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Howard Skelton


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There was an obituary for Howard Skelton in the Temple newspaper yesterday and today. I thought I remembered that name from a very long time ago, when I went to the Delman Theater Saturday morning kid shows. A Mr. Skelton was the manager there and hosted various activities (yo-yo contests, ticket stub drawings, etc.) for us kids between the cartoons and the main feature. This was about 1944-1946. The obituary mentioned that he was a theater manager in Houston, so that must be him that I remember. He would only have been in his mid-20's at the time I saw him, but he seemed much older to a 10 year-old at that time. Does anyone else remember him? I thought it interesting that there was no obit for him in the Houston paper, since he seems to have had some fairly impressive Houston ties. I have copied his obit below...

Howard Skelton

Published August 18, 2007


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