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Klein ISD Bond Plan 2008


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Personally, I don't care for the idea of spending $38 million dollars for $1,400 laptops for every high school student. I would suspect that most of the students in Klein ISD have access to PC's in their homes already. I don't feel that every homeowner in Klein needs or desires to pay for this... myself included.

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What have they done that's unprofessional and pathetic?

Let's see, spreading non factual information. Circulating inappropriate emails to the District, Board members, and residents. Setting up a website and implying that it fact when it is more opinion, putting ads in the paper with the web address encouraging people to vote no, sending the Superintendent an email about tat ad threatening him there is more to come if he does not put together a bond that this group wants. These people have no idea what they are looking at as far as the issues at KHS, or a bond for that matter. Are they engineers, architects, or construction managers? How about contacting a lawyer to talk about sueing the District!!!! Over what, not getting their way? Get a clue people!!!

This is "coalition" was started by a small group in Gleannloch that has an elitist attitude and could care less about anybody that lives outside their neighborhood until they want something from you, like your vote. They don't really care about the tax increase, or overcrowding, all they care about is that they want their new High School when it is done and don't want it after it is used by the KHS crowd. Oh and let's not forget that they want the right neighborhoods at that school, but I guess we will wait until the zoning issue comes up to see that. These are small minded people that want is best for them, and them alone, not the District as a whole. The Noveau Riche in Gleannloch are destroying any credibility for the neighborhood for any issues that may arise in the future.

I have issue with the bond as well and don't agree withthe KHS numbers, but this group is so cluless they are making me want to vote yes, and I am not alone inthat thinking. They have no idea how school politics work, construction, bonds, or really anything that is associated with education.

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Let's see, spreading non factual information. Circulating inappropriate emails to the District, Board members, and residents. Setting up a website and implying that it fact when it is more opinion, putting ads in the paper with the web address encouraging people to vote no, sending the Superintendent an email about tat ad threatening him there is more to come if he does not put together a bond that this group wants. These people have no idea what they are looking at as far as the issues at KHS, or a bond for that matter. Are they engineers, architects, or construction managers? How about contacting a lawyer to talk about sueing the District!!!! Over what, not getting their way? Get a clue people!!!

This is "coalition" was started by a small group in Gleannloch that has an elitist attitude and could care less about anybody that lives outside their neighborhood until they want something from you, like your vote. They don't really care about the tax increase, or overcrowding, all they care about is that they want their new High School when it is done and don't want it after it is used by the KHS crowd. Oh and let's not forget that they want the right neighborhoods at that school, but I guess we will wait until the zoning issue comes up to see that. These are small minded people that want is best for them, and them alone, not the District as a whole. The Noveau Riche in Gleannloch are destroying any credibility for the neighborhood for any issues that may arise in the future.

I have issue with the bond as well and don't agree withthe KHS numbers, but this group is so cluless they are making me want to vote yes, and I am not alone inthat thinking. They have no idea how school politics work, construction, bonds, or really anything that is associated with education.

I've reviewed the Web site and they are pushing for the overcrowding issue to be dealt with first before rebuilding KHS. And the numbers are identical to those from the Klein ISD Web site. What, exactly, is nonfactual? I don't have kids at any high school. I'm just trying to gather information. I don't see any factual inaccuracies that you're talking about.

I guess I'm trying to understand where all of your dislike is coming from. I don't have insight into any threats against the Superintendent. Maybe you have an inside scoop at the district.

BTW - I just read that the group that supports the bond actually started the Klein Bond Political Action Committee. What's the advantage of forming such a group? I hate to see all of the fighting when we all want what's best for the kids of the community.

Edited by zyw
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Personally, I don't care for the idea of spending $38 million dollars for $1,400 laptops for every high school student. I would suspect that most of the students in Klein ISD have access to PC's in their homes already. I don't feel that every homeowner in Klein needs or desires to pay for this... myself included.

