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Everything posted by Pumapayam

  1. And enough people lost their minds I assume, reputations are back in hiding, at least out of sight and mind within the threads.
  2. Now Just make the "reputation" a searchable item for people to sort in the member data base and THEN all hell will break lose. So what are all the verbal descriptions, poor/bad/neutral/excellent?
  3. A thread exists for Houston Marathon in 2008, so please merge if desired. I am likely doing the half, but I paid for the full since the half was already sold out. I can switch down to the half marathon later on since I am in the full marathon for a small fee. So who else is doing it? Registration opened Friday and both the full and half marathons sold out.
  4. Nice, I gave myself a promotion , now off to dinner.
  5. I snuck in the background behind Daniella Guzmán of KPRC tonight. I was with my friend walking the dogs at Memorial Park. But I have no idea what she was reporting on. Maybe I will find the video tomorrow.
  6. What a way to make an entrance on HAIF. +1 for you man!
  7. Well, those are just the ones you are aware of. . . you know, just saying!
  8. You're gonna be my favorite bi-polar HAIFer, I can tell!
  9. I'm here Gar Bear! It seems the same to me.
  10. Wrong. People have "HAIF" meet ups all the time. Personally, I went to high school with a HAIFer. Bought items from a HAIFer. Adopted out my house cat to a HAIFer's girlfriend. And met "Editor" in Chicago a few weeks ago. A bunch of my HAIF friends are also my facebook friends. I am sure I am not alone on this either.
  11. That whole area around Woodway used to be a Country Club!
  12. I say look elsewhere. Even for the bargain price, the resale will never measure up to it's potential.
  13. Well I have always wondered how the same streets get different names. Now I know, and knowing is half the battle!
  14. Trae, I don't care about your reputation. You will alway be a valuable HAIFer to me.
  15. It's all "Jones'd" out now.
  16. They way they are approaching it is confusing. Hillcroft will exist twice on two separate sections on the same street. Likely, if they keep that plan, we'll see S. Hillcroft and N. Hillcroft.
  17. Date and Time Thread is busted. Link is broken. Just saying.
  18. I think the way they are already butchering a street is reason enough to vote no. Had the proposal been, "change the entire segment" or at least not do something confusing like have Hillcroft on either end, I'd change my answer to don't care. I understand why they want to rename it, but they need to rethink how much of the street is going to be renamed. Why not just call the area Mahatma Gandhi District in his honor. That's a good solution.
  19. So, the "street" with have even more names now. SOUTH ► Hillcroft St ► US-59 ► Mahatma Gandhi St ► Westpark Dr ► Hillcroft St ► Westheimer Rd ► S. Voss/Voss Rd ► I-10 ► Bingle Rd ► W. Little York Rd ► NORTH How messed up is that to have Hillcroft "sandwich" another street name on the same route. Has this been done before? The should just carry it all the way up to Westheimer then.
  20. I broke the system and gave you a +1.
  21. ¿uıʇɐן ƃıd ƃuıʞɐǝds noʎ ǝɹɐ ʎɥʍ
  22. ¡qnןɔ ʇɹɐɯs ǝɥʇ oʇ ǝɯoɔןǝʍ ¡86ɹǝddoɥɔuuıʍɥɔs ǝpoɔ ǝɥʇ ʇno ʇı ƃuıɹnƃıɟ ʞɹoʍ ǝɔıu
  23. I will let it sit for the remainder of the week, let some of the other peeps tackle it. But what an _____ and clever puzzle, especially for a _____. Update: edited per request because it kinda sorta gave it away.
  24. Does option (b ) actually exist outside of junior high? I'd go with option (d), don't let it bother ya.
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