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USC loses again in Corvallis!


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I wouldn't be surprised if they drop out of the top 10 now.

I think they will still remain in the top 10, probably 7 or 8.

Rodgers was amazing last night. He has great vision. Unfortunately he's so small (170 lbs) that he doesn't have a chance in the NFL, at least not as an RB.

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It just proves that Pete Carroll is not that great of a coach. He recruits great, but can't get his team to focus and execute. Ask anyone and they'll say USC was the dominant team of the decade - but they've only had the 1 championship because every year they lose a stinker (or two) to a far less talented team. That year they won it all there was good leadership on the team, and coaches/coordinators who probably kept things in line but have since moved on. It's the new Miami, and Miami was also known for being crazy talented but not so sharp. They have stepped up for big games and bowl games, but I think that is a function of having quality players who don't need motivation for things like a national championship or Rose Bowl. Coaches are the ones who have to do that for the crap games like this one.

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This loss doesn't mean much. They won't drop out of the Top 10. Also, it's so early in the season they can easily get back to #1 by the end.

ProHouston, I can't agree with you more. It's a sad reality but it's true. IMO, USC shouldn't be able to play for a National Championship after losing a game like this but the media will do all they can to push their case, BCS or not. I can pretty much guarantee that you will see an SEC team in the National Championship game.

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ProHouston, I can't agree with you more. It's a sad reality but it's true. IMO, USC shouldn't be able to play for a National Championship after losing a game like this but the media will do all they can to push their case, BCS or not. I can pretty much guarantee that you will see an SEC team in the National Championship game.

I disagree with Pro and K42 based on the Pac-10 as a conference, bc a lost to Oregon St. will really hurt USC if Oregon St. doesn't make it to a bowl game. Also, you have to remember w/n the BCS it's all about teams who win their Conference Championships and strength of schedule for one loss teams. If USC wins the PAC-10 they will likely see a BCS bowl...If not, they will not remain the BCS top 10..

But oh well, we will have to wait and see what happens w/those bcs calculations...

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