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Everything posted by august948

  1. Perhaps, although an administration opposed to fossil fuels doesn't help gas prices. Which in turn drives other goods higher. Regardless, he gets to take the blame. You can argue prices would have gone up anyway, but the percentages would likely have been different. Swing voters in 2024 won't likely give much weight to the list in blue, but they will remember that their cost of living is much higher than it was 4 years prior. That's why the Democratic party has fully embraced banana republic tactics of late.
  2. Walmartophobia strikes again. I'd be far more afraid of vendors, artists and entertainers trying to run it.
  3. He also didn't do these things...
  4. It's so you can say truthfully that you "went to the gym today". But really you just got a coffee.
  5. That's a very broad brush you got in your hand, brother. Can you be more specific on how you would imagine it would play out here? Mark Milley turns the US military on Biden and anoints Trump the god king?
  6. Just making a counter-point in a similar vein. And pointing out that using obscure news involving a baker's dozen of nuts as evidence of impending doom doesn't carry much water. You really should dump those in favor of the constitutional argument, although I can only find one reference so far that Trump advocated suspending the part of the Constitution regarding elections. Has he really stated this "openly multiple times" or is that a bit of hyperbole? And how would such an abrogation actually work?
  7. Watched the Tampa video, counted a whole 11 Nazis demonstrating on a street corner. The Facebook issue is so obscure that no one other than a scholar or a political hack deliberately looking for a case to make would even notice. That's assuming that the 88 and red triangle were not actually coincidences or, in the case of the triangle, misinterpretation of an antifa poster someone sold on a website somewhere. Assuming this all was a deliberate, subliminal attempt to awaken the the Nazi zombie army, how many Trump campaign workers would have known the symbology and had the access to write the ad and place exactly 88 ads? One perhaps, maybe a couple? Mom's for Liberty, Hamilton County Indiana chapter? Anyone heard of this group or place outside the news report? Exactly how many "Moms for Liberty" are there in Hamilton County, Indiana? And how many of these moms put the quote they then had to apologize for into said newsletter? One perhaps? Please, I know you can do better than these...
  8. Would that be akin to the other paranoid fantasy that the Republican party is being run by Nazi's? I need not say that Nazi's are the hand's down favorite go-to boogeyman in certain circles.
  9. Number of 'mosquito days' in Houston falls since 1970s due to extremely high temperatures https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/health/article/mosquito-bite-heat-humidity-zeka-18182456.php
  10. Just a quick look at the area around there on zillow is showing house prices going from $294k up well past $1M, with the majority being $500k and up. Definitely going to be demand for lower priced options in that environment.
  11. Go to Oyster Creek Park in Sugar Land and you'll see them. I don't think they generally do well in urban environments, though.
  12. That and raising water and sewer rates and tacking fees onto your coh water bill.
  13. Live without power for one hour in Houston on a day that hits 100? Maybe by riding around in your car for that hour? 😛
  14. RIP... John Nova Lomax, who documented Houston and Texas stories, dies https://www.houstonchronicle.com/lifestyle/article/john-nova-lomax-writer-houston-texas-dies-18088579.php
  15. Is it just my imagination or do Australian cafes seem to originate in NYC of late?
  16. Special counsel John Durham concludes FBI never should have launched full Trump-Russia probe https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/15/politics/john-durham-report-fbi-trump-released/index.html Imagine that...
  17. I believe Latinx is an American English term. What I'm talking about are things like word gender, where each noun is one of two or three genders (masculine, feminine, or neuter). As such, the typical convention in Latin based languages is to use the masculine form for plurals where males are part of a mixed group. For instance, in Spanish you would use the masculine form "ninos" to refer to a group of boys or a group of boys and girls, but if, and only if, the group is entirely girls would you use "ninas".
  18. And, as with it's modern descendants, in Latin you use the masculine form, alumni, to refer to mixed groups of men and women. I always wonder if people who get up in arms about gender usage in English have their heads explode when they find out that in much of the wider world languages can have distinctly patriarchal patterns deeply embedded.
  19. Well, she's already signed up to work on the Biden campaign so hopefully she'll be at least dedicating some time to Harris county issues as well. Regardless, Judge Hidalgo put the Astrodome at the bottom of the bottom of the list some time ago.
  20. I don't think you can look at America's history for guidance on this particular issue. America has been in population and economic growth mode for all of it's history. What we're talking about is permanent year over year declines in population. That's whole different animal (and not a farm animal at that). It's not at all clear that the long term (generations) reaction to that will be the further growth of urban areas. Japan and South Korea are export economies. They need to sell goods overseas because their populations are in decline and they don't have the consumer base to support their economies. Without the option to sell abroad, they would (will) experience significant declines in their economies, possibly going as far as deindustrialization. Bear in mind that it's industrialization that has led to the phenomenal growth of urban areas since the second world war. That's the reason people left the farms for the big cities. If that goes away, so does much of your urban population. This is whole economy level stuff, not Ed's SuperSud's level stuff. No doubt, governments will try to maintain (obsolete?) twentieth century trends as you are implying Japan and South Korea are, but that's a losing battle in the end.
  21. Real estate developers trying to convince people to buy their developments? Now there's a shocker.
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