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Posts posted by Jesse

  1. you know, when i saw the house that was burned this morning "unscrupulous developer" was the 1st thing that popped in to my mind. i quickly dismissed it but i am so glad to see that i am not the only one who had that come to mind. after all why would a developer have burned the shed next door to the 1st house?


  2. 'Morning everyone

    In the past few months the city has done a pretty decent job of repaving the N/S streets in my area (Cortlandt & 23rd, 24th - Sunset Heights). [[Let's ignore the drainage problems here for a second]] Then, all of a sudden, yesterday a crew shows up and starts ripping up the corner curbs on all the intersections! They had made these nice new ramps with red brick. Today, jackhammers and crews removing a ~10' section at every corner!

    Anybody know what's up?

  3. Good morning everyone

    I'm in need of a few good references for someone who can help me get some landscaping maintenance done on my house. I have about 6 or 7 large Iris plants in front of my house that need trimming and serious weeding. Moderate weeding in the backyard (30x20, not large), hedges trimmed and shaped, and 2 large Japanese Blueberry (no actual blueberries, quite a misnomer!) trees trimmed back as well.

    Any suggestions? It's positively no more than a day's work, but I'm not looking to break the bank on this one. Thoughts?


    EDIT: Heights area, FYI

  4. Rather than embracing this influx of new potential customers, a vocal minority of 19th Street vendors complained loudly to the city about their two hours of lost business. It became a big enough stumbling block that the organizers just gave up. Started up after the Heights Crit died was a similar event in Sugarland's Town Square where apparently they are seeing the financial upside of it. My guess is that the White Linen organizers didn't want to go through the hassles of a street closure, and that at least a few 19th Street shops would have complained if they had.

    Probably the same "vocal minority" that called the Booze Police last year. The ironic thing is, I'm way more likely to NOT visit a store if there's a crowd out in front caused by people stuffing the sidewalks. I wonder if several of the Heights Civic Clubs could get together to champion the closing of the street?

  5. I am still questioning the value of the constable when a 50 year old man can rob a bank in broad daylight on a bike and ride away with all of the money without being caught.


    With all of the crime that has been happening around the Heights, does anyone have any stories where the constable actually made a difference?

    When I was living down in the museum district, we had a patrol service. One day my downstairs neighbor's ex husband came over, drunk, and started yelling at her in front of the house. He grabbed her, and she screamed for me to call the patrol (she had always talked about how great they were, after a home-invasion incident years earlier). I called the patrol, and told them what was happening. I literally heard his screeching tires 6 or 7 blocks away, and he must have hit 90 on his way over. He ran up to the house, and took care of the situation. While it was one of the scariest moments I've experienced - it was just that: only a moment. The entire incident, from phone call to him arriving, had to have been under a minute. There is NO WAY a HPD officer (nothing against them) could have gotten there that fast, and I know the ex would have made the situation much, much worse shortly thereafter. Cops showed up a few minutes later (he must have radio'd it in).

    Worth $250? Hell yeah. Worth 10x that, if you ask me. All you need is one incident to make their service priceless. I wish we had enough neighborhood buy-in around me to get one.

  6. While the commenters over at the Chronicle are -- with very few exceptions -- socially retarded and verging on illiterate, I found this little spat on Alison Cook's most recent review to be interesting:

    Sheeats -

    I just wanted you to know that I just registered and joined this wonderful forum simply to tell you that this quote absolutely made my day. Cheers!


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