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North of Downtown


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Warehouse, Keene at Harrington


Last Concert Cafe


Walk along north side of Buffalo Bayou, east of McKee


Sign for Frostown "historic site"


Buffalo Bayou, west of McKee


Power station west of McKee, at Buffalo Bayou


Railroad bridge over bayou, near power station


Room with a view, east of 45, west of N. Main


Hollywood Cemetery, N. Main gate

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Great pictures of my old stoming grounds. Looks like that preservation effort didn't work out too well.

To be fair to the Art and Environmental Architecture group, I think that they came in after just about all remnants of Frostown had disappeared. The "historic site" is just a site - there's nothing there but the park, which is nice enough for what it is. There's a tiny stretch of Race Street left, but it's not even really a street.


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Great photos man.

Where exactly is that bridge located.

And do you have any more?

Glad y'all like them. The railroad bridge? It's the unmarked bridge on the left side of this map (I walked up the path from McKee St.):


I've got more photos of the bridge, but they all look a lot alike (they're shot through a chainlink fence). Here's one more:


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Guest Marty

I like them old railroads bridges i wonder what happened to the track's does the railroad owner/operators remove them?

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There used to be a (scary) bridge like this one over on North Wayside and Buffalo Bayou. It was wider though and had some weird huge weights above it. We had to drive over it back in the mid to late 1960's. Used to freak us out! The car tires would rattle loudly and my dad had to hold on tight to the steering wheel because the lanes were so narrow. Must have seemed like you were playing "chicken" as other drivers passed you. It was eventually closed because of the newer (present) bridge to the side. I think they finally imploded years later.

I will never forget the wretched stench of the bayou and the big vats you could see from above of the sewage plants below. Yuck, yuck. Still have nightmares. :(

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  • 9 months later...
Great photos man. Where exactly is that bridge located. And do you have any more?

I just posted some over here on this thread if you want to see a railroad drawbridge just to the northeast of that one right under 59.

My post is about halfway down.

Rail Bridge


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