What all of you are missing is that the Klein ISD Board of Trustees will vote for what is best for ALL OF OUR CHILDREN. I know what the Klein For All people really mean by "all" ... as in "all of the children North of 1960." Where was your outrage four years ago during the 04 Bond Election when people in Greenwood Forest were fighting to get better solutions in the South end of the district? Inevitably, somone is not going to get what they want -- guess, what -- It's your turn to NOT GET WHAT YOU WANT...that's what you call Divine Justice. Yes, I wish it wasn't necessary to rebuild Klein High... I wish we could all travel back in time and do a better job maintaining that facility .. but it is what it is.. right now and it really sounds like it's a lawsuit waiting to happen if you don't get the students out of there. But there I go again, talking about "children...." I know that's a lame idea when we're talking about a Bond issue .. because we're all consumed about getting ours.

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What all of you are missing is that the Klein ISD Board of Trustees will vote for what is best for ALL OF OUR CHILDREN. I know what the Klein For All people really mean by "all" ... as in "all of the children North of 1960." Where was your outrage four years ago during the 04 Bond Election when people in Greenwood Forest were fighting to get better solutions in the South end of the district? Inevitably, somone is not going to get what they want -- guess, what -- It's your turn to NOT GET WHAT YOU WANT...that's what you call Divine Justice. Yes, I wish it wasn't necessary to rebuild Klein High... I wish we could all travel back in time and do a better job maintaining that facility .. but it is what it is.. right now and it really sounds like it's a lawsuit waiting to happen if you don't get the students out of there. But there I go again, talking about "children...." I know that's a lame idea when we're talking about a Bond issue .. because we're all consumed about getting ours.

Why can't they all get what they need? I mean I've looked at the data from Klein ISD and it looks like if they spend the money to build two new high schools you would fix all of problems. All of the KHS students could go to one of the new schools (don't use the old KHS any more) and there would be enough space for all of the kids the administration is projecting. It would be done by 2010 and only require one rezoning. It definately sounds like they didn't do enough back in 2004, I just don't understand why take on a long project like rebuilding instead of just using new facilities.

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My name is Rich Talaber and I am one of the self appointed petty people who started Klein For All. We started this organization after attending the steering committee meetings, board meetings, walking through Klein High School, and reading every single report that is out there. Let me tell you sir, it is not a pretty picture. All of the data that I just mentioned, the capacity information and enrollment projections from Population & Survey Analysts was placed into our database. All the numbers we report are not our opinion, but rather, the opinion of a company that has been in business for over 23 years doing this kind of research for our district and many others. I encourage you to visit www.pasademographics.com. You will find links to all of their research on www.kleinforall.com under the documents link.

We also researched the tax rates, tax base, growth rates, and other information at the Texas Education Agency Website and simply put their data up into a spreadsheet that compares our district's growth and spending with other districts that are nearby and have very similar, or much greater, growth. The links to this data is also provided on the website.

We not only reviewed the Bond Proposal, but every Facility Assessment conducted and made that data available on the website as well. This information was not generally available and can only be obtained in one of two ways. Go to www.kleinforall.com and click on the documents link and you will find them there or you can drive to 7200 Spring Cypress Road, ask for Judy Rimato and tell her you want a copy. Every single Facility Assessment was reviewed by our group and put into a database. All of this data is available through our website as well.

Everything on that web site is driven by the facts and information collected from these sources. If you take the time to research it yourself, you will find it to be entirely accurate and the only place where you can get all this data easily.

What have we done different? Our contention, based upon the facts, is that some areas of KISD are high growth and others are not. This is proven in a study by PASA where they compare Kindergarten enrollment to High School Enrollment. Areas in and around Klein High are deemed to be built out due to fact that there are less Kindergarten students than High Schoolers. Areas North of Spring Cypress and some areas to the south are still high growth areas and suffer from overcrowding conditions. We focused on the north side, not because that is where we live, but because Spring Cypress has been used by KISD as a zoning boundary for many years now. if you live on the North Side, you typically to to North schools and vice versa. yes, there are some exceptions.

On the North side of spring cypress, the vast majority of schools are overcrowded. South of Spring Cypress, the majority are underutilized. Re-zoning from North to South is something the district has never wanted to do, so the only way to solve the issue is to build schools.

