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New York City Waterfalls

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Ran across this in while reading the New York Times. Could you imagine driving down Allen Parkway or Memorial Drive and seeing a waterfall spilling into Buffalo Bayou?

NYT article: http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/06/...r/index.html?hp

Project Website: http://nycwaterfalls.org/

See, I was thinking that would be awesome, but the waterflow rate of the bayou makes it impractical and I can't think of very many places it can be installed.

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Ran across this in while reading the New York Times. Could you imagine driving down Allen Parkway or Memorial Drive and seeing a waterfall spilling into Buffalo Bayou?

NYT article: http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/06/...r/index.html?hp

Project Website: http://nycwaterfalls.org/

Read about this on gizmodo. Nice idea, would have been better if they were able to make it run on renewable energy though. I have read a ton of comments regarding the state of the nation and energy use that it seems wasteful to at least not have considered that as an option.

It can be overlooked since it is a temporary exhibit and supposedly will bring in more money with tourist dollars to more than cover the cost.

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See, I was thinking that would be awesome, but the waterflow rate of the bayou makes it impractical and I can't think of very many places it can be installed.

The pump would just be recirculating the water from the bayou, which would have nothing to do with the bayou flowrate.

I think the water level would be the issue, whereas the NYC bay is consistant, the bayou water level can change depending on the latest rain storm.

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The pump would just be recirculating the water from the bayou, which would have nothing to do with the bayou flowrate.

I think the water level would be the issue, whereas the NYC bay is consistant, the bayou water level can change depending on the latest rain storm.

Exactly, not to mention the quality....

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Exactly, not to mention the quality....

Well, the bay design has an oval net around the suction side of the pump to prevent debris from getting sucked into the pump. I would think our bayou would be as equally filthy and that design would be implmented as well.

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Well, the bay design has an oval net around the suction side of the pump to prevent debris from getting sucked into the pump. I would think our bayou would be as equally filthy and that design would be implmented as well.

Oh. I totally agree, but their main advantage is that they have deeper water to deal with as well as more to suck up. Plus if we (or those up the stream) happen to get one of our major rainstorms,the thing can be washed away unless its placed in a way where erosion won't be a factor.

Having a waterfall would play havoc when it comes to erosion unless its designed properly, and even then...no.

The only body of water I can think if it being practical would be the Bayou over on I-45 south by the cemetery or near the ship channel.

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I heard about this on Howard Stern today and imagined something more like a real waterfal. That looks like a scaffold with a sprinkler on top. Bleh.

Yeah, pretty much. I was less than impressed by it. Now if they did a faux rock face...maybe. like....drunk maybe.

"OH LOOK! a waterfall! wow! Gimme another beer."

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I think the Brooklyn Bridge one is cool, but the scaffolds aren't art, they are scaffolds.

I could see something like this being awesome in Houston. For example:

On the East Face of Transco/Williams Tower from the first terrace (with a portico over the entrance of course).

Off of the 59/610 interchange could be cool.

I'm sure there are other cool ideas for locations.

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They should have water falls on all the freeways when they go over a road. Most of the concrete holding the dirt looks god awful. With the exception of the new I-10 & West Loop ones... which would look might fancy with water falls instead of concrete blocks.

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