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Gay Airline

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If We Crash -- I Will Survive!

Gay guys and lesbian gals like to go down, but they'll be going up -- in style! -- if Houstonian Guy Felder has his way. He and a friend are starting an air charter service called Fabulair, which aims to be to gays what HootersAir is to pathetic businessmen.

The idea started out as an e-mail spoof, but Felder (VP of marketing and officer of On-the-Ground Fabulousness) became convinced it could really work.

"We want to have the perception of a fun airline," says the 26-year-old University of Houston student. "We're not intending to fly bordellos

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That is what generally happens. It has happened with pretty much every group that has fought to be treated equally and not excluded from anything...they go and establish the worst possible stereotypes, reinforce them, and then segregate themselves from the majority that has finally absorbed and embraced them.

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So after years of fighting in local and national courts to be treated the same as everyone else, it's necessary to seperate one's self from the rest of the population?

I can't remember the last time I was on a cruise and saw gay couples holding hands or giving each other kisses on the deck of the pool. I wonder if heterosexual couples hold hands and kiss on public cruise ships? Gee, I wonder what would happen if 20 gay couples did that on Carnival Cruise Lines in front of the children like heterosexual couples do?

My question is why would gays even contemplate "seperating" themselves with such an airline when they can clearly live their lives openly like the rest of the population? Why would this concept even come to someone's mind? I mean, I'm sure every man on this board has rubbed another man down with sun tan lotion on a public cruise ship without so much as a glance from anyone else.

By the way, I think this thing was a joke as well. Fabulair.......come on.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Actually there's not just one "gay cruise." Rosie O'Donnell was organizing a chartered cruise, but there are several companies that offer a variety of gay and lesbian chartered cruises and other tours, as well as several operators that sell blocks of cabins on scheduled cruises to gay passengers and then include a couple of special events and parties during the cruise. It's really no different from tour companies and travel agencies that market specifically to other demographic groups. I've seen cruises for people who love jazz, African Americans, students, and other groups. It has nothing to do with people segregating themselves or anything like that; sometimes people just want to travel with others who have similar interests and they want to feel 100% comfortable being themselves and not worrying about there being others around who might take offense.

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