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Posts posted by TexasVines

  1. 1. your tax dollars are not the only ones involved.....we can track them for you and make sure they go to a failed regular school if that will make you happy....so just because you don't want your tax dollars going to a religious school does not matter to many other tax payers.....again you can pretend yours go to the other failed schools......and that does show your fear of losing the political mind control that you strongly desire

    2. I meant certifications for public AND private school teachers to prevent the nonsense like in Milwaukee...I am well aware that public schools currently have certification standards and I am also well that HISD has failed to maintain them because so many teachers refuse to teach to the uncontrollable and that many private especially religious schools don't have to actually follow them and still have much better results

    3. I don't want my tax dollars going to failed liberal brainwashing schools.....we have tried it your way and it failed in the schools and in the community now is a time to try something different....specifically the opposite what those like you advocate....just because you see no benefit to the mixing of morals, religion, and education does not mean others THAT PAY TAXES ALSO don't feel different

    as long schools have the government involved there will be little way to weed out the corruption.....you need to check into reality this is the reason so many schools are failing even with more government control because they get bogged down in PC crap instead of education....and somehow even in religious schools which spent time on religion this happens much less often......because the parents have made their choice at the beginning and are in line with what goes on in that school VS every few some new PC fools get in there and screw things up further

    again it is clear getting the government mind control out of education scares those who think like you

  2. because being politically correct or doing what is easy to appease the ignorant is not in my nature especially when it comes at greater cost and difficulty for those that contribute and care the most

    why put so many caring parents through the hoops just to appease the poverty pimps and welfare mongers when my goal it to make them take accountability for their thoughts and ideas even if it does mean their kids are left behind....because their kids will already be left behind as it is.......and as it is now their thoughts and ideas and their wild children are harming others kids that may not be as vocal or as able to speak up

    I want these losers and their loser parents exposed and I want them to have as little ability as possible to ruin anything for anyone, but themselves and their children

    you seem to have a huge problem with this.....the only reason this is controversial is because of people such as yourself that just can't allow people to actually have control over their kids education because you have great concerns that would leave your thoughts and ideas on the waste heap of history and expose them for what they are.....state sponsored failure and acceptance of meritocracy at the expense of all

    the lawsuits will be a one time thing....why keep up the charade of busing and magnet schools and charter schools for a few select minorities and demographics at the expense of so many others....lawsuits don't scare me....they are often brought by the morally and politically bankrupt who see their failed ideas slipping away....I would relish the opportunity to see them crushed once and for all especially because I am 100% sure it would benefit so many more and society in general and probably at a much lower overall cost

  3. I oppose state charters because they often exclude middle and upper income students and or majority race students so they can slip under the poverty pimps radar and not be contested....they still often are saddled with taking some students that should not be in the program.....I am for 100% choice for all with basic state requirements for teaching and administrative credentials and minimum competency per grade with little other state involvement other than accountability for under performance

    even with a blue ribbon that school is about to be merged back into a ghetto hell hole....so clearly politics is about to fail those students to appease people like you and other poverty pimps

    I am for 100% choice from K-12 not just high schools so it will not matter at what age the problem children "axe" up because that will be the age when their parents either become involved or their kids get sent back to the lowest common denominator schools until they hit jail......this is the reason I want 100% choice so that those schools can expel anyone for anything but race or religion (provided they do not try and use their religion to disrupt the schools overall program IE if you are athiest or muslim and choose a Baptist or Catholic school and then complain about the religious aspects you can please leave thank you)

    the vast majority of people in HISD politics don't have the students in mind they have their position in mind and or pandering to a certain group of people so they can keep their position and or keep shoveling money into those communities with no accountability......taking HISD out of it WOULD take the politics out of the vast majority of kids educations which again is what I think scares people like you the most....this is why one separate magnet school was merged back in to another school and why a second is about to be merged back in a greater expense....because what is good for those students does not matter what matters is pandering to parents at under performing schools by giving them new buildings or shiny objects and accepting blame for their kids poor performance and their poor parenting and masking it with exceptional students they have next to no contact with

    why are you against vouchers.....why have the charter schools that still allow for political pandering and graft and corruption and exclusion of certain groups often the groups that have parents that care the most and the students that care the most....it scares you to lose complete control of those young minds doesn't it

    why not require a state certification for all teachers in the required subjects and state certifications for administrators and testing for grade competency then get the hell out of the way and let schools and parents choose extra curricular activities, religion or not, behavior and accountability and parental involvement policies....it all scares you doesn't it....if the state is not in there somewhere then the state mind control can't take place......that scares you a great deal doesn't it

  4. 1. I did not read anything that said the Milwaukee has failed or not changed much.....I read that it had mixed results....which one can easily say about any public school....especially when you see the FACT that it was only open to lower income students

    2. of course you don't want taxes to go for choice that limits your ability to brainwash students with your BS....but everyone pays taxes why shouldn't they have a choice hos those are used for their education....unless you desire to subvert their choice?