If you look at the district numbers as a whole unit, it looks like there is no overcrowding. when you break it out by school, you see that 14 schools are well over capacity today. Most are in the north and some are in the south. So, is the district doing a good job? They have enough capacity and have had for years. You have to consider high growth vs no growth and when you do you will find than many more schools than are currently proposed, are actually needed. PASA recommended building 7 elementary schools on this bond election, 3 Intermediates and 2 high schools. KISD is recommending 3 elementary, 2 intermediate, and one high school. Why? The original bond proposal was well over $800M, that is why.

So what is the right thing to do? If we compromise and build 5 elementary, 2 intermediate and 2 high schools (one that Klein High can take over as their own), we need to spend $450M to do that. On top of that we have other things to pay for, like repairs, buses, and such that add up to another $125 M or so. But wait, we are not done yet. You have to add in the technology cost of $38M, rebuild of Klein Annex, a new multi purpose building, and so on.

The most money we could as for is around $850M by state law. The debt services portion of you tax bill is not allowed to exceed 50 cents. today it is 22 cents and it is projected to go up to 42 cents under the current proposal. If we rebuild Klein High where it sits today, it delays building schools because you dont sell all the bonds on day one. You sell 25% or so each year. You don't automatically have money to spend on everything right wasy. Additionally, the proposal to use the new high school as a layover spot delays the release of needed capacity to the district by another 2 years.

Sir, we have our fact straight. I encourage you to visit www.kleinforall.com and do the research that we have. We have made it easy for you. I also encourage you to execute the Build My Bond feature. You can select what you think the growth scenario will be, what acceptable overcrowding is, whether or not to rebuild buildings, etc. Push the button and it will estimate what the bond proposal will be in your opinion, not mine or any one else at KleinForAll. Please do this and send it to Dr. Cain. Many other people have done so already.

We recognize that our message has come across a little as us versus them and it was in response to the makeup of the steering committe. For each parent from the North Side, there were 5 or more from Klein High. That does not make it right and we are taking action to reach out to the Klein High folks. They have been neglected, their school is in disrepair and something needs to be done. Rebuilding on that location does not solve their problems though as a major gas pipeline running directly under the property prevents them from putting all the students under one roof and the busy intersection causes security and safety concerns. What is best for All of Klein is to give them a new school, somewhere else and build another high school at the same time. By 2011, we will have new capacity and KHS will have all their concerns alleviated. Everyone wins.

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My name is Rich Talaber and I am a member of Klein for All. I would like to apologize for the message coming across as you have indicated. Read my other entry and you will see that we have thoroughly researched the entire district. We only used the North side because Spring Cypress Rd (not 1960) is a known zoning boundary. What we have encouraged the district to do is to consider high growth areas differently from underutilized ones. That would include your area. Your schools are represented on our website and your over crowding is taken into consideration in all calculations. That is different from KISD who just looks at the district as one number and feels confident that they have the right capacity.

Please visit www.kleinforall.com and look at the data. Your schools are in there and we are fighting to get more capacity for you as well. The question of Klein High is a major issue simply because it takes money away from solving capacity issues and actually delays the release of needed capacity by two years. We believe that something needs to be done about Klein High, we are questioning the timing and the plan. Our recommendations are to either fix it and wait a few years until we have caught up with capacity or build 2 high schools at the same time, releasing new capacity in 2011, close down the current Klein High and move that student body and zone to that new building. Either option would be better for the district as a whole than the current plan. I say district as a whole because there are between 15,000 and 20,000 kids in over crowding conditions right now. If major portions of the bond allocation are directed to Klein High rebuild and Klein Annex rebuild in the early years, that leaves little money to build out new elementary and intermediate schools anywhere in the district. This big ticket item is why the building of elementary schools and intermediates was pushed back a year or more in the bond proposal.

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some more corrections. The $38M in technology only includes around $7M for the laptops. The rest is other technology across the district.

There are two sides to the school budget; Management & Operations and Debt Services. M&O is currently $1.04 per $100 in home value and is what is used to pay salaries, perform routine maintenance, supplies, etc. M&O taxes are limited by the state to $1.04, it was much higher prior to the state imposed limit. That is why our taxes are lower now. Not because of good stewardship. The debt services side is what the current Bond Proposal addresses and is for building new schools, major repairs and renovations, technology, district wide projects, etc. You know, the big ticket items. The state limits this to 50 cents. The current proposal puts us at 42 cents by 2012 and keeps us there until 2015. In 2012, we will need to have another Bond Election. We will only have 8 cents to work with for the first three years, money is going to be tight.

