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Posts posted by arndthwrld82

  1. The Texans without Johnson are still a better overall team than Manning ever had in Indy. Top 5 defense and running game. The Colts D in the Manning era has never finished in the top 10 and the running game has always been in the bottom half of the league even when they had Faulk or James. Manning will make whatever recievers he has look good and he prefers tight ends as his primary targets anyways. Trade Schaub and Johnson for picks, use the cap space for Manning, use the picks on recivers/tight ends, and if it's affordable, bring in Reggie Wayne or Pierre Garcon to have a comfort level with Manning. SUPER BOWL BOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Manning is going to be medically cleared to play. He wasn't let go because of health reasons but rather because the Colts have chosen to go in a different direction and rebuild around Andrew Luck. Yes he's going to be expensive but considering he's arguably the greatest quarterback ever and quite possibly will have 3-5 great years left in him, I'd say he'll be worth every penny. It's also possible that he would be willing to take a lower salary to join a serious contender rather than a giant salary to play for an also ran. The Texans do have cap problems but I think they should do whatever it takes to get Manning if they can possibly do it. That includes dealiung Schaub and maybe even Andre Johnson, yes he's a great player but he's getting past his prime and he still has value on the trade market. The NFL is a business and personnel decisions are not based on feelings but rather what is best for the franchise. If the Colts can cut Manning we can let go of Schaub to get him.

  3. Peyton Manning was cut by the Indianapolis Colts today and all of the analysis and speculation about where he'll play next year has begun. The Texans have been repeatedly mentioned as a possible suitor for Manning. I think this would be a fantastic move by Houston. Schaub is a good quarterback but he is coming off a serious injury and is in his 30's just like Manning so that makes the risk about equal when choosing to go with Schaub or Manning. The upside with Manning is much higher and he could be the final piece of the puzzle that puts the Texans over the top. The Texans run game and defense will be a big draw for Manning who is going to be looking for a contender and not a team that is in the process of rebuilding. The Texans should trade Schaub for draft picks and to free up cap space then sign Manning and make some serious super bowl runs over the next few years. This would also give them the opportunity to develop T.J. Yates or another young quarterback(Case Keenum?) to take over after Manning retires. Thoughts?

  4. I would highly recommend Pebble Creek Pools. I personally know the owner and I have never met anyone with more of a commitment to quality. They are a small family owned business and operate completely by word of mouth. You should do your research and choose a company that you feel most comfortable with but I would recommend looking into them and contacting them for a quote. I hope this helps and doesn't sound too much like a sales pitch. Rob

  5. Keeping the name would definetely work. I like the sound of Houston Coyotes. The article listed Houston as the 5th most likely city to get them. It did say that the NHL should seriously consider Houston in the future for expansion or relocation of a different team even if we don't get them. So there's hope!

  6. Houston made the short list of possible cities to relocate The Phoenix Coyotes. It is, of course, completely wild speculation and has no legititmate bearing on reality but fun to think about none the less. I have faith that one day Houston will have an NHL team.

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  7. Hello HAIFers, I'm moving to Houston soon and I've been gathering info on the web and this site has been fantastic for me since I'm also interested in development. I thought I'd start posting and I wanted to post some pics but after adding only 3 of them I had reached the 10 mb limit. I know there are plenty of posts with several pics in them so...what am I doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated, Thanks

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