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Everything posted by ttutrav

  1. Actually it hasn't bothered me as much as I thought it would. I was a little shaken Tuesday morning when it happened, makes you think about death and all that but I was actually happy that I was able to at least stop and try to do something rather than just freak out or keep driving like it didn't happen. I'd feel worse it if was an accident but since it was a suicide, its tragic that someone would do that, but at the end of the day, he did it to himself. I feel sorry for his family, especially if its true that his dad was in a building nearby as mentioned earlier in this thread. I'm not a parent, but I couldn't imagine losing a kid, especially in that manner. Maybe I'm too desensitized from years of violent video games, movies, and unfiltered internet access but I haven't lost any sleep over it or really dwelled over it since Tuesday.
  2. Yeah, he landed right next to my car as I was driving up Louisiana to work. He jumped from the parking garage. I stopped and got out in that parking lot next to the Wedge Tower Garage and started to go over to him, but a security guard was already there and had called 911. Wasn't much anyone could do for him. The police arrived about a minute later and traffic was being directed around him; I left as I didn't want to be in the way. Pretty disturbing to be cruising into work and seeing a body drop out of the sky.
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