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Posts posted by Pumapayam

  1. I'm sorry that HAIF doesn't have a more robust server to withstand such events. I was pricing some better servers back in the spring, but that didn't work out. Considering the number of freeloaders on HAIF (yes, I see you... well, most of you), chances are we won't get a better machine anytime soon. I can barely pay the rent!

    Well heck, count me in too. With gas back down to reasonable levels again, why not.

    Wayne, I don't want you give up on HAIF. . . never-ever :lol:

    Much love to you, in the most platonic manner of course. :wub:

  2. Halloween is my wife's favorite holiday so we're taking a train ride into the country to look at the fall colors, lunch at a country inn, then back in time to get half a day's (and night's) work done.

    I didn't sign up for trick-or-treating this year, so there won't be any urchins at my place.

    I celebrate my Hallow's Eve by turning 29 tomorrow.

    Old man, I am.

  3. Let's get everyones opinion on what percentage of US citizens will turn out to vote in the 2008 presidential election.

    Just leave a number and a brief opinion on why and what you think it means for the election and the parties.

    without getting into a flame war please.

    I'd push for 80%, and it's because people want change. . . even Joe the plumber.

  4. I just read an article that said Comcast will discontinue that commercial because a study showed viewers were annoyed by the character. The are replacing Sam with Billy Mayes, but only because the ShamWow guy was unavailable.

    I vote Heights2Bastrop for best response of the day!


    And yeah, the SH Statue is dumb, especially with the George Washington reference.

    They are like 100 years apart.

  5. Old Nancy is reporting again, from Sunday's Chronicle.

    Houston is a bright spot for retail developments

    The ailing economy is hurting retailers nationwide as consumers tighten their belts amid higher unemployment and harder to get credit.

    But in Houston, sales have remained strong, thanks to new jobs and economic growth across all industry sectors, according to a retail report by Holliday Fenoglio Fowler, a mortgage banking firm.

    Retail occupancy was flat at the end of the third quarter, averaging 91 percent. That

  6. "Phobia - The Darke Institute!" Off of 59 between Buffalo Speedway and Kirby.

    I went to Phobia off 290 last night and did the Dark Institute and Clown one, both were silly.

    You are wandering a maze of plywood halls with high school kids with mask on you.

    They can't touch you, but a few blew in my ear. :lol:

    So Scream World is just the same, and Phobia is ..

    I guess I will try Nightmare on the Bayou.

  7. I also have it on very good authority that several Buyers are already looking to move over to another high rise that is already well under construction (delivery 2009) and in the same price range (read between the lines).

    2727 Kirby?

    Probably should move this topic and merge it with Turnberry Tower and rename it.

    I am kinda bummed out, but at least maybe a good mixed use project, with a combination of retail and residential can fill in the void in the future. Give some nice outdoor shopping around the Galleria.

  8. I heard some scoop on HOB.

    Apparently, they have some sort of contractual stipulation whereas a performer cannot do a show at another venue and then perform at HOB.

    Well, BB King performed at the Arena and then HOB denied him a show there. Then, Beeb's got on the phone and took care of that and then performed. He then went on to NOLA HOB and announced that the Houston HOB was the * venue he'd ever played. I've heard other performers have cancelled. Looks like the manager is a SOB.

    Keep in mind that this information is all hearsay.


    I thought people cancelled because of post Ike issues.

  9. Note duplicate topics combined.

    And yeah, how very strange...

    Wayne mentioned that Blogger was down too, maybe they share the same servers.

    This Swamplot blogpost is showing a deadlink as well, but it was working this morning.

    I posted on the Auto Dome article.

  10. She kept the name and assigned an alternate: Mao. She swears he can understand Mandarin Chinese.

    I have my doubts.

    So he is a little Country. . . and a little bit Rock n Roll Chinese! :lol:

    Glad he is doing well.

    He is over 5 years old now.

  11. Well, we kind of went all out this year.

    Nice set up TJ.

    I don't bother doing any outdoor Halloween decor since we don't get any trick-or-treaters in my neighborhood, just hookers and homeless people.

  12. Puma, your pumpkin man looks like a dalek!

    I had to Wikipedia that.

    My snowman pumpkin actually spoiled and started rotting before the end of the week of the contest. Even though we were not supposed to carve the pumpkin per the rules, poking holes with hardware had the same effect. I was almost disqualified, and had to replace the pumpkin with a photo instead for the final day of voting.

    His pumpkin juices looked like a rancid urine stain on the display table cloth.

    The upgrade to a glue gun was a much better solution the following year.

  13. I love hearing people's pets' names. Post them here.

    Cats I've named:

    Frater Perdurabo


    Cha-ka Pakuni Mahoney

    Yasashii Kibutaloaf Mahoney

    Vincent "Bob" Mahoney

    Okay, I don't think you will use Mittens or Fluffy anytime soon.

    Could you be anymore unique? :lol:

  14. I just took this picture of my pumpkin Mr. Speeze:

    I find it hilarious when people name pets with Mr. or Miss in front of them. Too funny!

    Here are my older pumpkins, I have posted them on HAIF before, I just can't seem to find out where.



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