You can see all of this stuff on www.kleinforall.com.

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That does not make it right and we are taking action to reach out to the Klein High folks. They have been neglected, their school is in disrepair and something needs to be done. Rebuilding on that location does not solve their problems though as a major gas pipeline running directly under the property prevents them from putting all the students under one roof and the busy intersection causes security and safety concerns. What is best for All of Klein is to give them a new school, somewhere else and build another high school at the same time.

And abandon all of the recently built, perfectly good buildings that are there? Keep dreaming.

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Rich, your plan is not going to work. KHS will never leave that property, it needs to be upgraded on the land it is sitting on. And if you did follow your plan you still end up with 5 high schools and the future need for a 6th, but no land to put it on. Despite many of the Districts shortcomings Klein has planned ahead much better than you think.

And yes I still think the actions of your group specifically the people from Gleannloch are arrogant, and express an elitist attitude. I live in Gleannloch and I, and many of my neighbors are embarrassed by your groups approach. I have no interest in visiting your website or supporting your group in any way.

Like I said before I am not happy with this bond, but your group is making my rethink on how to vote.

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My name is Rich Talaber and I am a member of Klein for All. I would like to apologize for the message coming across as you have indicated. Read my other entry and you will see that we have thoroughly researched the entire district. We only used the North side because Spring Cypress Rd (not 1960) is a known zoning boundary. What we have encouraged the district to do is to consider high growth areas differently from underutilized ones. That would include your area. Your schools are represented on our website and your over crowding is taken into consideration in all calculations. That is different from KISD who just looks at the district as one number and feels confident that they have the right capacity.

Please visit www.kleinforall.com and look at the data. Your schools are in there and we are fighting to get more capacity for you as well. The question of Klein High is a major issue simply because it takes money away from solving capacity issues and actually delays the release of needed capacity by two years. We believe that something needs to be done about Klein High, we are questioning the timing and the plan. Our recommendations are to either fix it and wait a few years until we have caught up with capacity or build 2 high schools at the same time, releasing new capacity in 2011, close down the current Klein High and move that student body and zone to that new building. Either option would be better for the district as a whole than the current plan. I say district as a whole because there are between 15,000 and 20,000 kids in over crowding conditions right now. If major portions of the bond allocation are directed to Klein High rebuild and Klein Annex rebuild in the early years, that leaves little money to build out new elementary and intermediate schools anywhere in the district. This big ticket item is why the building of elementary schools and intermediates was pushed back a year or more in the bond proposal.

I understand that you are well-intentioned ... but even if you are not personally biased against the South end of the district .. plenty of your neighbors are.

Just a few comments for you:

--My understanding is that once High School No. 5 is opened to the group it will eventually serve. i.e. after Klein High kids are back at the rebuilt Klein High --there will be rezoning and some of the overcrowding in the North will be relieved.

--I understand they are adding a wing at Klein Collins into the Bond package to relieve overcrowding there.

--I did not have a chance to attend any of the Steering Committe meetings (they were open to the public) ... but that is the point of having a steering committee -- to get input from the parents/administrators/community to gather "real-world" data. I know that you will say there were not enough voices from your area and maybe it was stacked more to the South -- but it's probably because of the fuss they got from the South the last time around. (see a pattern here?)

--Your group will be listened to but would be surprised if you had an impact on whether the Board moves forward with the Bond issue as is .. and of course, you can fight it once it goes to a vote... but the people who ultimately vote in these elections (over 60 crowd) typically do not vote these things down.

Just for reference -- please check out these articles from the Chronicle in 04.



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I live in Gleannloch and I, and many of my neighbors are embarrassed by your groups approach. I have no interest in visiting your website or supporting your group in any way.

Wow, this is refreshing to hear... THANK YOU:) BTW: The district has a group of "Key Communicators" that meet monthly that represent EVERY school in the district, mostly made up of PTO people, ala white women (including myself). The details of the Bond were no "big secret" ... the PASA study; tearing down Klein High and other details were shared with this group with many of us questioning this situation. We were also concerned by some of the "zoning" recommendations in the PASA study and were able to question Dr. Cain about it. There was also information posted about the Bond committee on the Klein web site and times and dates of their (public) meetings for months. Basically, it's a little late to start screaming .. the train has left the station.

