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Posts posted by midtown_resident

  1. A park can be a good thing to have in front of you and a bad thing, it depends on the neighborhood. I think this one will be a good thing and it could spark the Baldwin Park area to become a high-class zone within Midtown with the park as the focal point. Am I being too rosy-eyed here?

    I'm rosey-eyed like you on this matter...however, only time will tell. Just recently, a hand detail shop set up across the street from us with the used-car dealership flags all over it - pretty ugly stuff. This is less than one block from the park.

    Though time will likely flush out such entities - it's not terribly encouraging. Meanwhile, however, the park really is coming along very nicely and looks like it will be a great central focus.

    I was chatting with a surveyor from the civil engineering group working with the Collective, last wkd. All signs point to a groundbreak at the very tail end of the year - i.e. december, as late as january...

  2. I just read that Houston lost the bidding on the Burger King Headquarters. The company said they rather remain in South Flordia (Maimi) for their headquarters.

    Now, I'm reading that Houston lost another headquarters (Fluor Corp.)  this time to our rivials, Dallas.

    Is it bad times heading for Houston? Maybe, Houston won't get the Super Bowl either, the verdict is this month on the 2009 Super Bowl.

    Don't be so quick to judge the advent of good or bad times based on the potential moves of corporations and super bowl awards. I think it's a bit short sighted. I think we often lose site of long-term objectives on this board and see short-term 'setbacks' as major negatives. I think Houston is headed for great times. Our industries are well diversified now, no longer just energy. We've embarked on a mission to develop a more cosmopolitan urban core, and despite some bumps in the road, it looks like it will happen. Houston will attract large corporations in due time simply because of the low cost of living and the large base of competent and capable hard working people.

    Burger King, Flour and the Super Bowl could never be indicators of the absolute right or wrong direction - imho.

  3. Just a thought - as long as you're compiling information about hotspots...why not also gather/provide information for the business traveller on WIFI hotspots? When i'm travelling, this is the most frustrating search - perhaps someone knows how this information might be already readily available?

  4. -------------------

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    Please do not post copyrighted photos or articles from newspapers or magazines.  We have already received a warning from the Houston Chronicle, and the legal departments of other publications have visited the site.  If you would like to discuss a published article, please summarize the article and provide a link to the original source.


    Montrose...could you post a link?

  5. ^  and right here is the reason developers keep building business structures with surface parking attached.

    I don't understand how this is the smart solution - i.e. structures with surface parking attached. It would seem to me that there must be much more logical solutions with long-term objectives in mind for the area.

    If this is the reason that developers keep building business structure with surface parking attached, then I can't help but conclude that these developers are short-sighted.

  6. i helped my dad with a booth for a few weeks but he does not want to return.  i am so frustrated with this, as i can see so much potential for market square.  dave is doing a great job of organizing and i can't say enough good things about his efforts.  i ranted in another post yesterday (houston - dog friendly?) about dave asking a man to pick up after his big dog in the park area and how the well dressed man casually refused.  each week the vendors arrive around 7am and find it necessary to wake the bums up and coax them in to moving along.  some do and some just keep sleeping away.  they sleep on the concrete benches that are inset with old time photos of houston, which means anyone wishing to study the pictures may or may not be able to see them.  yesterday the bum sleeping by the mosiac bench where my dad was setting up woke up ill and vomited - i covered it up with paper towels but ended up going home for cleaning supplies because i knew around 12noon the smell would drive away customers and make us all sick.  i am going to contact hpd tomorrow and ask about an officer or two making a walk through - in the weeks i have been there i have never once seen a cop set foot in the park.  i'll also call the mayors office and inquire about the enforcement of the ordinance designed to stop the bums from sleeping in the park since it presents a public health hazard.  i visited with merchants, many who are becoming discouraged and thinking of dropping out and told them i was going to look into getting these problems addressed.  i asked them to try and hang in there, because right now there is a good variety of things being sold and i really think this market idea could catch on.

    a bigger problem is getting some foot traffic down there.  yesterday there was an education forum at the convention center and an outdoor concert by the theater district, but market square traffic was slow all day.  many people are angry that the city wants $1.50 per hour for meter parking, but there is $2 all day parking in the lot across the street.  people on this board have so many creative, good ideas that i would be interested in getting more perspective on whether you think market square can survive.  one idea i had was extending it to include friday afternoon, when so many people are downtown.  there is already a wide variety of good food, great live music and everything from a massage therapist to a carpenter who makes custom cabinets, along with the art and jewelry.  the bums have got to go, the grass has got to be maintained doggy free but what else can be done?

    deb martin

    it's after reading postings like this, that i wish our city 'leadership' were actively participating on this board. if we want our downtown area to truly revitalize, then the city needs to take an active role - this is sad.

    deb, i hope your message is read by many - and i would urge you to email all council members and the mayor's office with this data.

  7. How about these questions:

    How do you feel about Houston being America's largest city w/o zoning?

    How do you feel about Sugar Land being the most zoning restricted city in the state of Texas?

    I find it interesting when I speak to folks living in Sugarland who are 'anti-zoning' for Houston...

  8. My sources is my realtor (also a friend) who working with the developer and reviewing their contracts and legal documents.  They've had meetings with several lenders to determing the best one.  He is also involved with creating the condo association rules and the marketing of the condos.

    This project is definetly moving forward.  As for a dates for construction and completion, I haven't pressed them for it.  I think he may have given me a little to much information.  But none of this seems like it'll mess the project up.

    He gave me the name of the developer, but I need to confirm it.  They probably have a website that gives much more information on their history and their projects.

    I'll look for it.

    Your scoop is very much appreciated! If you could find out the details on groundbreak it would truly be exciting - i'm looking forward to it!

    Thanks for the data!

  9. So are they knocking down that building on the SW corner of that block? The one with all the cool artwork around the base? I was hoping that that old structure was going to be incorporated into the new structure but that doesnt look like it in the elevations. Without knocking it down the lot size seems kind of small.

    Lowbrow, from my conversations with the folks at the collective, much of that artwork WILL be incorporated into the new bldg. It's also my understanding that the elevations on the web are very native, and not neccessarily completely accurate. Let's see :) I'm very excited about this project.

  10. kjb434...

    what's your source on this? taco milagro would be an unbelievable addition to the area given the popularity of it. Although, i'm not a huge fan of the food...it's great that such a venue would have confidence in the location...this is great news. Tell us more as you learn!!!


    Update!!  Taco Milagro is one of the slated retail residents.  The currently have a restaurant at Kirby and Westheimer.  I haven't eaten there before and have received mixed reviews from friends.  But it always seems busy.

    Also, a potential vegatarian restaurant is also proposed.  The developer of this project primarily deals with shopping centers and also build some McMansions in the West U and Bellaire area.  My realtor has told me that the developer feels that with the cost of land in Midtown that he only sees a mixed used or mid-rise residential as the most money making options.

    After this project moves forward, he'll see if he wants to do some more.  They are planning to have future residents only sign contracts and not setup a sill reservation concept like Shamrock Tower.

  11. Yeah,

    What I love about this project is that it will have retail on the bottom and will be facing the renovated Baldwin Park.  It would be nice to have a little urban park right outside your front door, with street cafes at the bottom.  I hope more projects like this start sprouting up around the rail line in the midtown and downtown sector soon.  These are the type of projects I would hope for.  Does anybody have any renderings?

    For renderings: see http://www.thecollective.org and you'll see the links to the elevations renderings.

    Also see thread: http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...p?showtopic=285

    This is indeed a HOT project!

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