    3. the Milwaukee was only opened for lower income families which will usually lead to failure in anything since it is often those same families that don't care.....which is why their existing schools fail and is actually against all that libtards espouse which is to let lower income students mix with higher income students and it will rub off

    4. the Milwaukee experiment was clearly set up to fail because as quoted in the story """"Like all schools in the program, it can't use selective criteria to admit students"""" so in other words these schools still have to take students that can't cut it and students of parents that don't give a damn which basically makes them like a private public school....which makes them a private failure

    5. it is awful strange to me that they allowed rapist and morons to open these schools, but they allow the schools no control of who to let in.....gee do you think the people that started this voucher program wanted it to succeed or do you think they were more like you and they wanted it to fail so they could get back to sucking up tax dollars for brainwashing

    that ignorant Milwaukee program is nothing like I or anyone else with an ounce of common sense would use as an example of a proper voucher program....because first there is ZERO accountability of who can open the schools.....second there is ZERO ability of those schools to toss kids that can't cut it back into the lowest common denominator public schools, and it was only set up for those that are often the lowest performers already (usually because they come from a family that does not care only now given a choice as stated in the article the parent(s) still may not care, but they are happier with their kids education)

    A few showed signs of improved student achievement and evidence that competition improves public schools. Others showed negligible difference.

    this to me sounds like it has improved for some of the kids and it sounds like it has harmed few if any......improvement for even a FEW kids is better than none which is what many public schools offer now.....and the very first child quoted in the story seems VERY HAPPY with her new school.....so again just because others have doubts (but can provide no evidence to support it at least none offered in this story) that does not mean I buy into their doubts especially when even SMALL improvements is better than the NOTHING currently offered

    Still, some students say the program can make an enormous difference. "Everything has room for improvement, but if this works now, let's give it a chance," says Charles Green, a senior at Messmer Catholic High School, who will go to New York's Columbia University next fall on a full scholarship.

    Messmer gets about 80 percent of its students through vouchers. Students put the name of the college they're shooting for on their locker, and the daily attendance rate - often higher than 95 percent - is posted by the entrance. Nearly 90 percent of its students go on to a four-year college every year, says principal Jeff Monday.

    the above to me sounds pretty damn good....95% attendance and 90% going to college......for schools that can ONLY choose low income students.....again please show me where the problems are?

    and again these schools can't pick and choose students they take all or none as the next quote says

    Like all schools in the program, it can't use selective criteria to admit students.

    Marchelle Hicks says she didn't know what to do with her son Orlando at his old school - he was getting failing grades and the school insisted he go on medication for attention-deficit disorder. She found out about Hope's rigorous, no-excuses curriculum through a brochure in her door, and enrolled him in fourth grade there this year.

    "He's an 'A' student," Ms. Hicks says proudly. "Now we don't talk about testing or medication.... His whole attitude of going to school has changed."

    again look at the above story.....the very first girl and the very last boy in the story have made HUGE improvements and their is NOTHING in that story that shows any student that has been harmed by voucher choice......it only shows the failures of Milwaukee to put any types of controls in place before starting the program......I will take two students improving any day even with Milwaukee's inability to set the rpogram up properly over what they currently offer.....and considering Milwaukee is a horribly run city with decades of problems it is not surprising they made huge mistakes in setting up anything.....that does not mean Texas or anyone else can't learn from them or has to repeat them

    you should read the story again because all I read was a story of failed Milwaukee government setting something up poorly and students still managing to become better because of it

  5. 1. In that case, why worry about doing any of that in the first place? Assuming that this is the case, all that is going to happen is that these kids are going to go to Worthing or Sterling instead of Jones.

    2. "you will not have any more "only magnet" schools built because that defeats the REAL purpose of the magnet school programs " - What about North Houston Early College (even though it's not technically "a magnet" - but an internal charter) which was founded around 2007? What about Carnegie, which separated in 2002? Now, I am aware that MCTC was merged into Wheatley. But I heard that this in particular was due to "politics."

    3. "HISD already has 27 magnet programs if they can't get in kids from other districts (or private schools) now how many more magnet programs do they really need " - First HISD only recently dropped the tuition fees for out of district students who do not have parents working in HISD. Therefore the incentive is very recent. Second I think that HISD should not only establish more magnet programs, that it should also:

    * Seek to take over North Forest Independent School District

    * Actively promote the magnet programs in other districts with few or no magnet offerings; no matter how educationally excellent the Pearland ISD schools become, so far there are no "small high schools" for the district and some parents may not want to send Johnny or Suzie to a big high school.

