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The Big Criss Cross

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Ok so maybe this sounds like a complaint but if you took a picture from 1977 and put it next to a present pic of this intersection, you wouldnt see much change. ...at all. :mellow:

As we all know most long time residents started fleeing this area for the burbs in mid to late 70's. Many that fled had businesses all around here that were passed on for generations. These people used to care for the appearance of the area.

This particular spot has always been very busy, in fact it had MORE retail/service and eateries in 77 than today. It is an eye sore that should have been updated over the years. The old Color Tile, ravaged Other Club bar, 6/11 store/gas station, Harriett House on other side and old Coca Cola billboard exist but being that is this such a heavily travelled local there could be a huge mega gas station like a Race Trac Mega gas station, a multi-leveled fast food eatery, another cafeteria style place like Luby's further down, etc. The nearby U of H crowd would add even more revenue to this spot.

It just seems unimaginable that development over looks this easy,easy $$$ and cash in. That intersection carries everyone heading into downtown before and after work. These thousands, yes thousands of drivers woud love to stop in and fill up to & from work, and or have lunch, dinner or buy groceries. This is a gold mine or diamond in the rough, just got to have vision!

What gives? Local councilmen/women can you hear us! :(


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If 45 and Telephone were such a goldmine with easy easy $$$$$ to make, I'm quite sure some developer with vision would have tapped it already.

Gentrification and infill takes time. How long did it take to re-do Gulfgate? 45 south inside the loop is coming along. The demographics are changing, but slowly. Premature re-development of the old white-flight zones is a very risky proposition. Not to mention, in the current credit market, practically impossible. I agree that's an eyesore of an intersection. However, a new gas station on the corner with fast food has nothing to do with city council. Nor does it show vision. Sure, new would be nice. It will happen, eventually. But I think the 'overlooked opportunity' angle is a bit of a stretch.

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