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Posts posted by AtticaFlinch

  1. Intelligence and ambition determine success,

    You forgot several other rather important factors, with luck, emotional support and a built-in bankroll being chief among them.

    • Like 1
  2. I couldn't stand Perry from the beginning. All this insane talk about him not taking funds the stimulus funds for the sake of being wrong fueled my anger when I realized later on that some other state probably got the same exact funds, in effect not saving us (Texans who pay taxes) a dime.

    Perry's a grandstanding prick. It amazes me he still has any support in this state. His schtick hasn't changed in ten years, and it's not even as if he does a good job of hiding his true intentions. His sole reason to be is getting reelected; that's it and nothing more. He panders to his base with empty moralistic platitudes and then to his corporate sponsors with sweetheart deals. He has no moral compass, and his soul is for sale to the highest bidder. I wish he'd take the job of a used car salesman that he'd be so effective at and leave Texas politics for good.

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  3. Attica! Gross! Drinking vomit, is that really necessary? The soul-sucking torpor of the suburbs must really be getting to you.

    My initial instinct was to go with the copraphilia analogy. I toned it down as best as I could.

    And yeah, I see a lot of vomit guzzling going on here in the 'burbs. These people will swallow anything served at a Chili's.

    Sorry, crunch, but this has to be done:

    +1 Attica

    Ten more of those and my farmville chickens get laser eyes.
  4. Oh, depending on my mood, I've been accused of pretty much everything, including arrogant elitist back when I owned my Porsche. wink.gif

    My reaction is reflexive at this point. It doesn't really take into consideration your past history of being more than unidimensional. My response is accurate for most people who denigrate NASCAR though. Most people laugh at the events because of the fans of the events, regardless of whether or not they'd actually enjoy themselves personally at a race.

    Anyhow, my favorite type of racing is definitely drag racing, and they don't even turn left. It's just a few seconds of driving straight. That's more trailer park than even NASCAR can muster.

  5. However, as bad as F1 has gotten, I'd still go to an F1 race long before I'd be caught dead at NASCAR.

    Eh... six in one hand, half dozen in the other. They're both just cars going fast - hopefully with a wreck or two. If NASCAR was associated with Europeans instead of hillbillies, and Formula-1 was the race originating in the West Virginia mountains, you'd probably feel differently. I've been to NASCAR before, and I'm neither a redneck nor a hillbilly, and I still had a blast.

    Hell, I love going to Baytown to watch the drag races too, though I haven't been there for that since I've been back in Texas.

  6. The people in those gated McMansions are new money or don't have as much money as you think they do.

    River Oaks and Memorial is SERIOUS money.

    Old money wouldn't go on this show. These will be wives of mid-size oil company executives, plastic surgeons and those lawyers who run those ads trying to get a bunch of plaintiffs involved in a class action lawsuit against weight-loss pharmaceutical companies.

    I accidentally caught about five minutes of the Atlanta show once (I'd briefly lost my testicles and had no other choice), and I was a bit surprised to find out only like two of the "housewives" were even married. What's up wit dat? And, that white one with the fake blonde hair (the one who looked like a tranny) was about the dumbest human being ever given facetime over the airwaves. I feel robbed for that five minutes I lost to that show. It was nothing but a bunch of stupid people doing stupid things and manufacturing stupid drama. It was like Jerry Springer in a Bentley. I had to take a shower afterward to wash away the filth (and where I fortunately recovered my balls). I've not seen a single other episode of the show, and I probably wouldn't watch it even if my wife was on it.

  7. My wife is home right now with our baby (and another one on the way). Can she be on this show? Technically, she's a housewife. Not only that, she's an attractive blonde, and she can ramp up the drama to make it interesting. Also, I know how to sigh really big and shake my head for whenever I'd be on screen. This can be my trademark line: "My wife did what? Well, you can't fence her in." And then I'll stumble off screen to refill my scotch on the rocks.

    I really don't want to move to Memorial though, and something tells me all these women will live in Memorial.

  8. You probably didn't realize that the idea is to portray demons from hell as more lovable and 'human' than native Texans...who are portrayed as pickled-drunk horny hyper-elitist tycoons that can't decide whether they'd rather kick a dog or have sex with it.

    Or did you?

