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Marvin Zindler dead at 85

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He has had a good career, he should take this as a sign to lay back and relax in his final years.

Never happen. Marvin told me a long time ago that he and his brothers were raised with a powerful work ethic. Even though his family was quite well off financially, they all worked every day in their family clothing store in downtown Houston.

Marvin has been independently wealthy for many years, and he doesn't have to work for a living, but he does. He said he can't imagine not working.

I predict they'll find his dead body at his desk at KTRK. That's the kind of guy he is.

Edited by FilioScotia
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I saw the newscast last night. When Dave Ward came on and said "We have some sad news to announce regarding one of our Eyewitness News Members," and then Gina went on to say Marvin's name, my first thought was that he had died. I wish him the best. This is a horrible disease, and one that can progress very quickly. I was impressed that Marvin went on the 6:00 PM newscast and filed a report on his condition from the hospital. Despite his positive outlook, he didn't look well. I wish him the best, and hope that he will be able to continue doing the things he loves as much as possible over the months to come.

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Sadly, pancreatic cancer is almost always lethal. I lost my dad about 6 weeks after his diagnosis.

Yeah I've known several people who died very quickly from this disease. It is never a good prognosis.

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I am so sorry to hear about Marvin's illness. He has been around as long as I can remember. Years ago he use to do the "roach and rodent report" and he was brutal. I remember him best in his all white suit and cowboy hat at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Parade. He was always the showman and he will be missed. I hope he doesn't suffer.

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I also wish him and his family the best. I did not know he was 86 I gussed he was like 75 but 86 that is four years from 90 and he is still working. I like watching his "Slim in the Ice Machine" really hope he gets better and him and his family will be in my prayers.

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Guest Marty

The day after the announcement one of the main news anchors on KTRK 13 said Marvin does not want you to feel sorry for him and I agree always think positive, plus he got to give us a Rat and Roach report from the new Simpsons Kwik E Marts.

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In my best Rodney Dangerfield voice: "Hey, I didn't know robots could get cancer!"

(I'm joking of course..)

I'm not laughing, of course.

You think it's funny to joke about someone as beloved as Marvin Zindler dying of cancer? Your inference that Marvin is a "robot" is equally tasteless and insulting.

I've been in Houston more than 50 years, and I've seen a lot of TV people and other public figures come and go. I can't think of anyone who has left a bigger mark on this this town, or left bigger footprints than Marvin, in terms of the good things he has made to happen with the sheer power and force of his personality.

Show some respect.

Edited by FilioScotia
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I'm not laughing, of course.

You think it's funny to joke about someone as beloved as Marvin Zindler dying of cancer? Your inference that Marvin is a "robot" is equally tasteless and insulting.

I've been in Houston more than 50 years, and I've seen a lot of TV people and other public figures come and go. I can't think of anyone who has left a bigger mark on this this town, or left bigger footprints than Marvin, in terms of the good things he has made to happen with the sheer power and force of his personality.

Show some respect.

I love it. People all over this town make Marvin Zindler robot jokes all the time. In fact, the first I ever heard of Marvin Zindler when I moved here to Houston, was that he died ten years ago and ABC had sprung for an old Disney animatronic to keep delivering the "Slime In The Ice-Machine" segments. Now that something "human" has actually happened to the guy, the robot joke is suddenly bad taste? Please.

I'll start showing phony-respect for news personalities as soon as the rest of this board does: Example 1, Example 2, Example 3, Example 4, Example 5, Example 6, Example 7, & Example 8.

And those examples were just from threads with posts since January 1st, of this year, under the Media sub-forum. There's no telling how many other threads here at HAIF have been privy to other insults hurled at local news-media personalities. In comparison, calling Marvin Zindler a robot could qualify as a compliment. It seems that HAIF has gained a nasty reputation for bashing our local reporters with no mercy or consequence.

I meant no disrespect, so chill out.

Edited by Jeebus
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We just lost Mr.Robert Finger of Finger's furniture to Pancreatic Cancer today. Gonna miss that guy on TV and at the Rodeo.

