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Traffic On Memorial Dr - W Of Shepherd Near Ottos

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I did a quick search through these forums but I didn't see any mention of what is to become of the traffic patterns along Memorial Drive once new residential construction wraps up on the north side of bayou (in the Ottos BBQ stretch of Memorial)

Specifically, in the general area of Detering and Memorial. I cringe every time I drive past that beheamouth going up in the trees and wonder how the traffic patterns are going to work as Memorial curves around than dives under Shepherd. This project is obviously bigger (or looks that way) than the recent apartment complex adjacent which has the benefit of the traffic signal.

I have this feeling that one of these days I will be driving east on Memorial and I will see them ripping out the median fence to put in a new traffic signal. Please reassure me that there will be no new traffic light to serve this new construction and that traffic entering and exiting will have to adjust to Memorial's curve.

Further west, i would imagine that a signal will eventiually be installed at either Asbury or Reinecke streets (by Ottos or Greek Pizza).

Any insight from others would be nice.

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At Asbury I see a signaled intersection. That's simple. That the new construction just west of Shepherd along the bayou, everyone exting will have to turn right. Canada has many roads where left turns aren't alowed. There is a barrier in the center like Memorial. The roads are called RTIRTO (right turn in righ turn out).

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