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I just found out that PBK Architects will be designing Klein ISD's 5th High School.

Does that mean that it will not be a redesign of Klein Collins? KCHS was designed by SHW.

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Does that mean that it will not be a redesign of Klein Collins? KCHS was designed by SHW.

Yeah, It probably won't be just like KCHS. It will most likely be nicer and more of a detailed design. Anyone who has seen any of PBK's work know that they build very nice schools. Cy-Fair ISD has used them for all of their latest High Schools.

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You seem to have "knowledge" of some things that I don't. I have no knowledge of any member of this group threatening anyone. I personally sent Dr. Cain and the entire board a copy of the ad to get their feedback prior to it being published. I wanted to ensure that they had no issues with any of the facts stated. I gave them over a weeks notice and there was no feedback. It was a courtesy and fair play, there was no threat anywhere. How is one group of people going to threaten the school board. I made it a point to talk to Judy Rimato at the last board meeting to make sure that she and the administration knew that although we disagreed with them, we would not pursue any legal action like Waller and Houston ISD. Again, I would call that fair play.

I have no idea what you are embarassed about. We have raised nothing but factual issues. We did not wait until the train left the station, as one poster put it. We have been raising this issue for some time. Unfortunately, you and the other poster keep focusing on the high school as being the primary issue. The issue is over crowding. There is much more overcrowding in the elementary and intermediates than in the High Schools. This project diverts funds from building the schools we need in the high growth areas of the district. Additionally, it delays the relief of overcrowding in other high schools.

You say that the district will not abandon that property. Again, you seem to be very close to the board, and perhaps that is why you are so defensive of them. Why wont they abandon it? If it makes monetary sense and is the only logical option....why not? What is the reason. Show me the dollars and sense behind the reason. I have given you a ton of facts, you give me speculation. Put up or shut up. Explain why it is in the best interest of all of Klein to be tied to that property. Bring with you facts and figures please. I have been conversing with parents of Klein High Students and they are OK with going to a new location. I am sure that many would not be Ok with it, but you never know until you ask. And then, it is just their opinion and not necessarily what is in the best interest of the district...is it?

Steering Committee? You and Forest need to do some research. The Steering Committee was made up of almost 60% School Adminstration. Pretty easy to get your way, when you stack the deck. If you intend on arguing that one, you better have a list of names and addresses to back it up. I have one and it is simple math sir.

You can go on living in your dream world. Just sit there quietly and let the world pass you by. Dont speak up , dont stand for anything, just visit a little blog and spew some garbage about a group of people who are trying to make a difference. Right, we are petty? At least we are making an effort sir. Go ahead and change your vote because you disagree with our approach....that too would be brilliant.

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Yes, you are correct. 5 years from now, there will be relief of overcrowding at the High School level only. The elementary Schools and intermediates will have the exact same conditions because we are not building enough schools. In fact, if the economy does not crash, as many predict it will not, the overcrowding will be much worse.

Yes, the are adding a wing in both Klein Oak and Klein Collings to relieve some of the overcrowding. This is very interesting because the Klein High folks did not want to rebuild in place because they did not want their kids to be in a construction zone. I guess it is OK for half of the district High School Students to be in one though.

Read my previous post about the steering committee. Very, very few of the members who attended the meetings were parent with kids in school. over 55% of the members on the committe work for Dr. Cain. That is not a steering committee. That merely enables the administration to claim that they incluced parents in the decision making process. had you attended any of the meetings, you would have seen many objections to the KHS rebuild from day one and you would have seen the rest of the room intimidate and shoot down the person raising the objection. The course was set on this one before a "steering committe" was ever formed. There was no steering to be done. So, no, I dont think it was stacked to the South. It was stacked to the administration. As far as invitations, it was stacked to Klein High. You can see the invitee list on the Klein ISD website. Klein High had 9 parents invited while Klein Oak had 3 and Klein Collins had the 2 or 3. Klein forest had 7 invited I think, you can check for yourself on that one. We have made both the invitee list and the actual attendance list available on our site. I know that ENGcons would rather leave his head in the sand, but perhaps you are open to learning the facts.

