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Booming Houston Avenue

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Always nice to see abandoned buildings and homes go away.

I wonder what will happen to the poor people in the area that are renters, not home owners? I would imagine that the rents are currently cheap. How much longer will they remain cheap when the price and value of land around them rises?

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They get the heave-ho. It's not unlike what happened to renters in the area of Fourth Ward that's been gentrified over the last ten years. That's the thing with renting, whether you're rich or poor... you really don't have control over anything other than a lease, which is limited and, depending on how it's worded, even gives the leasor the power to terminate the lease as they deem necessary or prudent.

At least those who are the title holders of the older, struggling houses can sell and get something in return.

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Guest danax

"The residential market in the Houston Avenue area is a gold rush right now," says Pete Ed Garrett, a partner with Houston-based Studio Red Architects, which purchased property last year for a mixed-use project in the Houston Avenue market. "This area marks the largest hole of undiscovered land inside the Loop. It's what Midtown was five years ago."

I guess once this "largest hole of undiscovered land inside the Loop" is built out, they'll realize there's plenty of "undiscovered" redevelopment ore still left inside the Loop.

And we all knew those historic homes in First Ward were goners anyway......

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"The residential market in the Houston Avenue area is a gold rush right now," says Pete Ed Garrett, a partner with Houston-based Studio Red Architects, which purchased property last year for a mixed-use project in the Houston Avenue market. "This area marks the largest hole of undiscovered land inside the Loop. It's what Midtown was five years ago."

"We intend to offer the native savages $24 worth of beads and trinkets for their land. If they don't accept, we'll just have to kill them."

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