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Camp Warnecke And Camp Giusecke


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Anyone recall these two places along the river? Giusecke was a set of cabins downstream from Warnecke. Warnecke had the low dam across the river with a hole busted in it to allow "tubers" to ride the rapids.

I went to Warnecke before and after Schlitterbahn bought it. The low dam was still there last time I visited.

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if Warnecke was the place with the semi A frames then I have stayed there a couple of times.....it is a great place

unfortunately New Braunfels has turned into a place that is way too crowded and WAY too full of people that are jealous of those that invested in land and business along the river LONG before all the jerks crowded in the place and now the jerks are imposing all kinds of rules and fees on them to try and get their cut and tax them to death.....which has really killed the small business aspect of it and turned it into a place full of fulls and losers paying way too much to recreate and there are way too many police and other "crack down" types as well

I spend my money elsewhere now

Edited by TexasVines
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Has anyone ever participated in the grabbing of the hole in the river bottom at Wernecke, you have to climb up on the wall to dive in and grab ahold then others dive in and grab onto you, and you try to make a chain ? I have almost drown while walking by the wall once, foot got caught in another small hole in the wall and I was getting sucked under, I was about 13 or so, some nice 20 something girl saved my bacon.

This would have been early 80's, I have been going to NB since about 1975 '76. I love Prince Solm's chute, best way is chutin' it with no tube and timing it to dive off at the end. I almost drown there once also. I swear I am an excellent swimmer also.

Edited by TJones
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Has anyone ever participated in the grabbing of the hole in the river bottom at Wernecke, you have to climb up on the wall to dive in and grab ahold then others dive in and grab onto you, and you try to make a chain ?


I almost drowned in the Guadalupe once. My girlfriend and I were in a raft for some reason and it got stuck on a big rock in a bunch of rapids. She fell out and popped up downstream. I thought that looked fun, so I jumped out to join her (and abandon the raft on the rock). I got sucked to the bottom and banged my head pretty hard. I remember looking up at the sun, far above, unable to move, wondering if I would die.

I didn't.

But I lost one really expensive sandal.

Life lesson: Buy cheap sandals.

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Has anyone ever participated in the grabbing of the hole in the river bottom at Wernecke, you have to climb up on the wall to dive in and grab ahold then others dive in and grab onto you, and you try to make a chain ? I have almost drown while walking by the wall once, foot got caught in another small hole in the wall and I was getting sucked under, I was about 13 or so, some nice 20 something girl saved my bacon.

This would have been early 80's, I have been going to NB since about 1975 '76. I love Prince Solm's chute, best way is chutin' it with no tube and timing it to dive off at the end. I almost drown there once also. I swear I am an excellent swimmer also.

yes I have grabbed that hole many times and tried to hold on

when I lived in San Antonio in 84-87 Prince Solms Park was wide open in the off season and you could go there and go through the tube shoot as many times as you wanted.....me and some friends would take a ski rope and there is a hole in a rock up on the shore right where the last turn is before you go back into the river (before they had railings along the chute) and we would tie the rope through that hole and throw the handle down to just outside the chute and then we could kneeboard right in the little wave that forms at the end of the chute

other times we would shorten it and you could stand up at the end of the chute and friends would come down the chute and try and knock you over and you could whip them with the rope and give them rope burn....we went in 86 0r 87 just a week after it snowed and we all wore parts of a wet suit.....the water is the same temp and if it is sunny out you are not cold at all....the water was almost up to my chin that time so it was really flowing....it had gone over the dam some after the snow and was still very high

in the summer we would put in up at the free part and go through the chute one time for free and have our scuba gear then we would dive all under the chute and find sunglasses and jewelry.....the friend I would dive with was best at finding change.....he would get like 3-4 dollars each time...then we would move on down the river after that dam that tumps everyone and find stuff there......single shoe alerts all over the place!

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  • 3 years later...

Anyone recall these two places along the river? Giusecke was a set of cabins downstream from Warnecke. Warnecke had the low dam across the river with a hole busted in it to allow "tubers" to ride the rapids.

I believe the second camp (Camp Giusecke) became The Other Place. Camp Warnecke is gone. Eaten up by Schlitterbahn.

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My friends and I use to rent a house on the Comal, mid 1980's, probably. It sat right by a train track bridge, across from the Wurst Fest Hall.

That old house is no longer there, swallowed up by condo rental units. Those were some fun times.

Just Googled it, was off Landa St.

Edited by NenaE
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  • The title was changed to Camp Warnecke And Camp Giusecke

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