Our group is being listened to. The Klein Collins addition was added in response to not only our groups complaints, but complaints from folks in many communities. At the last board meeting Dr. Cain listed building Klein High on a new location as a suggested alternative. will he make that recommendation? Probably not, but like I said to ENGcons, you can sit back and watch life pass you by or you can stand up for something. You know what they say about arm chair quarterbacks...right?

Low voter turn out is a reality and that is one of the exchanges I had with Dr. Cain. I told him that the bond would most likely pass due to voter apathy. That does not mean that this is the right proposal, however. And you can defeat this Bond, just like Spring did. it does not take much voter turn out to defeat a bond like this either. We can force them to go back to the drawing board. we are already in overcrowded conditions and they are only planning on opening one elementary school in 2009 anyway, so we have time. Lets see who uses "scare" tactics now and says that voting down the bond puts our children at risk. It would delay the bond by about 6 months and have very little impact. this is a debt services bond issue, not management and operations.

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It is no secret that on jan 15th, the "steering comittee" had an appropriate number of schools proposed to be built because they agreed with the PASA Most Likely Recommendation. It is also no secret that the total for all the things the steering committee wanted to do was over $830M. It is no secret that the survey results the board and steering committee received indicated that any proposal over $500M was going to be a tough sell. What is a secret is why the steering committee, when forced to make cuts in the bond proposal, chose to cut the building of schools on January 29th? What mystical event occurred between Jan 15th and Jan 29th, that made them now believe that the Most Likely Growth scenario would not happen? It is very convenient, to say the least, that this information...which has yet to be shared with anyone else...allowed them to adjust growth numbers down enough for them to leave the KHS rebuild in the bond proposal. Take a look at the conditions that PASA lists for a low growth scenario to occur. I dont recall any major terrorist attacks that occurred in the US between jan 15th and Jan 29th...do you?

The housing market tanked long before those two weeks and was already part of the PASA considerations. What needs to happen before people realize that rebuilding KHS on that spot is a pet project? I have spoken to many Klein High parents now and agree that the conditions there are bad. But, we have a choice to rebuild in place and never solve all the issues or rebuild somewhere else and solve every last one of them while not delaying relief of overcrowding. As I have said before, It will still not be under one roof, it will still have a major gas pipeline running underneath it and it will still be on a busy intersection. I have yet to hear a logical argument, which includes financial analysis , that justifies this. It is absolutely absurd. But, let me be clear again. I do think we need a new Klein High School. Putting it in that location is a painfully ignorant and arrogant mistake. I challenge anyone to show the thought process/analysis that went into making this decision. So far, the best I have heard at any board meeting was this from Dr. Cain. "We just talked about it and felt it was time." There has been no explaination for not rebuilding somewhere else. I need more than that, dont you?

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Putting it in that location is a painfully ignorant and arrogant mistake. I challenge anyone to show the thought process/analysis that went into making this decision. So far, the best I have heard at any board meeting was this from Dr. Cain. "We just talked about it and felt it was time." There has been no explaination for not rebuilding somewhere else. I need more than that, dont you?

Here's a fun idea -- and this is PURE SPECULATION: one possible reason they would never relocate Klein High because if it weren't located where it was -- then maybe more students who are now zoned to Kleb and Klein would -- God forbid -- be zoned to Wunderlich and Klein Forest. We get enough of a fuss out of the families in Brandonwood and Huntwick who have been begging unsuccessfully to get out of the Wunderlich/KF zone for years. Were you aware of the huge fuss a couple years ago when Klein Intermediate failed to make AYP and children from KI were allowed at Kleb and Strack? And people's heads nearly popped off at the idea of their kids having to go to school with kids from, dare I say, a more diverse background.

Anyway, as someone who is a big fan of KF -- I get a big laugh out of this idea. Now, this will freak you out: Did you know that some members of the 04 steering committee were told that Klein Intermediate kids would eventually wind up being bused up 249 to the new High School No. 5.

