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Six years after 9/11, America shakes off its fear of skyscrapers

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I really don't think that all of the US would feel safe in skyscraper's today. Most sounds more realistic, but not all. I personally was working on the 16th floor that day and am only happy :) to say that I presently work on a 2nd floor with very fast access to gound level.

There is a topic here called Where were you on 9/11, interesting to go back and read.

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I think it's going to be a generational thing. My parents were all "Where were you when JFK was shot?" We thought the defining moment of this generation was going to be "Where were you when the Challenger blew up?" But I really think it's going to be 9/11 instead.

There are kids in school now with no knowledge of memory of that day. How quickly time passes.

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It is weird, because I can't really remember what I did last week, but to this day I remember that morning as though it was this morning.

I was getting ready for work and watching ABC Good Morning America, when they had breaking news about the first plane, about chocked myself with my tie when I saw the second plane hit. Weird enough as that was, I went into work not even thinking about any other planes. I worked on the 31st floor of the Wells Fargo Plaza Building (ya know, the big glass building in downtown) ~ I arrive at work and people were in a panic.

Most people left, few of us stayed, there was no reason for me to leave; I would have been stuck in traffic downtown for 3 hours... it was gridlock everywhere. I have never seen it like that since.

At around noon I left, and hit no traffic on the way home.

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