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Posts posted by fwki

  1. And I was talking to a friend who lives in the HD in Woodland Heights.  She said that she is so glad that she lives in an HD after seeing what they are building on Morrison.  She said that lots of people just outside the Woodland Heights HD are scurrying trying to find a way to get included or get another HD set up so they do not end up with another development like the thing on Morrison.


    Apparantly your lady friend is the typical, uninformed citizen of Houston who jumped immediatlely to the cut-your-nose-off-to-spite-your-face solution that the elites chat about while planning to save the great unwashed.  The brand new Chapter 42 allows two methods for minimum lot size that prevents town homes in established neighborhoods, one block-by-block and one neighborhod scale.  See the redline of Chapter 42 Clause 197 forward: http://www.houstontx.gov/planning/DevelopRegs/docs_pdfs/ch_42_ordinance_redline.pdf .  That's the easiest solution and it does not hand over control of your property to a panel of freaks on a power trip.

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  2. In cases no one noticed, the slippery slope on adverse behavior by the HAHC continued at the June meeting.  The HAHC, all decked out with their new doozy of a Chair, disregarded Planning staff's recommendation, long-set precedent and other rulings that very day in DENYING a CoA for an addition on Harvard Street due to gut feeling on size.  Of course they were led by foremost social engineer Doug Elliot.  When will the citizens have enough of governance by unelected prima donnas or being Wayne Brady's <delicate flower>?


  3. Heh heh. Want to know how I know that you just made this entire post up? Two reasons. One, Walmart is currently running a store specific ad campaign. They do it for a lot of different stores. Two, radio ads are NOT expensive, especially for the #1 largest corporation in the world. You made up this entire post to make it sound like you know something, when in reality, you know nothing...and guessed wrong.


    Ditto for all the diatribes, clearly a case of grandiosity: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grandiosity

  4. I am wrought with guilt, I just have to get this off my chest.  You see, I, ummm, I live in a house made of trees, tree parts to be exact. I know, I know , I know...but it gets worse. You see, the house is damn near 100 years old, and the tree parts (now this part gets a little sick) I inspected them and they have really tight growth rings indicating the victims were really old-growth pine trees.  Yes, I live in a house made of 200 year-old trees.  It wasn't my fault, I didn't know any of this when I bought the sicko dungeon twenty years ago.  But now it's time to do the right thing.  I am starting a petiton for an ordinance (Ellen?  Ed?) to have all these type domiciles in the Heights respectfully removed and prohibit anyone from living in one ever ever again.

  5. Got four calls from non-Heights friends asking "what is wrong with you people?" when they saw the article.  One idiot in the Chronicle was calling for a tree ordinance.  Once again a faction of these new people are a source of embarassment for the rest of us, just like RUDH.  These fools apparently were so new they were clueless about Ike.  I went weeks without power because narrow-minded neighbors refused to let Centerpoint clear the powerline RoW for years.

  6. I read an article about that phenomena and its reverse, you know, the " damn kids these days" thing.  So these researchers set out to find the stupidest, lamest generation by looking at standardized tests, number of doctors, lawyers etc, giving to United Way, voting etc.  Well according to these guys, the window from like 1959-1962 was by FAR the worst....I gotta find that link,,,, only reason my dumass remembered it, I was born right smack in the middle of the window.

  7. Link didn't work for me, but I guess that's the Billy Joel song.  Boomers started complaining in the womb and never stopped.  Abortions were rare and dangerous, otherwise there would have been no boom, and the biggest arguments of today would have been resolved by consensus in their infancy.  On the flip side, we would have a lot less great music.

  8. Where there goes my faith in youth vandals!    I seriously can't beleive someone would do this out of dislike for the art  (I can see vandalism for the sake of vandalism even though I don't approve of it). 


    Is the LSD guy old?  I see Agua and Earl a good bit,  silly graffitti taggers, at least learn to do nice block print.


    If someone did this out of dislike for the art, definitely a boomer.  If someone did this for profit, like on a bet, I would say Gen Xer.  The Millennials  will probably rebuild it, just like they'll have to do with everything else we left them.

  9. Forgot that school is out for summer and that bored teenagers have taken over HAIF.  Nothing to see here, go outside and play.


