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Home Security System Advice?

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I'm having someone from Brink's come to my house next week to give me some quotes on reactivating and updating a very basic existing Brink's system. I think I already know what I'm interested in adding, but didn't see an existing thread on this topic here, and so thought I'd ask generally if anyone had any advice when it comes to getting/updating a home security system.

My questions have more to do with the added benefit of things like window sensors, additional motion detectors, and fire and carbon monoxide detection - from the little information I have already, adding a window sensor costs about $140 per sensor with no additional monitoring fee. I don't know the installation cost for fire and carbon monoxide detection, but it sounds like they would add about $3 to the monthly monitoring fee. I'm not interested in any of the premium packages or extended service agreements, but thought some extra sensors wouldn't be a bad idea if they're not too expensive.

But this may as well be a general info thread, so if anyone has any other home security system advice they want to share, go ahead.

Edited by tmariar
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I have had alarms for quite a while now..mu suggestion is wireless motion sensors in the house..usually only need two or three...just look for areas where someone would initially enter. Most alarms come with one motion and two door sensors. Put the door sensors on whatever doors would be most likely to be used in a break in. Motion sensors are activated as soon as you enter a room. Window sensors are a waste. You cant stop someone from entering, only scare the heck out of them when they do.

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I asked about some of these things when we moved into our place. The most important thing is the motion sensor. Ours has a good view of the stairs, no one can get up without setting it off. Only place downstairs someone could be without setting it off is the kitchen. We do have sensors on windows, but I agree those aren't that important. All they do is remind me when they are open when I try to set the alarm. I guess that's helpful.

I do wish we had some kind of carbon monoxide monitoring or smoke alarm rigged to it. Right now we have CO/smoke alarms just as standalone noisemakers, which is ok but not if everyone in the house is already passed out, however unlikely that might be.

Brinks does have a cool website where you can check your status, do tests, and see a history of alarms and tests. I looked at it one time.

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We just had them out ourselves for our next move. Where we're at now we have door sensors and motion detectors. We're lucky in that one motion sensor in the house covers everything. They would have to trip it to get from one side of the house to the other. We also have a motion sensor in the insulated garage. I generally think the glass breakage sensors and window sensors are a waste, but we are getting the glass breakage in one bedroom that isn't visible from the street. They wanted to sell me a remote but to disarm the system you would just need to press the button--not a code. I wasn't interested in that.

Basically, we made sure that there was a motion sensor that covered all areas someone would have to pass to get to our tvs and computers and door sensors on all exterior doors.

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Good point about the garage - I wish we had a motion sensor or at least a door sensor in our detached. That's the only place we've been hit, didn't know anything til morning. I have thought about at least putting a noise maker out there, but at this point it would be a royal pain to hook something up to the system in the house.

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Good point about the garage - I wish we had a motion sensor or at least a door sensor in our detached. That's the only place we've been hit, didn't know anything til morning. I have thought about at least putting a noise maker out there, but at this point it would be a royal pain to hook something up to the system in the house.

orrrr you could put a fake metal handle on the garage door, isolated with rubber washers and run 120 to it.

wireless motion detector would work also. they work up to 100ft I think

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orrrr you could put a fake metal handle on the garage door, isolated with rubber washers and run 120 to it.

wireless motion detector would work also. they work up to 100ft I think

If I didn't think I would just end up hurting me or my wife I'd do that and put bear traps all up in there. Maiming someone trying to steal from me is not something I mind.

I looked into wireless motion detectors, but got feedback from neighbors that they had problems with theirs. I thought about getting a door chime set up on the garage door and other door also. But it would be wireless too. Then I saw a butterfly, got distracted, and forgot about all of that until this thread came up.

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heres the way I look at alarms...it gives you a few second after initial entrance to arm and protect yourself and property should you feel threatened. It doesnt stop or prevent anything. It MAY make your house a little unattractive with the stickers/signs (even humans pick the path of least resistance). So look for whatever will alert you the fastest upon initial entry.

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Thanks for all the good advice!

I think that alarms are more of a deterrent than prevention. If I was a crook and saw a house with a sign posting security, or one that didn't, I would go for the path of least resistance.

I'm not sure what the comment about police response times is supposed to mean, but I can probably bet you some money that 100% of the time the crooks will be away before HPD is even involved.

With an alarm blaring in their ears, it would seem they wouldn't take their sweet time to get everything out of there.

Also, you may want to look into a security camera system that is not monitored, but set up with hardware to where you don't have to pay monthly fees.

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Are any of the wireless systems worthwhile? We have an old house that does not have any (even rudimentary) system and I think installing anything but a wireless system would be prohibitively expensive. Also - I think one of the options I've seen is the cellular connection for alerting the police if the landline is down/cut.

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Are any of the wireless systems worthwhile? We have an old house that does not have any (even rudimentary) system and I think installing anything but a wireless system would be prohibitively expensive. Also - I think one of the options I've seen is the cellular connection for alerting the police if the landline is down/cut.

hardwire the alarm "brain" and go wireless with the sensors. cell connection is the way to go..are people on this forum really still using landlines? its not hard to cut a phone line then enter. its not expensive either. how much is a damaged door/jamb, or broken window worth? I dont mind 35$ a month at all.