This is a very EVIL cancer, hard as hell to detect, and most times when you do, it is too late. Pancreatic Cancer took my Uncle Tommy back in 2002, and he didn't look sick at all, even on the day he died, 56 years old, and his body just shutdown.

Edited by TJones
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We just lost Mr.Robert Finger of Finger's furniture to Pancreatic Cancer today. Gonna miss that guy on TV and at the Rodeo.

This is a very EVIL cancer, hard as hell to detect, and most times when you do, it is too late. Pancreatic Cancer took my Uncle Tommy back in 2002, and he didn't look sick at all, even on the day he died, 56 years old, and his body just shutdown.

It is an EVIL cancer TJ. One of the things I learned while dad was sick, is that once cancer is in the Pancreas it spreads the cancer cell throughout the body, thus it's not neccassarily the pancreas that's the problem, but the fact that it takes over other organs and can't be treated in most cases.

Edited by Gary
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It is an EVIL cancer TJ. One of the things I learned while dad was sick, is that once cancer is in the Pancreas it spreads the cancer cell throughout the body, thus it's not neccassarily the pancreas that's the problem, but the fact that it takes over other organs and can't be treated in most cases.

I get yearly check ups now, and that is one of the things I definately have checked. Not a big history of cancer in my family, my Uncle was by marriage. I still have the Doc earn his money though, poor guy.

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I feel lucky that no one in my family has had cancer.

As well you should. I just got the news on Saturday evening that my grandfather in Austin has had his bladder cancer return and that there is a growth on his lung, although we don't know whether it has metasticized yet. He's stoic. My grandmother is trying to pickle herself in alcohol.

Its pretty sad too, considering how well he fared in chemo during the last go-round. Didn't lose his hair, barely even slowed down.

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In addition to Marvin Zindler being diagnosed with this disease and Robert Finger dying of it last Sunday, I should also mention that Sylvan Rodriguez died just one year after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.


- Age

- Gingivitis

- Male gender

- African ethnicity

- Smoking

- Diets rich in meat

- Obesity

- Diabetes

- Linked to chronic pancreatic disease

- Exposure to gasoline-based chemicals

- Family history

- Some weird infection called Helicobacter pylori


"Patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer typically have a poor prognosis partly because the cancer usually causes no symptoms early on, leading to metastatic disease at time of diagnosis.

Median survival from diagnosis is around 3 to 6 months; 5-year survival is much less than 5%

With 32,180 new diagnoses in the United States every year, and 31,800 deaths, mortality approaches 99%, giving pancreatic cancer the highest fatality rate of all cancers and the fourth highest cancer killer in the United States amongst both men and women.

Pancreatic cancer occasionally may result in diabetes. Insulin production is hampered and it has been suggested that the cancer can also prompt the onset of diabetes and vice versa.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Other notable pancreatic cancer deaths:

- Count Basie (jazz musician)

- Melvin Belli (The King of Torts, he was a celebrities' lawyer)

- Jack Benny (pioneering radio, TV and vaudeville comedian)

- Joseph Cardinal Bernardin (led the Archdiocese of Chicago; popularized the Consistent Ethic of Life philosophy (which means that human life is sacred))

- Joan Crawford (one of the greatest actresses of the Golden Age of Hollywood)

- Dick Cusack (actor and filmmaker; father of John and Joan Cusack)

- Art Fleming (host of the original Jeopardy!, from 1964-1975)

- Dizzy Gillespie (jazz musician)

- Mark Goodson (very prolific game show producer (The Price is Right, Family Feud, Match Game, Password, etc.))

- Ken Kennedy (Rice University professor who founded its Computer Science Department)

- Fiorello LaGuardia (popular Republican New York City mayor from 1934-1945, who ironically supported the New Deal)

- Michael Landon (TV actor, writer, director and producer (think "Bonanza", "Little House on the Prairie" and "Highway to Heaven"))

- Henry Mancini (Academy Award-winning film composer)

- Harvey Martin (defensive end for the Dallas Cowboys, 1973-1983)

- Benjamin Orr (vocalist for The Cars)

- Winthrop Rockefeller (the first Republican Governor of Arkansas since Reconstruction; third generation member of the Rockefeller family)

- Richard Rorty (American pragmatic philosopher)

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