    4. You said: "many many many people do not want their kids going to school with free running animals who view school as a play ground and a social wilding experiment with the support of their parent(s)" - Then you should be in favor of this proposal. If you re-read it then there are no attempts whatsoever to mix academically talented students with "free running animals," nor do I understand how you came to that conclusion. If you read the Carnegie Vanguard thread you would see that I was against that particular HISD proposal.

    again you said it yourself MCTC was merged because of politics....why do you think Carnegie is going to be merged....uh because of politics!

    it is time to get politics out of the vast majority of kids educations and leave that for the kids of parent(s) that don't give a damn.....buying the parents of Worthing off with a new building that will be trashed in a few years and with the idea that their students will some how look better coming out of a better performing school (because Carnegie was merged in for scoring) even though their kids are still dumb as a stump, is an answer for nothing

    until the VAST majority of schools have the ability to tell parents their child is not wanted there and they will not be accepted there because of their behavior, lack of ability and caring about education, or the parents lack of involvement the vast majority of schools and students will suffer

    as soon as schools are set up for parents that want to get in THEIR KIDS FACES ABOUT THEIR POOR SCHOOL PERFORMANCE Vs. parents that want to get in teachers and school administrators faces about their kids poor performance the better.....when every parent gets an equal amount for their kids education and the vast majority of kids perform better, even if they go to school in a card board box, because they are away from disruptive savages and their animal parents the sooner we can answer those animal parents with the idea that their child gets the same amount spent on their education and it has nothing to do with money and every thing to do with their poor parenting and their child's poor behavior....as long as HISD and politics is involved this will be IMPOSSIBLE to accomplish....with vouchers the politics is OUT.......and I think that is what scares people like you and others that are opposed to vouchers the most.....because once the politics are out that means the brainwashing and the liberal PC bullshit is out as well and those that buy into that crap will be exposed as poverty pimps and welfare mongols

  6. you listed 3 schools DeBakey, HSPVA, and Carnegie in your example of separate magnet schools.....that is 3 of the 27 total magnet schools listed on the HISD link I provided....is there something hard to understand about that

    as for charter schools why would you bring them up when you seem opposed to the idea of 100% vouchers and a charter school is the closest thing to a voucher school.....HISD is failed, DISD is failed as is nearly every large ISD in the USA it is time for decent parents and decent students to be released from the grip of poorly performing schools and the poorly performing students and parents that drag them all down.....vouchers is the answer for this....then parent(s) that enjoy their kids going to schools filled with violence, pants around ankles, students that act like animals and come unprepared, parents that get in teachers faces, teachers unions, liberal PC brain washing, lack of accountability, and general savage behavior can have their schools and everyone else can have theirs

    there is no reason HISD needs to be in the middle of it.....and I would be 100% positive that HISD has found a way for those charter schools to skew/mask overall under performance so the fact that they exist still does not change my opinion that 100% vouchers is the way to go and then the public school system can become what the vast majority of it already is which is a day care for future criminals where disruptive, unteachable, animals with similar parents can be caged until they start their real life of crime

    and again even tossing in 4 more charter schools only gets you to 22.5% of HISD alternative schools that you have listed that are not affiliated with a regular campus... 7 / (27 + 4) = 22.5% so that tells me still that 77.5% of magnet schools are set up to mask under performance of the main school which is pathetic

    and many of those charter schools probably have enrollment requirements that exclude many of the students in HISD and are specifically set up to cater to certain groups......which is exactly what is helping education fail all across the USA now....ignorant pandering bureaucrats that think they know what is best for peoples children unless, God forbid, it comes to student or parent accountability across the board....the only way they stay in business is because they continue to cater to small vocal groups and buy them off with magnet and charter schools while leaving other students that may not be top performers, but value education, behind with animals that care nothing about education

    it is time to separate out those that care from those that don't and leave those that don't behind for the lowest common denominator publicly run schools that have to take any and all until they can be put behind bars.....and no one needs HISD or any other ISD in the middle of running the schools for those that care

  7. Well, Vines, if HISD was totally never interested in standalone magnets, then HSPVA and DeBakey would have never happened, and Carnegie Vanguard would have never split from Jones High School.

    that is only 3 of 27 so that is not a great example especially when one is possibly going to be merged back with another failed school against the parents wishes....and HSPVA did use to associate with the school across the street I am not sure when that changed and DeBakey needs to be in the setting it is in because of the specific programs it offers

    so holding up 11% of the programs offered is not persuasive to convince me that the real goal is not to suck in a few more state dollars and more importantly to mask the underlying failure of a number of the schools in HISD

