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Judge Emmett gets jury duty

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Just got this press release. Doh!

Harris County Judge Ed Emmett has been summoned for jury duty this week and will join hundreds of his fellow citizens in a large jury pool Tuesday morning.

"It's fitting in a way that I got this summons for the day after Memorial Day," said Emmett. "It just reinforces the point that we all have obligations and duties as citizens. Some paid the ultimate price, so jury duty really is a small thing to ask of us as citizens."

I got called for jury duty in Harris County three times in two months. I was surprised to find out that all I needed to do was make a phone call to get taken off the list. The person I talked to on the phone as very nice about it.

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I've been summoned 4 times and picked twice. Both Civil cases and my eyes glazed a few times. I've never avoided jury duty or used an excuse to get out of one since I always thought it was my civic duty to be on the jury if they picked me.

A buddy was picked for one and he got a nice juicy Murder and a Shoplifting one.

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A friend of mine from Louisiana moved to New York to work for Sports Illustrated and ended up getting picked for one of the TYCO corruption trials which lasted six months. They were in deliberations when a mistrial was declared.

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