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Status Replies posted by Houston19514

  1. what's the latest on the sports authority funding going into the junk realm?

    1. Houston19514


      Oh, and more information you'll never read in the Chronicle. Remember when the Tollroad Authority "paid for" the practice fields at NRG Park? Rather than be paid by general funds or cause a toll increase, as some on HAIF predicted, the Sports Authority has been paying the Toll Road Authority back, with interest, right on schedule. Good investment by the Toll Road Authority.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. what's the latest on the sports authority funding going into the junk realm?

    1. Houston19514


      You won't find it in the Chronicle, but the latest on the sports authority funding going into the junk realm is that it is no longer in the junk realm. "Moody's upgrades Harris County-Houston Sports Authority, TX's (HCHSA) outstanding junior lien 2001H bonds to Baa2 from B2, third lien 2004A bonds to Baa3 from B3; and outstanding senior lien bonds to A2 from Ba3; outlook is stable" https://www.moodys.com/research/Moodys-upgrades-Harris-County-Houston-Sports-Authority-TXs...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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