  8. the only way cater parent(s) of most of those kids is to toss endless amounts of money and new things at their area and then accept 100% of the blame for their failures as parent(s) and students.....the rest can't be catered to because they can't be found or just don't care....which is why those schools are in such poor shape

    you will not have any more "only magnet" schools built because that defeats the REAL purpose of the magnet school programs

    HISD already has 27 magnet programs if they can't get in kids from other districts (or private schools) now how many more magnet programs do they really need

    It should not be the goal of HISD to attract the students from other districts it should be their goal to provide schools that are of a level of education and safety that parents won't have to pack up and move when their kids reach a certain age or school grade.....and that will never happen without vouchers and 100% school choice because it should be clear to anyone with common sense that large public school districts in large urban settings will fail at this.....because what you fail to see and what the parents of magnet students do see in the other thread you started is that many many many people do not want their kids going to school with free running animals who view school as a play ground and a social wilding experiment with the support of their parent(s)

  9. Huh?

    If anything what HISD is proposing would be close to an attempt to "social engineer" neighborhood kids (as you have said) - And the magnet parents are AGAINST this proposal.

    as well they should be....and yes of course HISD is trying to socially engineer the situation which is exactly why your idea in the other thread to turn one school into only a magnet school will never happen......the fact that you even proposed that idea lead me to believe you had zero understanding of why magnet schools exist....hence the responce in this thread

  10. BTW HISD has William A. Lawson Institute for Peace and Prosperity, which is an all boys school.

    I knew a ton of people that went to private unisex schools including my brother (many of the oldest and most popular)....most are more successful than the average person in later life....but most were also under socialized around the opposite sex (which would be near impossible in todays world)......so I don't see unisex as the answer to anything......it is only a bandaid for the real issue which is lack of respect for education and lack of accountability on the part of the parent and the students

    I would imagine of the students from that school were matched up against any of the major private schools (unisex or not) the private school students would come out on top

  11. http://www.houstonisd.org/portal/site/Magn...00028147fa6RCRD

    according to this HISD website HISD currently has 27 magnet schools INCLUDING STERLING and WORTHING.....so again how many more do they need

    according to these two very recent stories HISD is struggling to bus kids all over town to try and social engineer failing schools already



    $1,180 per magnet school student just in busing over and above the $220 per regular student spent on busing

    I do not expect that every private school will take any and all voucher students.......in fact that is EXACTLY the point of vouchers.....so that schools can choose who to take based on any and all factors besides race.....so that kids that "axe a fo" all day and have parents that come up and get in teachers faces because their kids don't do their homework can be EXCLUDED from schools where students have parents that care and desire to get an education....parents that desire to have politically correct BS shoved down their kids throats VS being educated can send their kids to those schools.....parents can CHOOSE a school for their kids where a uniform is or is not required and where discipline is or is not required....or the pledge is or is not said or where God and religion is or is not discussed.....I realize the thought of not being able to indoctrinate students is scary to people such as yourself and the liberal PC poverty pimps, but that day will end soon enough one way or another....and when it does those who's ideas are failed will "shine" like they never have before and those who understand what education means will have even more successful children probably for a lower cost

    the only people that this is divisive to are welfare mongers and poverty pimps and I don't give a damn what either of them think.....just tossing more money at the problem might be the ignorant liberal touchy feely response, but that has been shown to fail with regularity

    and your last statement proves my point.....most if not all the successful districts in and around Houston have no magnet programs.....yet they are successful.....because the parents of those children have fled the poverty pimp and welfare schools to areas that have wisely found a way to exclude the people that care nothing about their kids or their kids education.....attracting a few of those students back to HISD because their parents see it as a free private education or more convenient to their work so they can take and pick up their kids does nothing to solve the problem of neighborhood after neighborhood and school after school full if ignorant kids with behavior issues that are brought on and encouraged by their worthless parents.....it only paints over the issue and soothes the touchy feelies of people that want to blind themselves to reality and hold no one accountable except for the tax payers wallet

    and actually you are wrong the TEA does require accountability of any and all schools that take public funds which would be vouchers though this could change with vouchers for some schools like existing successful private schools.....and most if not all respectable private schools have done quite well without TEA over site and many public schools are failed dumps even after being taken over by the state and TEA....because they are full of ignorant kids with failed parents.....so lack of TEA over site probably only means something to people that are more concerned with social engineering and indoctrination and PC crap than actual education