    That describes my next door neighbors. Except for the indecision - they already know what they want to do with the dog.

  9. Your statement's not entirely without merit though - since the fighting stopped it's become a rather more dull spot, much like any other northern industrial town, as Billy Bragg put it. There was something about it during the 80s and early 90s, a notoriety that defined it, perverse as that might seem....

    The loss of random gunshots and the latent fear of being blown to bits can dramatically alter the character of a place. Fortunately for those who miss that sort of thing, International flights to Baghdad are still open. Tickets are available at the nearest Marine recruiting station.

  10. I like the sound of the horns at night and in the morning. I am going to miss them, but the one a bit north of 610 will still do it for us. I write this from a hotel room that's about 200 yards from a runway at Heathrow, which doesn't bother me at all. I guess I just view noise differently than most.

    I suppose that depends more on proximity to the tracks and the regularity of the trains. When I lived in Memphis, I was half a block away from the Southern Pacific line which tore through town at least once every half hour. And when it did tear through, it shook the crap out of my apartment walls and the engineers blasted the horn so loudly and so long it was to the point of ridiculousness. If I was having a conversation over the phone and a train decided to drop through at that moment, I'd literally be forced to stop talking while it went through as no one would be able to hear me over the noise.

    I'm sure the runway at Heathrow would be a vastly different experience if the hotel has less insulation and you actually lived there year-round.

  11. There were streetcars servicing Eden Park in Cincinnati. Could this be a token that made it to Houston?


    I considered this possibility too, and the only reason I dismissed it is because I thought those historic cable cars only took real currency and not tokens.

    Edit: Not to mention, if there was a token, wouldn't it be specific to the rail line, and not to one of the destinations on the rail line?

    Anyhow, check out this photo:



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  12. I could be completely off on this, but I'm betting this is a turnstile token. In the 1910s-30s, it wouldn't have been unheard of to make these from a copper alloy. If this is the case, that narrows the search to places named Eden Park that were open in the early part of the last century that would have had a need for turnstile tokens. And, the only Eden Park I can find that fits that description is the rugby stadium in Auckland, New Zealand.

    This is just a wild guess though. I'd really like to see what the other side of the coin looks like before I state that with any sort of confidence.

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  13. I looked for more information on that show (Neighbors From Hell) and found nothing that said it was set in Houston. Besides the energy company drilling to the center of the earth and the Southern accent I heard from one of the characters, what else suggest or says that its set in Houston?

    I heard it on a promo the other night.

  14. I was wondering if anyone has heard of Eden Park in Houston? The artifact was found near Magnolia Park and dates 1910-1930's? It may be from somewhere else.

    Top says EDEN Middle has a 4 and bottom has Park on it. Could this be from a Houston park?

    My curiosity is thoroughly piqued. I'll check my historical coin books when I get home. (Yes, I have those. I used to do some historical archaeology too.) Something tells me this isn't local though. The greenish oxidation would lead me to believe it's a copper or a heavy copper alloy coin. Is that correct? Or, is that just odd colored dirt? Copper's awfully high-end to be making carousel tokens out of.

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  15. Don't be a douche.

    When it comes to calculator humor, there are no holds barred. I once held a gun to a calculator's solar panel and shouted "Lights out!" while affecting my best Arnold Schwarzenegger impression.

    Oh how everybody laughed! We all agreed it crossed a line, though we weren't sure which one, but we all also agreed it was the funniest and most topical calculator joke ever. (It was 1992, right after Terminator 2 and the TI-85 came out.) From that day forward, I vowed never to miss an opportunity to tell a joke involving calculators, even if it meant being labeled a douche. I've held true to that conviction all but once. I was in a room full of calculators then, in a bad part of town, and I didn't need to stir up that kind of trouble. Those calculators looked mean and dangerous, and I can't remember too clearly anymore, but I think a couple of them had teardrop tattoos under their number displays. It was a risk that wasn't worth taking.

    But, now that I'm safe behind a computer monitor, if you want to hear an even worse calculator joke, I know one called "The Aristocalculators".

  16. Is that a TI Basic programming syntax for calculators?

    I think that god() would require more than 10 MHz to run His program.

    Nah. According to Lockmat, all God needs is to be able to write 7734 and then to turn his calculator upside down. Everything else falls into place after that.

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