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Posts posted by Texasota

  1. Which gets to my bugbear about how highway/road capacity is expanded in this godforsaken country: adding lanes to existing roads rather than increasing the number of connection and increasing redundancy. 

    We need more bridges across Buffalo Bayou, I-10, the north loop, etc. I'm happy with adding road capacity if it's done in a way that increases options for people so we stop funneling everyone onto just a few routes.

    And to be fair, I've lived in tons of places way worse about this than Houston, but still. 

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  2. We are in agree to disagree territory. What happened happened, so it's impossible to know if things could have gone differently. 

    I do think you're far too fatalistic about these things though; just because something *did* happen doesn't mean it's the only thing that *could* happen and it has to be possible to try to avoid similar things in the future. 

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  3. I'm well aware of where old Chinatown was; having something other than a sea of parking lots so close *could* have helped it stay more sustainable. 

    Every central city in the country suffered massive losses at that time, but retaining some existing buildings, even small scale ones, could have provided the basis for rebuilding with *small* infusions of money. 

    None of this is guaranteed; the loss is purely potential that might never have been tapped. But we never got to find out. 


    Although again, we have a decent precedent right here in Texas: Deep Ellum. Not saying the neighborhoods are identical, but Deep Ellum is/was composed almost entirely of small two and (mostly) one story buildings and was not in good shape in the 80's. It had a massive resurgence as early as the 90's!

    Would the east side of downtown looked like Deep Ellum in 1996 if it hadn't been razed to the ground? Probably not! But it might have been its own unique thing, rather than absolutely nothing.


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  4. No, I was not alive. But a lot of great things have been done with random crappy buildings. *Any* remaining businesses and housing would have been better than emptiness. 

    Maybe old Chinatown would still be around in some form. Maybe something like Deep Ellum would have developed. Maybe just one of those little buildings would today house the best BBQ restaurant in the city. Who knows? Any potential for the unexpected and unpredictable disappeared along with those "random crappy buildings".

    The three links you gave are great examples of small, flexible properties that can be repurposed for a variety of uses relatively quickly and cheaply. That's incredibly valuable and something we are really losing with all these full-block developments.

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