  12. every school on earth can't be a magnet school.....much to the chagrin of you and lil johnny "funbaby" edwards there needs to be schools for kids who don't care about education and for the kids of parent(s) that don't care about their kids or their kids education or future.....when people who do care about their kids and their kids education and future move away from schools that have become infested by the others or they invest in a private education for their children then the answer is to shut those schools down that have become under utilized instead of trying to force them to be something they are not and or trying to lure smart kids back to disguise the fact that the school is mostly full of failures

    people move away from areas and schools for a reason....just because you and lil johnny "funbaby" edwards are blind to the reasons does not mean the rest of us are....the answer is to make students and parents (yes both even if it means tracking them down with a threat of being jailed if they are not already in jail) accountable for their failures instead of trying to gloss over their failures with magnet school schemes

    and currently there are more females going to college than males so the time of catering to females needs to come to an end....if they want to be equal then they can compete equally

    lastly I don't think dallas, chicago, or philladelphia are the places that anyone would want to model their public education after unless corruption and failure is your goal

    the real answer is of course 100% education vouchers and 100% educational choice so people can live where they want and choose to send their kids to the type of school they desire instead of constantly having to move for the sake of their kids future and their education

  13. Methodist affiliated with Cornell because the "Best Hospital" rankings require a medical school affiliation... basically Methodist just payed to put the Cornell name on official documents and signs. Very little collaboration goes on with the institution in New York. The establishment of a UofH medical school affiliated with Methodist is an entirely different issue. Although, most people think El Paso is next in line for a new medical school (affiliated with Texas Tech, I believe)... and it is clearly harder to sell a third med school in the Houston area. But I think it will happen eventually, and Methodist's new research building and institute is a step in that direction.

    I think BCM royally screwed up when they broke from Methodist... they lost huge numbers of medicine and surgical faculty to better paying jobs and nicer facilities at Methodist. Seems like their leadership is a mess. The ambitious hospital development plus a terrible economy has exposed serious institutional problems. They continue to be ranked in the top 10 medical schools though.

    Texas Tech has already established their second medical school and yes it is in El Paso


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  14. The fact that you wrote this illustrates that you haven't read a thing I've written through the entire thread. Multiple times I've advocated a combination of public health care and private insurance. Start again at post #1.

    and what about that makes it any different than what we have now......other than under your plan we will actually announce to the deadbeats of the country that we have allowed them to abdicate one more piece of personal responsibility.....as it is now we keep them marginalized right where they belong and last in line for only the most basic of things

    name me one government program that has ever SAVED MONEY on anything much less spiraled out of control in cost

    I have read your post though I have not committed them all to memory.....I would question some things in them, but I don't want to come across as calling you out personally for the choices you have made

  15. I agree that if the government is given total control over the system that it is ripe for abuse. But then again, so is our current system where health care CEOs make $50 million a year while their companies fight to pass laws so they don't have to cover $10 life-saving pap smears.

    The difference between the two is that one system is abused by the patients while the other is abused by the providers.

    Maybe if the GAO had some teeth or the FDA was funded at an appropriate level then the watchdogs could do their jobs.

    so I guess you favor a system like Canada (which I feel for the most part is a well managed country) where the government forbids people from having private insurance.......but then when one of the very government fools that champions that system needs a BASIC procedure and finds she has to wait in line like everyone else she hops on a jet and flies down to the USA to have it done

    imagine the outcry if any conservative leader did that in the USA (if it was a liberal leader like in Canada imagine the excuse machine that would have to be cranked up and all of its "carbon" emmisions)

    right here from a paper I am sure you are familiar with


  16. I stopped reading after this part.

    perfect part of what is wrong with you and a large % of America

    my opinion somehow means less because my parents choose to save and have me obtain a college degree VS all those you admire that have kids and just let them run wild from the age of 12 up with no care about what happens to them in the future....what America needs according to you is more dead beat parents that put the burden of their children for EVERYTHING on the US government......I guess you look down on my opinion too because I went to school with a lunch every day or with lunch money....I guess the people you admire are the ones that get food stamps and section 8 and their kids make straight Ds and Fs and come to school having not even eaten in the morning much less with something or some way to eat for lunch.....those are the real people society should value.....people with zero responsibility for their choices

