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Posts posted by txtiger

  1. I suspect the black-colored coating is a waterproof sealant onto which concrete pavers will be set.  You can tell a little bit by the raised door thresholds as well, leading out to this area... ...they should eventually be flush w/ whatever final finish is applied.  Unsure how the rest of the pool will pan out, but bet there's a bunch more to come on this deck...

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  2. A few updates:

    The first Grand Texas e-newsletter - "Straight from the Horse's Mouth" - has been released, as of yesterday afternoon.

    Sign up on the list here:  http://grandtx.com/newsletter-signup/

    Available for viewing directly, here:  http://us11.campaign-archive2.com/?u=b4b4866ed34ad696dbf808f00&id=cca5fd9c45&e=e1502b2884


    ...and a relatively recent article, which many of you have likely already seen:


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  3. If you jump on to Facebook, search for 'Lance Martin Grand Texas' and 'Jessica Marquez Grand Texas' -  Both pages are now providing much more frequent construction updates on the Grand Texas Sports and Entertainment District.

    Some updated info., per a smattering of comments on Jessica's page:

    - The clubhouse for the RV Park is finally going vertical, and should take 6 weeks to be completed.  The on-site team for Grand Texas will end up using that clubhouse for their offices until the water park administration building is built.

    - An updated layout of Big Rivers water park should be released later this month (March '16), along with the names and renderings of each of the attractions.

    - SpeedsportZ Racing Park is hoping to open this summer.

    -  The water park will open next spring:  should be breaking ground by this summer, and the anticipated construction timeline is 10 months.  Delivery of the attractions slide pieces/materials is scheduled this year - all the pieces are apparently fabricated.

    -  The water park will have about 25 slides, including kids' slides.

    -  Another gated endeavor, called 'Gator Bayou,' will feature fishing and other outdoor activities - details on that may be released later this month, when those for the water park are released.

    - Construction on the sports fields portion will begin this year, and also open next year.

    -  Grand Texas theme park construction will start right after the water park is in operation, w/ an 18-24 month expected timeframe.

    - The theme park expects to have a large Halloween event, which will be "one of (their) largest" events.

    - The Outlet mall is to be a separate entity than Downtown Texas, and is not replacing it - so there are two separate shopping/entertainment components aside from the gated parks.

    - The Outlets will open before Downtown Texas, but will be connected to DT.

    -  A stoplight will be added to 242, w/ a pedestrian crosswalk for now, for individuals wanting to walk between the main District and SpeedsportZ Racing Park.  A shuttle might also be utilized to move people around.




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