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Status Updates posted by Materene

  1. 11pm on the 21st , all my friends here at facebook done gone to sleep, you can tell when everyone is old.

  2. 2pm here and we are getting hammered with 40 and 50 mile per hour gust, the rain will probably come in tonight, guess I better sleep with my shoes on. :0(

  3. A Modern Day Mussolini ... it's because of people like this swine that our Country is so depleted now. Not one person should have any influence on the running of the Military other than those that are voted by the American Public, these atheist need to go, they can believe in anything they like but anyone imposing any sanction or attempting to railroad a Christian and strip them of their rightful guarantees of the constitution should be charged with a crime and prosecuted, that goes for poli...

  4. A post on one of our groups just told of massive cuts in our officer corps coming in a few days and weeks. Told their services would no longer be needed. Hows everyone feel about a public hanging to take place in good old Washington DC. If our forefathers could have seen this worthless foreign muslim bastard sleeping in our white house they would all have written another article to make sure it don't happen. I think that was what they had in mind when they already said only a person with n...

  5. A Wal Mart super store now sits on the staging line of the old Houston International Drag Strip, it was an NHRA division 4 strip, sure had some good times there back when I was young and foolish. So sad to see it gone now, but hey what to hell half of downtown Houston is also gone. Gonna make sure I am cremated so I won't be disturbed when they want to build something more important than my grave.http://kiwi6.com/file/75yc883bv6

  6. Ah, a beautiful Friday morning, can I get a big Screw the Kenyan and Holder. Won't be much longer and this pair will get what they worked so hard for. You can't be criminals and get away with it, especially when you are holding public office. They tried and have failed, thanks to conservatives and FOX reporting all the criminal activities that these two scumbags have been doing. Why they are still there today is totally beyond me, it shows how corrupt they really are, their minions are fa...

  7. All the paid lip service talkers are out there this morning defending the IRS trying to do damage control for the sorry socialist in the white house. Corrupt to the bone and we all know it, they fool no one and we are watching every move they make. This illegal president will not only go down as our first illegal president but also the most corrupt evil vile bastard we've ever seen. If you're a liberal supporting the division and racism and felonies committed by this bunch then you need se...

  8. All these shootings have been going on for ages, now every incident is world news, the media is the single worst instigator of all our problems. Just turn it off! Pay more attention to what legislators are doing behind our backs and closed doors, that's where the real danger lies. Be sure and vote any of them out if they trample our 2nd amendment or any other. Our real enemies are in DC, let there be no mistake about that.

    1. fatesdisastr


      I fully agree with that

  9. All those idiots out there screaming and hollering for this dumb ass from kenya, all the while he and the rest of his minions are plotting and planning. God help us we have so many that can't think for themselves. Forrest Gump has been very busy.

    1. JLWM8609


      If you think Obama is from Kenya, then I have some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you.

  10. Almost forgot, I found my shroud and awaiting conformation on the dimensions for width and height. It is one piece and listed for a big block so when you ask for a heavy duty radiator for that 82 they naturally assume you have the 454. I knew the radiator that was originally in the Truck was not this long one but the narrower taller one using a two piece shroud. It gets confusing because there is a sump on the bottom each side of the radiator frame mount that the little rubber cushions sit...

  11. Amazing how friends and family all move away from the hometown eventually. It makes it so hard to find anyone after you lose touch. I was trying for a long time to find my cousin Donald and his wife Linda and always come up short, so I came up with another plan and did some tracking tonight of their son who wasn't very old the last time I saw him or his Father and Grandmother. His grandmother was really a very close friend of my grandmother but back in the 30s friendships had much more mea...

  12. Another Sunday morning, got my crock fired up, I'm like the ARVN on Sundays the first thing I do is fire up the rice cooker when I get to my LZ, which in my case the LZ is my kitchen. It's white beans and rice with sausages today. Got a race at Michigan today and I don't think we'll see anyone jump out of their cars and run down on the center of the track, it's pretty fast around that track even with a yellow. I see NASCAR still wienied out on the jumping out of the car and confronting som...

  13. Boy what a long day, must be the heat cause I haven't done anything but go to the store and PO and mop a front room, or should say half ass mop a front room. I know there has to be some rain out there somewhere, where is it when you really need it. Growing up we never owned an air conditioner, we had floor fans and window fans and attic fans, now that attic fan was cool but you had to be sure and not sleep too close to the window crack with your tongue sticking out or you would get tongue c...

  14. Bummer, cloning my new hard drive and I already have a disc read write error according to the tool. ;0(

  15. Chicken n rice with gravy is the menu for me and the dog, no rain or clouds as yet, kinda strange since today was supposed to be 60 per cent chance of rain and yesterday it was cloudy all day and only a 30 per cent chance, and it rained like the devil late in the afternoon. Never know what it will do in the south, you know when it gets here. That chicken sure smells good, sure be glad when it cools enough to finish the cooking. The dog is in a runners sprint position just waiting for the...

  16. Cloudy Today and still warm out, got some chicken thawing and I think it will be chicken and rice for a dreary day like today, tomorrow and later tonight it is supposed to rain. Went to bed slightly later last night and this morning I still woke up at a decent hour, was laying there letting my eye balls shrink back to their normal diameters and I switched the TV channels a couple times, FOX news sound was outta sync and it was giving me the hiby jiby's so I switched it and on the Sci Fi was...

  17. Congress you better be ready to put a stop to these socialist that are all gathered today to destroy our 2nd amendment rights, the only enemy I see and fear is that foreigner and his stooges like biden and the other scum bags. Get ready to defend yourself because these people are going to start a civil war in this country, they will be hiding somewhere with armed guards protecting their sorry socialist asses, you will be protecting yourself. Impeach this imposter in the white house before i...

  18. Couldn't take it any longer had to turn on the front air conditioner, the humidity is terrible here, never get used to it. I can honestly say it was more comfortable in RVN than in Houston or here in LA. The humidity is a lot different and you might as well just put on fresh clean "wet" clothes... at least in RVN I never felt it, I got off the plane in Houston aug the 7th 1970 and thought I was going to die it was so bad.

  19. Cowboys and Aliens, some crazy movie ;0) we need Cowboys and kenyans for the win.

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