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Average Sleeping Time


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Dreaming is awesome, I always have adventurous dreams. The best sleep is dream sleep, I wake up feeling great afterward.

For me a good 8 hours.

For me dreaming is entertaining, but the more I dream, the less rested I feel when I wake. It's like I was living my dreams and loosing sleep because of it.

As for sex dreams, is it just me that always wakes up, or gets woke up right before the best part of the dream is about to happen? ;)

And the falling dreams, some say if you hit the ground you will die in real life. Total Myth, cause well, I'm still here :D

Growing up, I always would have dreams of my death... I've been shot, blown up, decapitated and eaten by a lion on more than one occasion.

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For me a good 8 hours.

For me dreaming is entertaining, but the more I dream, the less rested I feel when I wake. It's like I was living my dreams and loosing sleep because of it.

As for sex dreams, is it just me that always wakes up, or gets woke up right before the best part of the dream is about to happen? ;)

And the falling dreams, some say if you hit the ground you will die in real life. Total Myth, cause well, I'm still here :D

Growing up, I always would have dreams of my death... I've been shot, blown up, decapitated and eaten by a lion on more than one occasion.

I find that when I have really vivid dreams (like if I eat too late in the evenings) I wake up tired. I think it is all the action going on IN the dreams that keeps me from sleeping.

Although, it could just be indigestion.

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7 to 8 hours during the week... and then 9 to 10 on the weekends. 12+ if I have been drinking the night before.

In terms of dreams... not really a nightmare... but... an unpleasant dream is that I am falling - not flying. Like in an elevator. You get in on the 25th floor of some tall building. And then it just free falls, straight down. And then you wake up. God, I hate that dream.

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I don't want to veer too much off topic, but while we're on the subject of dreams I pose the question...

Does anyone out there believe that their dreams mean anything?

Personally I believe its just a bunch of jumbled up thoughts and the subconscious firing away. But some believe it is so much more, like it can predict the future?

There have been a few occasion though when a dream helped me figure stuff out, such as not being able to figure out a solution to a problem, dreaming about it, then doing what I did in real life as I did in the dream, and solving my problem.

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I don't want to veer too much off topic, but while we're on the subject of dreams I pose the question...

Does anyone out there believe that their dreams mean anything?

Personally I believe its just a bunch of jumbled up thoughts and the subconscious firing away. But some believe it is so much more, like it can predict the future?

There have been a few occasion though when a dream helped me figure stuff out, such as not being able to figure out a solution to a problem, dreaming about it, then doing what I did in real life as I did in the dream, and solving my problem.

Yes. My dreams can foretell the future. I am not kidding. I can dream something, even mundane, like a day in the office... and then, in real life... "ok... I just walked by that car in the parking lot... I bet if I look behind me, so-and-so will be there... turn around... there she is! (not the same person who owns the car)... my god. Sitting in my office... the phone rings... I bet in one minute so-and-so walks in and puts their coffee cup on my desk... holy sheets! it happened!" There's always one event that happens (walking by the car, the phone ringing)... that immediately clues me in to a dream I had, of which I can predict the next event, in real life. It is strange.

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