    Droll.  Rebutting political satire looking for facts plays into the satirist's trap.  I don't care if you didn't get it, like it or read it, but keep posting please.  Same with Walter.  I am satisfied that I successfully delivered my message, thank you for playing.

  10. I'm really disturbed by your introduction of facts into this discussion of innuendo and conspiracy.


    Walter Mitty's head is a random fact generator, but you sound like a mainstream media buff so feast away from the trough.  Anyone who believes the Marathon is solely a sporting event is a political neophyte or as the case may be with some here, just switching teams to suit the argument.  So if you haven't figured it out yet like other humorless folks, this thread is what's known as "political satire".  Go look it up, I'll wait.

  11. "Cutting out the Heights is just another growing pain."

    One of the all-time idiotic statements...hell, while we're going through pain, let's just cut out uptown, river oaks, west u and Montrose....run that baby down memorial and back safely and efficiently.

  12. You know what's really cool about s3mh posts? He condescendingly shoots down any Mayor Parker conspiracies UNTIL the conspiracy involves one of his pet projects, such as say, a Walmart and a 380. THEN, Mayor Parker is in the tank with everyone and the fix is in!


    God, I love laughing at s3mh's world.    :lol:


    He really is in a world of his own, a regular Walter Mitty.

  13. This link leads to an AT&T login page. 


    I'm curious to see the details of the Elysian project. I'll be sorry to see the viaduct go. When I worked downtown, it used to be my backup route to work when 45 was more congested than usual. And although no one seems to refer to it by that name anymore (despite signs that still exist at its entrance), it used to be known as the Joe Resweber Viaduct. Longtime Houstonians may recall the late Resweber as the former Harris County Attorney, but he was also a previous owner of my house for many years. 


    Sorry, try this one: http://apps.dot.state.tx.us/apps-cq/project_tracker/projectdetails.htm?projid=050801276&dist=Houston


    You can use Project Tracker at DOT number 050801276


    PS- I talked to the original DOT engineer for this Project and he fell over laughing when I said it was scheduled to break ground this year.

  14. Still trying to understand why you want to change the Mayor of the city over the Marathon not coming through your precious Mayberry. Shouldn't other parts of the city get a chance, too?


    Call it the last straw in a series of decisions clearly reinforcing her careless attitude about my neighborhood.  So why would I continue to support someone who doesn't support me and mine?  I have no illusions about the probability of success ousting Parker or gaining real Council representation with this disenfranchising split district.  And I am glad that other hoods get the marathon (now which ones would that be, hmmmm?)  And this is not my "precious Mayberry", I leave that to the preservation freaks who do nothing but embarass me and cause shallow thinkers to paint me with that brush.

  15. ??


    What has Ben Hall promised to do for The Heights?


    That's a great question.  I'd put my cash behind any candidate that honored our anti-zoning charter starting with opt-out of the HAHC or diverted some of the trail money to fix up our little league field like other inner city ball parks or honor the City's obligation to enforce deed restrictions.  And I get it about 40,000 population, but then I would never bother to vote for Senator much less President worrying about scale.  But if a neighborhood breaks from the pack and is vocal about serious issues, you begin to swing the 2 million.

  16. I still believe you get what you vote, entitled or not.  Until the Greater Heights pulls together and votes together we don't get anything much less our property rights.  Right now Parker is a slam dunk in November and when that happens, we just as well get ready for bi-weekly trash pick-up (to the humorless elites out there, pull your fingers back, take a deep breath, I was NOT serious).  If we really want to take back control of our neighborhood, let's pull together now, start the get-out-the-vote drives now.  Nothing pulls people together like a common enemy, and I think we have one.

  17. I have no doubt that if Parker wanted the Heights in this race, it would be, and it would be safe and efficient. Only a damn fool would believe they can't get runners through this gigantic swath of near-town. This was the time to make radical route changes to do it, but she would have to want to do it first. I'm with Mako, done with Marathon after 15 years volunteering, done with Parker after this (and likely not the last) hose job.

  18. Don't fall for the Elysian demolition BS spewn about on the interweb, even the key political players in the re-route are careful when mentioning that Project.  Engineering is not done, and all cost and schedule estimates will change based on the fnal engineering estimates, and it doesn't get faster or cheaper.  The bums on Washington will probably see two marathons before that demolition:

    Elysian Aqueduct Project Detail

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