    I suppose you discount the opinions of lil johnny edwards, john kerry, and berry soreto because their parents paid for them to go to school or they used some racial set aside to get it handed to them at others expense

    even though I am white as rice as a joke I filled in all three check boxes on the PSAT that said I was a minority......based on that and that alone along with my SAT scores I was a national black merit finalist and a national Hispanic merit semifinalist.....so I had the opportunity to impress you by using the color of my skin to get free handouts, but my parents would have none of it....I was living in San Antonio at the time and there were only 3 black people in the entire school so a national black merit finalist raised the eye of the counselor......so I was called down to his office a few days after I got the letter in the mail and he sheepishly beat around the bush until he finally blurted out "you are not black are you".....I knew what the deal was and laughed it off and pretended like I had no clue how that happened and said no and that was that.....being that it was San Antonio and 87% Hispanic at my school he thought nothing of me being a Hispanic merit semifinalist....I got that letter a few days after that and it was made on the announcements the next day when the entire class turned to stare at me and then laughed when I told the teacher I needed to go tell the counselor I was not Mexican........that same counselor about cried when he found that out and even probed further with "not even a grand parent or great grand parent"......I could have lied and received free money and had the admiration of fools like you, but I did the proper thing and said no and just about left him crushed

    way to make yourself look like a fool

    you also missed the part where I worked most of that time and at one point was working two jobs anyway

    grow up and get over the fact that your parents cared nothing about you and your future and others parents do......your parents choose a TV and a new car VS your education mine did not.....sucks for you

    again where is the contradiction

    my parents CHOOSE to have me....not the US government and the US tax payer....but now somehow because my parents also CHOOSE to care about my future VS dumping it on the US government and the US tax payer my opinion is one to be discounted

    after all what made this country great is crack parents, dead beat fathers, out of wed lock births, high school drop outs, and total dependence on the government for everything....it has worked wonders for the black community.....we should seek to emulate it for all Americans

    again your post is a perfect example of why enough is enough......we now actually have total losers in this country that discount others opinions because their parents choose to try and provide the best for them VS a video game, a plasma TV, and 22 inch rims

    thank you for proving what total selfish losers many in this country have become and what a pathetic group they are when they discount others because their parents wanted more for their children than they did for themselves......I am glad I did not have your parents I would be a bitter fool that is still jealous of what others have VS trying to make something better for myself and not being concerned about taking from others to pay for my CHOICES

  17. the problem with anything the US government gets involved in is that there is zero incentive to control cost....so I just simply 100% do not believe it will lower cost especially for those who actually work and produce

    second once the government is involved there is ZERO chance that someone will be told no.....because no matter how many people tell them there is 99.99999999% the procedure will not help them they will still demand it because they are not going to pay for it and then vilify the government if they don't get it

    third giving the US public something for nothing means that a large % of them will just abuse the hell out of it....if all you have to do is go to doctor after doctor at no cost to you who knows how many "disabled" people the US will end up with.....we already have enough of this abuse with private insurers that investigate these things.....just like in example #2 do you really trust the US government to go out and catch people that have a broken back yet work construction for cash or any number of other abuses

    fourth if you were in the car business would you consider giving your customers long term free maintenance and repairs at no cost to them and with no accountability for what is damaged or broken....hell no because you would be broke in a week because 65%+ of the buyers would drive their cars like a rented mule and then drag it in for a rebuild.....same thing with health care......a lot of people in the USA wear things down to hell and then either toss it out or pay all at one time to get it totally rebuilt......they will do the same with their health.....do you really think people will go to the doctor regularly for ANYTHING if they know all they have to do is fight through it and then go in when when it has knocked them off of their feet....people in the USA will not go for a teeth cleaning every 6 months they will walk in one day crying with a mouth full of rotten teeth and expect a whole brand new grill when they leave....if told no they will cry endlessly

    fifth there is a large part of the US population that already pays nothing to live in the greatest country on earth in the form of income taxes.....because they believe that the government is paid for from thin air or the government owes them or they just plain hate the USA and abuse it every chance they get......these are the people that are already killing this country with 4-5 kids when they were on welfare and section 8 after the first kid.....you think it is bad now wait until even more is "free".....as it is now it is too bad for their kids, but at least all that is provided is the BARE minimum........if the government 100% takes over they will still wait until their kids brains are running out their ears before they rush them in for a "check up" and then they will demand the same treatment as everyone else and demand to be first......"because they live here too and they ain't gonna be told no by no one".....seriously in a country full to the brim of dead beat dads and crack moms having second through 12th kids while already on welfare does anyone but a total fool think these parents will suddenly care about their kids health when everything is free.....hell everything is already free for them now and they don't care....just wait until the government tells them they can expect and demand the same as everyone else.....hell huge portions of parent(s) can't even find a way to send their kids to school having been grazed so we have school breakfast and only chumps and suckas send their kids to school with a lunch or lunch money and now we even feed them in the summer.....where the hell do the food stamps go.....they get those too, but the kids still come to school hungry...of course the kids and parent(s) are often fat as a cow.....but we keep feeding them and we do ZERO to restrict them from buying anything, but total crap