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Are any of the wireless systems worthwhile? We have an old house that does not have any (even rudimentary) system and I think installing anything but a wireless system would be prohibitively expensive. Also - I think one of the options I've seen is the cellular connection for alerting the police if the landline is down/cut.

We have one wireless sensor on our back door, because the original wire was cut during remodeling. We have to pay a fee just for this one sensor to be monitored, separately, because it is wireless. We went with a glass breaking alarm as well.

As for the cell phone that calls if the line is cut, it is FREAKISHLY expensive - my mother has this, and pays $200 a month for her system, monitoring and cell phone. However, she lives alone, with no next door neighbors and her house is visible from the Gulf Freeway. She has no choice.

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hardwire the alarm "brain" and go wireless with the sensors. cell connection is the way to go..are people on this forum really still using landlines? its not hard to cut a phone line then enter. its not expensive either. how much is a damaged door/jamb, or broken window worth? I dont mind 35$ a month at all.

We don't have a landline - it was only like $6 extra to hook up through cell line. Works fine for me. Has gone out (lost signal or whatever) twice, when brinks was actually doing some system update. Beeped for a little bit, came back on a few hours later. Noise maker still worked though. I was only peeved because they didn't notify us ahead of time that it would be down (nice thing to know) and we ended up calling them for 10 minutes trying to figure out what was wrong.

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In our older home we didn't have any wiring either. Brinks wired up everything with their free install, no problem. The only thing we did was dig the trench to the detached garage and run the wire out there for them. We paid for the extra motion sensor but not for installing the wire for that one.

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My best friend has a business in his home and has it secure so bizarre that I think he got most of the stuff because he can.

He has several remote cameras in and outside of the house with a monitor in his office (which doubles as a safe room for tornados/storms/invasion) and everything is recorded on DVR's. He can view his home remotely on the web to check up on the kids (and have conversations with them!) as well as the Nanny while he's away on work.

If you're looking for a camera system on the cheap go to EPO on Fondren near Westpark, it's THE geek store.

word of advice, go there with minimal cash and let your wife hold the credit card and a strict time limit on your first visit.

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Good thread here. Two things I can add:

1. Shop around for a vendor. There are a ton of security companies that service the GHA. When I moved into my new home last April I had visits from at least 3 of them before I chose one. You also have more negotiation leverage by doing this, for example: "Company X was going to charge me $90 for the key-chain remotes, can you beat that price?" Also, I found that Brinks was more expensive than some other companies. I was able to negotiate the best deal with Central Security Group. Your mileage may vary.

2. Check with your homeowners insurance company to see what premium discounts a monitored system might give you. State Farm gave me discounts because of the theft deterrent, and for a monitored smoke alarm.

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  • 1 month later...
My home security looks more like this...

...but he still scares the hell out of half our neighbors for some reason. 35 pounds of crazy and ugly.

If he were properly groomed, your Border Terrier would actually be quite pretty...and I'd guess he only weighs somewhere in the vicinity of 15 lbs.

They're the most people-oriented of all the terrier breeds, but they are still terriers and can be tough, tenacious cookies!

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If he were properly groomed, your Border Terrier would actually be quite pretty...and I'd guess he only weighs somewhere in the vicinity of 15 lbs.

They're the most people-oriented of all the terrier breeds, but they are still terriers and can be tough, tenacious cookies!

That's not actually my dog, but a pretty good representation. The ungroomed look makes him look crazier...matches his personality.

Ours is indeed 35 pounds, hasn't been 15 lb since he was a puppy. He looks 100% like a border terrier, but our dog is part beagle, which must be where he gets his bigger size.

He's definitely good security. Almost too good...tried to go after some cops in the street last night (I swear I didn't train him to do it!)

A true JYD.

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  • 1 month later...

I'll try to resurrect this thread as I am looking for alarm monitoring service. If anyone here can recommend me a budget service - I'd appreciat it. I am currently looking at alarmrelay which has very attractive pricing along with

Smith Thompson or Intrepid Security & Protection ( a bit more expensive but local). If anyone used these or other similar companies - let me know.

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I did some comparison shopping last spring and found Central Security to be the cheapest for start-up costs and monthly monitoring. The only caveat with Central is they require you to sign a 3 year contract. The contract is transferable, though. Feel free to pm me if you want more information; I can give you a contact name and number.

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I did some comparison shopping last spring and found Central Security to be the cheapest for start-up costs and monthly monitoring. The only caveat with Central is they require you to sign a 3 year contract. The contract is transferable, though. Feel free to pm me if you want more information; I can give you a contact name and number.

Thanks, but I have a system installed from the previous owner and would strongly perefer lower term or month-to-month contract

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks, but I have a system installed from the previous owner and would strongly perefer lower term or month-to-month contract

I signed up with Smith Thompson a couple of months ago after moving into a newly built home. Their cellular (uplink) system wasn't compatible with the builder installed Honeywell keypads, so they swapped the two of them out (free of charge) to DSC branded ones. They also installed at my request a motion detector (about $60) and a glass break sensor (another $60) in the Master Bedroom. The builder had prewired for these. Their monthly monitoring is about $18/month and you get a month free if you prepay for a year. Awesome deal! Haven't had any false alarms or breaks ins yet so not sure what their response time is yet. And I get my full insurance discount as well.

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