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In an Absolut World...


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they drink vodka in mexico?

That's the kicker, but I think that perhaps Absolut is trying to get into the market, and what better way than trashing America in order to show that, "Hey we think like you guys, and we want your business."

I wonder if Absolut will try to pump a few more advertising dollars towards Native American gambling casinos with a slogan like. "In an Absolut world, Pres. Grant would have died with Gen. Custer at Little Big Horn !"

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It states "The latest advertising campaign in Mexico from Swedish..." Yeah that'll go swell in Mexico... but of course we're going to find pissed off comments on it in the U.S.

Wait what? We want to control what another country can or cannot do/say in another country? As long as they don't offend The U.S. X_X

Absolut tastes horrible anyway.

Edited by flyingman
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Absolut has apologized.

Absolut Apologizes

It's too late for them to get my business back.

The problem I have with this ad is that there are a lot of Mexicans who blame their problems on the U.S. They really think that if they just had the "good land" then Mexico would be just like the U.S. They don't realize that it has nothing to do with the land, it's their government that's holding them back. This ad capitalizes on their racist Anti-American sentiment.

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they drink vodka in mexico?

Quite a bit by my estimation...My best friend's wife is from Ciudad Victoria...when we go out with her and some of her former model friends in bars in Monterrey they all drink vodka tonics like they are going out of style...but that is just personal experience.

Also, not to go off a Niche style history lesson, but many of the Swedes were speaking lots of German during WWII and weren't all that upset about it...they were not nearly as nuetral as they would like you to believe today...

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From the LA Times article:

Absolut said the ad was designed for a Mexican audience and intended to recall "a time which the population of Mexico might feel was more ideal."

Hmm...and what time might that be, that every single modern political entity in Central America was extant and conformed to its modern borders, except Mexico and the U.S.?

This is no apology. They played off the historical ignorance of the Mexican consumer and now they're expecting that the ignorance of the U.S. consumer will allow them to get away with it.

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What I would have done instead for an Absolut Mexico ad would be this...

"In an Absolut World..."

And it shows a table with a globe pattern. Five people are sitting at the table - each represents, from left to right, Canada, the USA, Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador - Perhaps they could be playing cards or drinking Absolut... - they all look like they are having fun, so there is no feeling of inadequacy...

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What I would have done instead for an Absolut Mexico ad would be this...

"In an Absolut World..."

And it shows a table with a globe pattern. Five people are sitting at the table - each represents, from left to right, Canada, the USA, Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador - Perhaps they could be playing cards or drinking Absolut... - they all look like they are having fun, so there is no feeling of inadequacy...

...unless you're Honduran, Nicaraguan, Belizian, Costa Rican, Panamanian, or from one of the Carribean nations.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Absolut has apologized.

Absolut Apologizes

It's too late for them to get my business back.

The problem I have with this ad is that there are a lot of Mexicans who blame their problems on the U.S. They really think that if they just had the "good land" then Mexico would be just like the U.S. They don't realize that it has nothing to do with the land, it's their government that's holding them back. This ad capitalizes on their racist Anti-American sentiment.

It capitalizes on their ignorance too. I didn't have a problem with the ad all that much until I just read the LA Times story. The Latino Marketing guru from Absolut was quite patronizing towards Americans not knowing their history. I have for a long time purchased Absolut in the big bottles. My wife is like Dude in Big Lebowski, she digs her White Russians. But no more with Absolut. I will switch to Tito's or Stoli from now on. Absolut has lost at least one customer in Texas over this. I bought quite a bit of Absolut in the past. She really does enjoy her White Russians...

Edited by scottf
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...unless you're Honduran, Nicaraguan, Belizian, Costa Rican, Panamanian, or from one of the Carribean nations.

Well, perhaps it could be shown so that it is clear that only part of the table is visible and that there are clearly more people sitting at it...

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Well, perhaps it could be shown so that it is clear that only part of the table is visible and that there are clearly more people sitting at it...

Oh, of course...but even then, who's in the visible part? You really think Honduras will get a spot? Would they really leave one of the big boys out? One way or another, this variety of ad, playing off of adversarial nationalism, is just a bad choice for marketing departments.

Perhaps...just maybe...if it were a small distillery that had difficulty gaining recognition from anybody for any reason at all. Then they could fall back on the "all publicity is good publicity" line. But Absolut is too big to be so desperate.

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