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LOL. I have not visited Klein Forest, but I am sure it is a fine school. I have already had one daughter go to Klein Oak and she did great. I was pleased with her education. I really dont care if my other kids go to HS5, the one on 2920, or Klein Oak. I just want them to have a quality education. A lot of what I am fighting for doesnt really affect my kids right now at all. Hassler is real close to capacity, that is better than the 40% over they were before Frank opened. Frank is at capacity as well. These are going to go over capacity next year, Frank more than Hassler. I dont have kids at Frank. Intermediate do affect my kids as those are very over crowded already and I have one that will be going to Krimmel next year.

I just dont like the way the committe meetings are run. I think people should disagree and the disagreements should be talked out. I dont think that the President should shut down any argument that is not aligned with his agenda. I don't think steering committees should be stacked with Administration or one particular area or one particular anything. I suggested to Dr. Cain that a true steering committe should be a majority of parents and that the parents should be distributed in a way that mirrors student enrollment through the district. The administrators are going to be there to present their views, as will the people who were hired to conduct population surveys, as will the folks who did facility assessements, etc. Do they think that parents are not qualifed? Too stupid?

I dont like the decision to ignore very quantitative analysis in favor of some things that have no justification. No scientific justification, no financial justification, no anything. As far a diversity, the steering committee was a sea of white.

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What all of you are missing is that the Klein ISD Board of Trustees will vote for what is best for ALL OF OUR CHILDREN. I know what the Klein For All people really mean by "all" ... as in "all of the children North of 1960." Where was your outrage four years ago during the 04 Bond Election when people in Greenwood Forest were fighting to get better solutions in the South end of the district? Inevitably, somone is not going to get what they want -- guess, what -- It's your turn to NOT GET WHAT YOU WANT...that's what you call Divine Justice. Yes, I wish it wasn't necessary to rebuild Klein High... I wish we could all travel back in time and do a better job maintaining that facility .. but it is what it is.. right now and it really sounds like it's a lawsuit waiting to happen if you don't get the students out of there. But there I go again, talking about "children...." I know that's a lame idea when we're talking about a Bond issue .. because we're all consumed about getting ours.

The 2004 bond was voted down resoundly by the residents south of 1960, I had put a link on here for the survey that Klein did following the 2004 bond, that link no longer works apparently. As a Greenwood Forest homeowner I have talked with several neighbors who will be voting no on this bond, including a few who voted yes in '04.

Whether it be $38 million or $7 million, I find it outrageous to give students laptops with taxpayer money.... no thanks!

What I find insane is coming back to the homeowners every 4 years and asking for more money. Again, over the last 2 years property assessments increased and so did our tax bills, this money should be used to repair and maintain structures. I've said repeatedly that builders should be assessed impact fees that are passed along to the homeowner for infrastructure for schools and other public needs for these new subdivisions, I suspect that there are more school age children living in the newer subdivisions than there are living in the older ones. Between the increased tax assessments and a bond this sounds like a real windfall! Perhaps a no vote would convince this district to be more prudent with taxpayer money.

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Rich, do you really want to know who has their head in the sand? Let me clue you in on some things that I have learned over my 25 years of involvement with Klein ISD. I mean, I don't live in the Estates section of Gleannloch, and have the influence within the District you think you do, but in all the years I have been a part of this District I might have learned a thing or two.

First off, keep thinking the Klein Collins change was from your group. When it is obvious that the change was made to gather more support to pass the bond from the KCHS zone. It is working. I guess in a way you had something to do with it. So now the District has gathered support from both the KHS crowd, and the KCHS crowd, well done.

Second, KHS is going nowhere, There is way to much invested over too many years for KISD to sell it off. The common man on the street could tell you that. My suggestion to you is to drop that ridiculous idea. Like I stated earlier, your plan doesn't solve any overcrowding issues at the HS level, it only shifts them around, you still need HS #6, and you do not have an answer for that. KHS needs to be upgraded, the extent of that upgrade is a big problem with this bond, $130 million is a ludicrous number for that campus.

Third, the land Klein has obtained for HS #5, and #6 were collected through eminent domain, therefore KISD can only sell them for what they paid for it, to turn a profit would be illegal. In that, since a HS #6 is needed eventually and it takes around 100 - 120 acres for a HS site. That amount of land is not really available out here, KISD did the right thing obtaining these properties when the price was at a reasonable rate, not to mention the purchase of both these lands was already approved in the previous bond package. So if you lived here in 2004, and voted, you approved it.

