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Posts posted by HtownWxBoy

  1. Intensity forecasts are nothing more than educated guesses. The error is as much as 25mph either way. That means if the official forecast calls for a 100kt storm (115mph Cat 3) then you prepare for a Category 4. But just the opposite is true, it could be as weak as a 2.

    If a category 4 were to move in just west of Galveston as a Cat. 4, the right front quadrant would move right over downtown Houston. There is a formula for wind reduction that has slipped my mind as of now, but for every 10 miles inland, a hurricane loses a certain percentage of its strength. It is safe to say that places as far in as Conroe could see winds of 100 mph...especially in gusts.

    You also have to take into account the speed of the storm... a hurricane moving inland across Houston at 15 mph would bring stronger winds to say Conroe than that same storm pushing inland at 5 mph.

  2. Well, crap... How are they coming up with Category 4/5 vs the 3 in the official forecast? I realize that intensity is difficult to forecast, but just curious about the assumptions. I don't like seeing the word "catastrophic" in that last link

    Also, I think one of the cable channels (weather channel?) once had a special about what would happen if a major hurricane struck the Houston area. I think it was even discussed on here... Is there a good resource online describing the kinds of winds and damage Houston proper could expect from say, a direct hit by a Category 4?

    If you are forecasting a Category 3 it is best to prepare for a 4 or 5 and hope for a 1 or 2.... hurricanes can be very unpredictable and with the very warm waters of the Gulf rapid intensification is a possibility.

  3. Channel 13 has Ike right off of Galveston by 1am Saturday morning. Any models that will decrease the likelihood of Wayne Dolcefino hanging onto the side of a lightpost are not being shown at this time.


    So my screen name isn't wxman for nothing. The wx stands for weather. Here's what we know...

    Same here. :)

  4. I think we are jumping the gun on this. Remember Gustav was headed to Houston too and it veered north into Louisiana.

    Let's give this some time and see what develops in the next couple of days.

    Oh I'm not saying it's coming to Houston... just saying where the models are currently pointing too.

  5. Only about two tracks. The others have it going to Lake Charles and two to New Orleans.

    I've got access to a large number of models... they are all going right now anywhere from Corpus to Lafayette... Houston is in the middle of that... it's going to be an interesting week!

  6. New Orleans: Ghost Town



    Wow scary... I remember the afternoon before Rita hit here after everyone had left Houston... before work (went in that evening) my boyfriend and I went to the Galleria... got a picture of me sitting in the middle of Post Oak Blvd around 4:00 pm w/ no cars in site... was so freaky. :ph34r:

  7. It's at full capacity. You can't get anymore flaming that it already is.

    Oh I beg to differ! Don't ever underestimate the gays... there's always room for more fabulous! :D ha ha ha

    While Nazi-style mass relocations are pretty gay, all you really need to make anything gayer are the right accessories. I'm thinking scarves.

    Ooo... I am seeing cute, trendy messenger bags! I just bought one from Calvin Klein.... love it!! :wub:

  8. What I meant is that I can't logically convince anyone that Jesus Christ is God and to repent and obey and become a "believer."

    However, whether people choose to or not, they all know there is a God and he is the creator of all things.

    Anyway, I'm willing to drop it for Marks and the threads sake, unless the mods want to move it over to one of our other discussions.

    LOL LOL :lol:

  9. My 1st day of college class starts I am excited. Does not feel like when High school starts it's a big diffrence! What do yall remember about what your 1st day of college was like? Thank God I dont have an 8:00am class like my twin and my roomate!!! That was my birthday gift to myself no early classes!

    I go to PVAMU all the way out on 290. Not how I wanted to spend my 18th birthday all the way out here getting settled in my dorm but the club can wait. LOL

    Enjoy... college (not high school) is definitely the best time of your life... particularly if you live on campus and don't commute. I LOVED college. Definitely try and stay away from the 8am classes...and I found suffering through one 3 hour evening class was better than 2 afternoon 1.5 hour classes (if those types of classes are offered where you are). Also, I for one must say I learned more valuable lessons outside of the classroom than inside... not to say you should not study and stuff... that's why you are there. B)

  10. The other side will face the park(ish). To see Main St, you'd have to be right up to the edge looking down to catch a view.

    True... but I still think the view would be better... get to see more buildings and stuff... just my opinion. :-)

  11. I still don't understand why that "garden" area near the top doesn't face Main Street (since it is Main Place)... the views would be so much better... maybe b/c it would be facing away from the sun? I would think that would be a good thing, especially in the summer.

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