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Getting ready to do our kitchen remodel starting next month and I was wondering about taping and floating sheetrock that is going to be behind the cabinets. Is this necessary? the sheetrock has to be there for a flat wall surface but does it have to be finished behind where you know there will be cabinets, i.e. along the floor, etc.?

I don't want to skimp at all on this project, but taping and floating sucks and if I can still do a good job w/o doing some of the room then that would be awesome.

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It doesn't need to be a full-on tape and float. Fill in the cracks to keep out air and critters, as flipper suggests, but do not worry about a paint ready tape and float job. In fact, you could do something as simple as filling in the cracks with painters caulk, and skip the tape and float altogether. The cabinets will not be coming off for decades, if ever, so no one will see it. It only needs to be a flat, level surface for receiving the cabinets.

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