Fourth, your group is doing nothing but wasting its time. If there is one thing I have learned in all this time with KISD it is this, no matter what you do, or say, or present they are still going to do what they want to do regardless. In fact, the District would love it if the School Board went away so they could have freedom to do that without the red tape. You think these steering committees are done to find the best bond? Everyone knows these were stacked in favor of KHS, why do you think that is? This bond was made up before then, and is already a done deal, the election, and these town halls are merely small hurdles for the District. Sure you could vote it down, but that is a tremendous effort that the District thinks you are not capable of, and right now they are right. So keep putting your ads in the paper, etc, it is all time and money that you will never see a return on.

Fifth, your implications that I have some sort of inside information is laughable. I am not defending KISD, or the Board, in fact I think they have done a poor job in questioning this bond, I want to vote no on it and have them start over. Your group has sent out emails throughout the neighborhood, things like that get around. All I have done is kept my ears open to get my information. Parents talk, whether it is at school, church, the store, or at a social gathering, word gets out. Just for your information I have received two emails from KISD, both in response to an email I wrote voicing my concerns about the bond election. Just like your plan you are looking for something that isn't there.

Like I said before, I think this is a bad bond, it covers some, but not all the needs the District has as a whole. Your group thinks the District only applies to your immediate surroundings, it is a narrow view that comes off as arrogant. With the message you are sending throughout your community you and your group will destroy any credibility Gleannloch has as a voting block in the District, and your voice is eventually going to fall on deaf ears, if it hasn't already.

Edited by ENGcons
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You keep thinking this is just a gleannloch group and you are wrong. There are people from quite a few neighborhoods involved and we are recruiting more. So, you are ignorant and I dont mean that as an insult. You choose to be uninformed. Oh, you may be informed about one side of the coin, but not the other. That is the same as being uninformed my friend.

Sounds like you are a very jealous person. When the re-zoning thing took place a year or so ago, I attended the board meetings stood up and insisted that the Bluff not be separated, that MCE still go to hassler and the Hillcrest stay too. I argued that there was no need to remove that number of people that KISD was proposing. I said it in public at the town hall meetings and I said it on the online forums. Does that make me an elitist?

I dont care if we get the HS #5 or not. I and the rest of the members of Klein for all actually do care more about the entire district and the spending. We care that in 2004, we spent 22 Million on repairs and in 2008, after adding only 3 buildings to the district, we are proposing to spend 98 M. We care that there was $40 Million in bonds left from 2004 to sell that could have been used to fix KHS, but instead, the administration is saving it to buy laptop computers. We care that a wall fell down at Klein Oak, that mold was in a bunch of schools, that overcrowding exists everywhere. Again, you are not doing your research. You know where I live, you know my kids go to Hassler, you should know that Hassler is not overcrowded. That is not the fight we are fighting. I had a daughter graduate from KO. If my next child goes to KO, that is fine.

What is different about me from you and others like you is that I put my name behind my position. I dont hide behind a moniker and throw stones and name call or send chicken !#% anonymous letters to people's homes. Nothing worth having comes for free. If you feel so strongly and have such high opions about people you dont even know, put your name out there.

And thanks for all the facts and figures by the way (sarcasm). I knew you didnt have any. And you are the one who alluded to knowing all these great things that I could never understand. You put yourself on the pedestal. I certainly would not.

Be a man. Get to know me, I dare you. You will find that I worked extremely hard for every thing I have and I will bet you that my beginnings were much more humble than yours. I dare you.

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Rich, do you really want to know who has their head in the sand...

ENGcons - if you are who you say you are, why hide behind a blog? I would love to have you partipate in our next group meeting.

By the way, unrelated topic: Does anyone knows the name of the KISD board member's son who stood up at the end one of the last steering comittee meeting to saying he was forming a comittee to help get the bond passed (asking for volunteers)? I'd like to challenge him to an open debate on the bond. Someone said he lived in Gleannloch Farms...

Brad Ross


Gleannloch Resident and Educated Voter

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