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Posts posted by nmainguy

  1. It has actually taken over 6000 lives to get to this point nmain. Did you forget about the WTC, by terrorists harbored by Saddam at some point I am sure.

    I think it's a disservice to the victims of 9.11 to place the blame on Saddam.

    There is no evidence Saddam had anything to do with 9.11. However, there is overwhelming evidence Osama was the mastermind of 9.11 yet we abandoned our search for our real and immediate enemy when we had the vast majority of the country

  2. When you look back at Sadaam's execution, he was on trial for something that really didn't have anything to do with the U.S.. He murdered thousands of his own people, and paid the price, but there's a lot of other world leaders still currently in power that need to be put on trial for their genocidal track records.

    One got a medal around his neck...guess who?


    But hey, it was a fabulous show trial: impotent puppet judges protected by US security forces [because Iraq can't even defend a trio of judges-much less Baghdad]; assasinated defense lawyers all wrapped up with hanging by mob rule. Who could ask for more? After all, it's only taken us 3000+ lives to get here.

  3. I was at a new year's party on that street On new year's eve (duh! as opposed to the Christmas one...anyway..) and as I was going to the home, I seemed to remember (and it appears like it was) a railroad ROW at one point. At what point was it converted?

    It was always a street and a rail line. When we were kids we would ride our bikes there and watch the cars squish our penney.

    The rail has been gone a long time-now it's to be a future bikeway. Here's the HAIF thread.

  4. By the way, here's a question that appeared on a copy editing test for a major daily newspaper in Texas:

    "A good copy editder can fine three mistakes in this sentence."

    I don't know exactly what the third mistake is, but I have an idea.

    "A good Copyeditor can find three mistakes in this sentence"

    As a title, Copyeditor is normally used as one word.

  5. Truly!

    The Dome would be ideal for that and other events, of course, theonly downside to that is that they would hae to use astroturf instead of natural grass.

    They could always put in clear skylights-like the original. No pop-flys to worry about missing... B)

  6. It's not that people are tearing down homes; it's the fact that their tearing down unreplacable forest and waterways. It's all good, yo.

    Houston, however (and I'ma get beat up 4 saying this), I'm all for this mansionization thing. It's replacing old homes, not forest or anything like that.

    You are correct. Here in the Heights they defiantly do replace old yet solid homes with cheaply constructed McMansions on newly barren lots. And you are also correct: they don't replace the 100 year old live oaks, towering pine and pecan trees and majestic White Oaks cut down to accommodate yet another homogeneous future slum dwelling.

    Who needs trees when you can pave over a 6000 sq/ft lot with a 10,000 sq/ft house with pool and pool house, make a bundle off of a couple of suckers who don't know any better to demand more for the money they are investing in their future? C'est la vie and the consequences that come with it!

  7. Ricco - First I have never heard anyone else use MUTTRO - I coined it. I am sorry that you find it annoyngly childish, I see it as a pretty good description of the idiots that are trying to subvert an election and shove rail where it clearly isn't wanted. MUTT as in impure, no pedigree, of questionable descent.

    Normally I wouldn't respond to your posts but I couldn't help but take note of your back-handed, racist remark. This is not the place for juvenile, racist rants. You would do well to take it elsewhere before you get so out of hand as to be reported.

  8. still no estimate from METRO on the eminent domain that will have to be exercised on the 3 western options. undoubtedly more private property will have to be taken than with some of the options not chosen b/c these 3 require at least 2 wide turns in residential or commercial areas and the train can't turn anywhere near 90 degrees. the option that crossed from Richmond to Wpark at the UP track at least had the benefit of only 2 turns and the turns taking place on existing UP ROW.

    But the most important thing is Afton Oaks won't be bothered by LRT or the ilk it carries! Let them eat cake!!!

  9. Thanks for the info and Happy Holidays!!! Does anyone know how many streetcars did Houston originally have?

    Somewhere among my family's photos there is a picture of my somewhat bohemian Grandma hanging out of a Heights Blvd. streetcar. I'll have to canvas my sisters and see if I can locate it. It was taken near 11th and Heights.

  10. Oh no, not another urban vs. suburban debate, these are almost as predictable as the Houston vs. Dallas ones!

    I have speeded up the whole debate before, let me repost it so we can get the whole argument hashed out and over with and move on! :ph34r:

    Of course you have two very different mindsets:

    The Suburbanite:

    "There is too much crime in the city. It's not a safe place to raise a teenager!"

    The Urbanite:

    "I wish these teenagers from the suburbs wouldn't drive down and create problems!"

    This is the only one I have a problem with: Woodlands area teens coming to Montrose to murder a gay man with nail-studded 2x4s-just for fun.

    Otherwise you offer up an excellent analysis.

  11. It appears that the worst elements of Dallas rubbed off; it's a wonder that your fellow Houstonites tolerate your presence.

    Thank you for staying away from Dallas.

    Filio is usually a "shoot from the lip" poster with little thought or facts to back up her rants. She is NOT indicative of most Houstonians or posters in this forum. I find it best not to enable her.

  12. i must not have had my microscope during the election. When i read Westpark, I thought it would go there.

    Why would you think it would go on Westpark.? Westpark dead-ends at Kirby-a little more than 2 miles west of Wheeler. The ballot never said Westpark Dr. It said Westpark:


    **Wheeler Station to Hillcroft Transit Center

    Ballots and maps were readily available for study before the election. If you didn't study the measure before-hand, just say so and be done with it.

  13. To say rail was voted along "that corridor" i.e. the Westpark Corridor is true, but to say Richmond is along the corridor is hard for me to swallow. I won't go any further as this has been discussed ad infinitum.

    Actually it is right in the middle of the corridor according to METRO's ballot map.


    BTW, if anyone thought Aftonag would return as a magnanimous victor instead of the immature poster he-or she?-has always been, I'm sorry if you were surprised. MUTTRO?

  14. Anyways, even if Afton Oaks people were for rail, it probably would've been better to transition to Westpark anyways because of higher population and employment density near Westpark and Newcastle.

    Even though METRO's own consultants chose a route through AO to Sage as one with the highest ridership, population and employment density-unless you work at the dog park.

    Again, short-sighted decisions made by short-sided decision makers. I hope AO will be happy with a future widened Richmond which will more than likely take all the esplanade trees-not to mention huge RR overpasses bracketing their enclave because all parties refused to co-operate: ie METRO, TxDot and the CoH. Again, mediocrity reigns and Houston looses.

  15. I heard the View's rating are up 27% this year. Don't think Rosie's going anywhere.

    Of course she's not. She brings higher ratings thus a higher revenue share off the advertising. Disney is peeing in their collective pants with glee each time she opens her mouth-and they eat guys like Trump for breakfast.

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