    I worked in a convenience store while in college right at the time that the LoneStarCard was coming out.....I remember hearing dumbass politicians talk about taking away the "dignity" of allowing people to have a little change in their pocket.....this as I WORKED at a convenience store and cut lawns with a friend (basically to help him out after he wrecked his truck) and most of my college was covered because my parents saved for me to go to school.....and all the while in that C store daily people would come in with 2-4 kids and give each two one dollar food stamps to buy a nickel piece of candy with and then the parent did the same and then took all those 95 cents and bought beer and cigarettes.....the two per day limit was a policy that OUR STORE IMPLEMENTED because the government had NO RULES for that.....another store down the road that had an owner that did not give a damn would let people spend all they had as long as they bought 50 cents worth of stuff with each.....so "families" of 3-4 kids would eat 25 cent bags of chips for dinner so their parents could buy beer and cigarettes.....and then I have to hear some liberal dirt bag talk about the "dignity" of these poor people having their pocket change taken away.....I should have gone to Austin and beat the hag that said that with a bat.....the LoneStarCard still gets abused, but now it is much harder to do...and these are the people you want to give free health care to with the idea they will be "equal" to everyone else in their level of care......HELL NO!!!!!

    it might suck for the kids, but life ain't fair and that is what happens with deadbeat parents.....how about health care for everyone that shows up 6 hours a day and picks up trash to a certain amount and scrubs graffiti and mows ROW areas and does the other crap that we need to make this country look better again.....I bet it would cut down on the number of fun babies as well

    I am basically tired of waiting to have kids until I can afford them and be a PROPER parent to them while our country rushes to further reward people that have not and never will give a damn......how about we start free health care with a free vasectomy and a free tubal ligation for people that have a second child while presently on any type of government support....oh wait no we can't abuse their rights.....but we think nothing of taking from the responsible to reward the irresponsible in society and it is dragging this country to hell

    we have to draw the line somewhere and health care is it with me.....the BARE minimum with long waits while in pain for only what will barely keep them alive to commit more abuse against society is all I can tolerate now I will sure as hell don't want them put on equal footing with those that are responsible and produce especially with the government in charge.....if we start with the forced vasectomies and tubal ligations and work from there once the dead beat population is in check.....along with FORCED government service......then MAYBE.....but until we FORCE and DEMAND people to produce for society then hell no the free ride ends where it is now and we should actively pull back on what we already give along with actively FORCING people to pick up trash and scrub graffiti and shovel ____ and anything else that even the most basic idiot can perform....until then NO MORE!

    and we need to chop the lil johnny edwards trial lawyers off at the knees....it has already attracted a FLOOD of doctors into Texas......there is no way in hell I would allow anyone on government care to sue for ANYTHING....PERIOD....no matter what happened or how bad it was.....you want to sue participate in the free market....you want the government to hand it to you then LIVE WITH THE RESULTS PERIOD.....no matter what happened period

  18. probably not the best time to attempt something like this

    you will need to work out the logistics of relocating those that currently live there....with the additional room this should not be as hard because you could build something new, reloacte, then demo for the old and build new.....but can you find a developer that will be "all in" for the existing residents living in new condos before they can start to build the ones they will profit from

    you will need to work out who will own the underlying land.....will part of it go to the developer while they are developing the new units then those buyers will become a part of the existing association after completion or will the existing association keep control of the land while the new developer builds the new units

    will the existing association wish to try and make any profit for themselves off of the new units.....will it be a true profit or the value of being in a new condo

    most importantly is who will be stuck with what if things do not pan out....will the existing association have to buy up the unsold units at a preset price.....or will the developer be able to rent them out while they wait to sell them.....or will the association be stuck with half completed units when the developer walks away

    can you get 100% of the residents behind it.....no matter what the bylaws say about majority rules and the asociation making decisions......do you really think EVERYONE will be on board and someone will not drag out the lawyers....muchless that someone will feel their new unit does not have the same views or the same "anything else" as their old unit and will want to drag out the lawyers

    I do not see any reason it could not be done, but in this market and with the added complexities of current residents I feel it would be extremely diffucult to pull off

  19. Well my opinion is symptomatic of the administration's short sighted vision of filling classrooms to get more state money and in result has lead to a drastic loss of quality in education and faculty. The committees that search for new professors have produced some of the most disappointing professors of recent. To elaborate, some of the professors treat the tenure system like welfare babies, just showing up everyday, neglecting their students, and looking busy. Competition for the good professors is stifling, considering it is really just luck of the draw that you happened to have SS# that falls on an earlier time frame for enrollment, which leads to collusion amongst students for placement.

