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American, What Makes You Proud To Be One?


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Attack as much as you want, but my point still holds: attacking a person instead of his/her argument is "ad hominem."

I am honestly not attacking, I actually like your post with all the "argue" words in it. Both informative and funny at the same time.

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I agree with Ian Rees. This kind of argument is known as an ad hominen argument, argumentum ad hominem ( from the Latin meaning "argument against the man"). The term is most commonly used to refer specifically to kind of argument made when one attacks the person making the argument in an attempt to discredit that argument rather than addressing the substance of the argument consists of replying to an argument by attacking or appealing to the person making the argument, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument.

...can't argue with that... B)

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So, nmain, when are you and The Niche actually tying the knot in a civil union ? I am tired of this. :closedeyes: ;):lol:

Hmmm...well first, my knot has already been tied so I'm not in the market. Second, if that was our darling little Niche I've seen in front of his red brick East End rental, I don't anticipate any rope action. I am a man's man to the bitter end-and this man has been claimed by his own man's man.


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Guest Marty
I was in SBUX (Starbucks) this a.m. and noticed something. The entire staff at SBUX was mixed (white male, bi-racial female, Hispanic female, Asian or Pacific Islander female, and a black female). Outside of it being a mostly female staff, I was impressed by one thing. We CAN all get along and be profitable and contributing members of society when we put down our petty differences. I have been to a lot of countries and you would not see such diversity in restaurant workers (or even patrons).

So I started thinking. Why not have a topic that describes "What Makes You Proud To Be An American?" This is timely considering the recent race debate brought on by Don Imus and the Rutgers Women's Basketball Team incident, but outside of racial issues what makes you proud to be an American?

Here are a few of mine and I might chime in later with more:

  • Freedom to speak my mind without be jailed or shot
  • Ability to live where I wish
  • A relatively stable economy and a personal higher standard of living than many in the world
  • Multiculturalism and ability to know friends of all races, ethnicities, sexes, and sexual persuasions.
  • Ability and freedom to worship how I please, and not workship if I do not

Yea, I would have too agree with you about what you said in the first post, it does make this country great I am glad I live in this great nation.

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Hmmm...well first, my knot has already been tied so I'm not in the market. Second, if that was our darling little Niche I've seen in front of his red brick East End rental, I don't anticipate any rope action. I am a man's man to the bitter end-and this man has been claimed by his own man's man.



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