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Recommendation for Heywood Wakefield Refinisher


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Wondering if anyone here has had any work done on Heywood Wakefield furniture? We just came into a dining set but it needs refinishing. A quick google search didn't turn up anyone who specializes in just Heywood Wakefield (there are some people in Orange, CA and Maryland that just work on Heywood Wakefield), so I assume we will have to take it to a more generalized person. Would like to be able to get a few more matching pieces from the set, and are concerned about getting the Wheat stain correct so that future pieces will match reasonably.

Does anyone have a recommendation and, even better, before and after pics of their Heywood Wakefield refinishing jobs?

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I haven't gotten around to refinshing any of my wheat pieces yet so I don't have any first hand experience but Travis @ Metro Modern on Milam said that he knew of a refinisher who could correctly achieve the Heywood wheat finsh. I would give him a call first.

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