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Status Updates posted by Materene

  1. While making my bed I was looking outside the window and I noticed a damned bottle rocket laying about 4 feet from my window. Now the grass was just cut two days prior to last night and it looks like hay laid over since it was so wet after all the rains and finally cut. This is what I worry about when these idiots get out there and fire off the fireworks in a area that is prone to fire because of the rain and recent cut grass. I look for these idiots to burn someones place down in the futu...

  2. Nekkid and Afraid .... what a show that is, can't imagine walking around nekkid with some strange woman then have to worry about finding food and shelter. Hell if I were at home I could just go to Denny's for a bite. I still haven't seen the purpose of this show, what's the point ? They look pretty nasty too so that would pretty much kill the deal for me, got to have my shower two times a day or I ain't going.

  3. What a surprise! it's raining so hard on the east coast of Florida tonight's Daytona Race canceled until tomorrow morning around 11am eastern time, it do be raining there since there was a hurricane just a few hours ago. ;0)

  4. G night world, if my knee kicks out tonight I'm going to shoot myself

  5. I watched a report last night that shows without any doubt this recent busing of all these illegals is by design and they are trying to influx the conservative cities and communities where these foreign ass holes will one day rule and make up the voting majority. We have complete criminals in our white house and on his planning teams, every damned one of these people should be shot like a tryrant that they are. I cannot believe we have so many felons in our government, it is long past the...

  6. Sitting here thinking about a post mentioning Super Markets, and that thought made me think about the Ice Capades around 1956 or 57. If you were a kid then and never got a chance to go to one you really missed something special. I was only around 7 or 8 but I remember walking in and getting a blast of ice cold air in the face, one of the favorite refreshments at the time was a nice snow cone and there was something special about that snow cone in that era, you could actually taste and smell...

  7. Got my renewal notice on my little tiny PO box, it's now up to 48 bucks, I think it's time to just close it, all they put in it is junk mail, no sense in me paying someone 48 dollars to store junk mail. At the rate everything the government is involved with your entire SS check would be completely used up before you can even pay rent or any kind of bill. It's just sickening to watch all the gouging and waste going on. I'm going to send a change of address to my neighbors box for my meds an...

  8. S o now we have a scam appearing that it comes from facebook saying we have been reported for what ever, in my case this morning it says I was reported for having nudity on my facebook. Yeah right ! after checking the mailing address on the email the net says it is a scam started recently. Facebook needs to do something about this because it looks official and we all know how silly they are when it comes to turning off services for any reports. If I ever get turned off I will leave it off...

  9. Just one morning I would like to hit the floor without heartburn after watching early news and listening to that kenyan brag about how much damage he intends to do. What are we going to do with this lawless POS, do we have to take everything he does to the supreme court, never in the history of the nation have we had one man so lawless in thinking he can be a king, it simply shows the silly bastard know s nothing about our constitution and with sealed records I seriously doubt he ever was a...

  10. Two Supreme Court Hand slapping s today.. I really like the one that told the unions they have no right to force people who aren't even working in a public sector job to give their hard earned money to those thieving ass holes. Recently the liberals started attempting to send those union thugs to private non union businesses with OLSHA on inspections. This is exactly what happened to pre WWII Europe when all the thugs were turned loose on the population. If I owned a business and those thu...

  11. I smell an impeachment coming, the kenyan says he's going to do what he wants about immigration reform, I don't think so you ass hole, the only thing you will do is find yourself in a federal prison where you should already be.

  12. I'm so mad, my brand of Jelly Beans I buy, have cut down their content in a bag and now you get one half of what you once got. The state of the Nation lies within that bag of Jelly Beans. We are in terrible shape when you start stealing from the kids.

  13. Nothing ruins my day worse than hearing that liberal drunk bob beckle on FOX run his mouth and label conservatives. If FOX don't get rid of that shrill I'm going to stop watching. These liberals are the biggest bunch of felons ever collected in one group, they somehow got the impression they rule our Country. Liars and Felons and yes even children, most of the commentators and spokespersons for this administration are all young inexperienced children, they have the minds of children and it...

  14. Cowboys and Aliens, some crazy movie ;0) we need Cowboys and kenyans for the win.

  15. Everyone remember this number and think how much money was spent or thrown away by our corrupt bloated unlawful government. It is shameful that these people prance around and suck down shrimp cocktails every night in DC, take vacations all over the world, spend millions on lavish get together s for government offices that are public servants. God damn all of them, go straight to hell where you belong.996,000 unprocessed Veterans claims . I hate liberals, I hate kenyans, and I hate muslims...

  16. I honestly believe all these democrats are liars, you see them on all the talk shows and they all have a smirk on their face when ask a simple question, they talk for ten minutes dancing around the question and never actually give an answer. I'd love to be the one that was hired to walk up to all of them and slap that silly grin off their faces. This attitude of theirs just shows they care nothing about the country as a whole but only to their party of thieves and liars, and that is what wi...

  17. Ah, a beautiful Friday morning, can I get a big Screw the Kenyan and Holder. Won't be much longer and this pair will get what they worked so hard for. You can't be criminals and get away with it, especially when you are holding public office. They tried and have failed, thanks to conservatives and FOX reporting all the criminal activities that these two scumbags have been doing. Why they are still there today is totally beyond me, it shows how corrupt they really are, their minions are fa...

  18. The Tyrants are working overtime in DC, they will pull out this new National ID bill in a few weeks, everyone will have a photo and other information in a massive data bank for these thieving sons a bitches to spy and abuse you more easily. Call your representatives and tell them we aren't going to put up with this socialist bullshit any longer and we're going to start kicking some asses and taking names if they don't stop abusing their power. Hold that representative responsible and make...

  19. Extremely active hurricane season, just what we needed!.......next one and I'm loading the dog and going west. Sitting around waiting for the power to go back on a week or more is the worst. The one last year just skirted us and fizzled out at Baton Rouge, the power still went off. You can't win might as well leave and take a vacation.

  20. What we now see is an entire country taking an IQ test, if you believe anything this white house says then you have failed. Did you pass the test?

  21. Frog choker this morning at daylight, going to come back again before the days over.Guess I'll go do my chores before the water get's too deep, I hate having wet feet.

  22. Good night Miss Calabash where ever you are

  23. Whuts this add a phone number crap ..... whut would someone steal from me anyway, a butchered up photochop... I got so damned many people trying to loan me money I can't keep track, they'll even deposit it direct if you give them the information.

  24. All the paid lip service talkers are out there this morning defending the IRS trying to do damage control for the sorry socialist in the white house. Corrupt to the bone and we all know it, they fool no one and we are watching every move they make. This illegal president will not only go down as our first illegal president but also the most corrupt evil vile bastard we've ever seen. If you're a liberal supporting the division and racism and felonies committed by this bunch then you need se...

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