    I had some solutions but when I presented them to the dean I was dismissed for "not understanding the greater scope of the problem." My response was to keep walking in my path. I may be an undergrad but contempt from the administration is a sign of blissful ignorance. They have never shown any political transparency towards the student body. The moves they have made in the last four years would be best described as lateral drift, trying to cover more ground than footing. In reflection to my contemporaries at Rice, I am competent but realizing my education would not challenge me I took it upon myself to create challenges/enter competitions. I do believe that the administration wants better for UH grads but is not willing to take some of the now radical steps of humility necessary to ensure students quality learning experiences.

    I should also mention, incoming students do not have intellectual curiosity aside from the few and far between gifted ones. That might be a result of changed admissions but I have not kept up on that front. I can tell of the many classes I've sat in where the prof asks a question and the room is sill with silence, makes the baby jesus cry I tells ya.

    If UH does eventually get tier 1 status, hopefully things will change on the ground.

    at any large university including UT and A&M you will need to be a "joiner" to set yourself apart because they are so large...UH has to put buts in seats because Texas wrongly funds all schools with the exception of UT, TAMU, and PVAMU based on enrollment....but the reality is with the PUF today even those schools do not get a great deal more funding than other schools and they are well behind their peer schools in other states and they do still get some of their funding based on enrollment....alumni giving does help UT and TAMU though

    and being tier 1 will not change zombie students that will change with admissions standards increasing.....it would also change with high schools actually educating kids VS passing kids so their parent(s) does not get mad because they don't make them study and care nothing about anything, but getting them up to 18 and out of the house....I have sat in many classes full of zombie students to the point that it was like me and the professor were having a one on one chat....mainly because I have an ipinion on everything and I was older than many of the students and because todays students are "learned" to not question and that whatever some garbage head professor spews is an absolute truth....and many students are totally apathetic to anything and void of free will because that gets you sent to the office in high schools of today

    as for the person that interviews people....since you are getting people from UT and Tech and other schools along with UHD and others have you ever considered that you are getting the top of the crop from UHD and the like while you are getting the lesser students from the better schools because the better students have already secured a better position.....so you are possibly making a comparison between the top of one school and the leftovers of another school

  20. glad to see that we are all cooperating here and hoping that HP will be a success

    btw, TexasVines I'm not going against you here or trying to start an argument

    but what is the purpose of your posting here(in the HP topic)

    to open ppls eyes and making them realize that HP isn't what they think it is?


    I hope HP does very well....but stepping into reality what is HP....it is a shopping mall full of mostly restaurants downtown with a bit of office space on top....I am far from a hypster for mixed use, but as many others have pointed out a hotel and or residences would have made this project something unique

    I also posted my opinion that people are WAY over hyping the HOB because honestly after seeing a picture of it on wikipedia I have seen air conditioner cooling towers that were more architecturally interesting

    and a place called House of BLUES kind of makes me laugh when their opening acts are gangsta rappas and comedians for WAY too much cost.....I would prefer to pay to go to a comedy club on open mic night and hear something original than go see a comedian for too much money that I will already know what 90% of his jokes are before he says them....mix in the over priced drinks to pay for all the "atmosphere" at the house of blues and I will pass on most of their acts.....HOB made a name for themselves as a place that gave small BLUES acts a venue and instead of opening with reasonable prices and a line up of BLUES acts that most would rarely see they open with a has been rappa and comedians

    and it is correct to say that sitting in an old warehouse does not make something special, but neither does sitting in a contrived over priced ugly box with a name on the front make something special

    people seem set on being excited that it is THE HOB when the reality is it is uglier than a wharehouse and cost more and will be full of people more borish than an empty warehouse.....not really getting what all the excitement is about

    I wish this mall the best, but they will really need to WORK to make it something more than just another mall away from a large population center with over priced venues living on what they were somewhere else VS what they have become now

  21. this post in inanely moronic, and i'm not even going to waste my time explaining to you why.

    but kudos, nonetheless.

    when people like you make a post like this the reality is they can't back up there reasons....not that they refuse to

    and then they expect a few fools to blindly buy into it....if you were really not going to waste your time you would have not even posted....but you can't resist going for the support of the blind followers of hype and so you had to make at least some form of post even if it was a failure

    nice try....you have the support of a few total idiots and that is about it....but that is really all you deserve

    the HOB is nothing but a planet hollywierd and a hard rock cafe.....fluff and nothing more...it is the chain restaurant of entertainment and when its trend fades so will you and its supporters

    I did not realize that the blind trend followers and the fans of champagne sprayers and athletes posses were so easily offended

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