek Methodist church before it was moved over to hwy 6 and Park Row? I think that a marker is there stating that, but having not seen it with my own two eys's can't say for sure.

I was told by the Army Corps of Engineers that they did the clearing. I've seen pictures of Blue Light from the 1970s and it looked somewhat wooded back then.

Maybe I missed it in the earlier posts, but did the Corps know the origins of the markings? They seemed pretty helpful when I dealt with them so I'm sure they would be more than happy to answer that.

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This thread was the one that made me a constant lurker at HAIF, so I'm really interested to get some closer. I've been out to Patterson many times (haunted bridge, tapping on the car, cemetery, all that) and I really am interested in the former Addicks town. I think it's kind of incredible that the town of Addicks is still used to describe the area when there is literally zero proof of its existence left. I too have searched online for information about it, and found next to nothing except it was abandoned to make room for the flooding. One thing I always found interesting as well is near Eldridge, almost right to it, is a side road to the left side when facing Eldridge on Patterson that goes nowhere. It's just a short piece of road right into the woods. Probably "old Eldridge" or something like that, but so odd that that track of road is still sitting there.

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This thread was the one that made me a constant lurker at HAIF, so I'm really interested to get some closer. I've been out to Patterson many times (haunted bridge, tapping on the car, cemetery, all that) and I really am interested in the former Addicks town. I think it's kind of incredible that the town of Addicks is still used to describe the area when there is literally zero proof of its existence left. I too have searched online for information about it, and found next to nothing except it was abandoned to make room for the flooding. One thing I always found interesting as well is near Eldridge, almost right to it, is a side road to the left side when facing Eldridge on Patterson that goes nowhere. It's just a short piece of road right into the woods. Probably "old Eldridge" or something like that, but so odd that that track of road is still sitting there.

Funny; this thread is what brought me to HAIF as well...it popped up while I was searching for something completely different.

I've been to the "Blue Light Cemetery" when I was in High School...probably 1972 ... I remember it as being surrounded by a locked wrought iron fence, a couple of really big pine trees at the edges, and some marble headstones inside the fence. It wasn't too far north of Patterson Road. And west of the Bridge.

I never knew about the markings until this thread.

Eldridge used to wind back and forth between I-10 and Clay. When it was straightened out, the old roadbed was fenced in and left to go back to "seed".

And an unusual sidebar: Back then there used to be a little "Ice House" at the south-east corner of I-10 and Highway 6. I think it was called "The Addicks Store" or something like that. They sold cold Beers, and Fishing Tackle and LIVE Minnows. Who knows what went on behind the Dam?

Go talk with Walt Golbow at Golbow's Wrecker Service in Katy. I'll bet he can tell you more about the town of Addicks. His family has been in the area for years and years.

Edited by Propps
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If your refering to this , then yes that would be an old section of Eldridge. Though I'm not sure when the road was realigned, even MSN maps list it as N. Eldridge.

I've started researching the street names from Bear Creek park, to see if that turns anything up now.

No good information so far though.

After reading for so many times now that the cross was constructed sometime in the 70's by a group of hippy types, I'm starting to believe it. It's either that or someones idea a prank, even if it is an old one. The notion that it might have any historical significance has passed, at least as I see it.

However, that star like patern that I pointed out in one of the previous post, I think might be one of the last traces of the town itself. It would be nothing more than a guess though, to try and say what it is.

I'm going to make a trip out there myself, sometime in the future to check that patern out. I'll be in Memphis though till the end of the month, and might wait till winter anyway to avoid some of the snakes and bugs!

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Here is a 1965 aerial shot of that area. You can see those two circles, but not the cross. The whole area looks like it was scraped clean at that time. I imagine those mounds must have something to do with all the heavy equipment that was pushing dirt around back then. I saw via Google that someone did an archeological survey of Addicks dam relating to evidence of native american occupation. It would be interesting to read that publication. I saw it available from more than one source.




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Does anybody have any hints as to what these markings are? Even zooming all the way in with the various satellite maps does not seem to answer this question, only make it more puzzling.

Why wouldn't it die? In over two years since the original posting, noboby has been able to come up with a clear, definant answer to this.

I think though that isuredid, sure did, just do it!

I had read before, that there was a ranch near the intersection of Hwy 6 & I10 (can't remember the name) and this clearly looks to be it. From that photo, it looks as if the mound would be the reminants of a "turnstile". I didn't grow up on a farm, so correct me if thats not the right name for it.

That photo also supports what's been said before about the cross formation.

If you notice though, there does appear to be some type of structure in what would be that star marking. It might be a windmill, well, etc.

In any case I'd like to read about that surey myself, that would be interesting.

Very well done isuredid, how did you find those photo's?

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