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Everything posted by GREASER

  1. there was a huge house on Market St, last time I was there was like 10 yrs ago...you really cant see it cause of all the overgrown bushes around the gate. It was way west of Sheldon Rd. There was alot of prostitution around the area at some apartments nearby that I think burned down
  2. well like I said this is a package unit..its all in one, so there is no charging and I know alot about electrical and a/c...the deal now is buy it out of state and its shipped from Houston to you...thats how you get around the license problem..I often bop into a/c stores for parts with work logo and shirt and get whatever I want.
  3. So after recieving quotes of 5000.00 to install a 1300.oo ac, I have decided to do it myself.. everyone that quoted me said they had to pull a permit (city of Hton)..but as a homeowner can I do it myself?? I searched city site, but saw nothing. I mean you can install a window unit, so why would you need one for external (this is a package unit)? Any adivice or anyone know about the "permits", or is just something to do on the weekend and not tell anyone?
  4. We are not the richest country with the highest standard of living...we just happen to be the one within walking distance. If we cut all the benefits to these people they wouldnt stay.
  5. I didnt see anything cool in the area..I am scratching that idea.
  6. A job xfer is in my immediate future and Conroe is a option. I would love to get out of the city and found this neighborhood...is it as nice as it seems? Are there stores somewhat close by...is this a good area for kids? Looks like crime isnt a issue?
  7. Are there any mod or historic neighborhoods around the area? Everything I have searched is constuction less that 20 yrs old? Can anyone tell me something good about the town other than its close to Austin? Are any of the surrounding towns cool? Trying to weigh out my options before my employer gives me options
  8. I got scared when I saw this...I thought they were closing home depot
  9. I cant send my wife by herself to home cheapo cause of the laborers.(at gulfgate) .they are inside also, you just dont notice till you get something heavy and they are johnny on the spot with that big stupid grin waiting for a tip..ha. Its really kinda gross...I told the manager about someone stealing and pointed them out...nothing happened. Its just a 3 ring WT/contractor free for all in there.
  10. well maybe its just more of a vibrate..the house was leveled 5 yrs ago and there are no water or settling problems..maybe I am just paranoid?
  11. My wife wants a treadmill..its 150 lbs and she weighs 110. For some reason I am scared there will be a problem with the pier and beam construction of the house. When you jump up and down it seems the whole house shakes.??? Will this additional action of running on a treadmill cause harm to the house??
  12. Jello Biafra??? Are you serious??? After DK he had his own band, then played with some backing metal band (think hes still doing it), but mostly is just a great speaker. He was doing it in DK, (thats how he got in so much trouble), but is really cashing in now just like Rollins. I still remember a record store in Pasadena that sold alot of punk...cant remember the name. The Judys were though, a fun band..even if a little silly...annnd if you like them you would love Fri night happy hr at the Continental for The Ringwalds...80`s cover band from 730-945
  13. according to a realtor friend, there is a law (ordinance?) created when a certain neighborhood started removing this stuff and throwing it in the trash. Yes its against the law, but no one has ever been charged (acording to friend) . My house had it on as well, and its removed.
  14. It was Starfish roofing...think the numberis 281 say roof or 713 say-roof. They are great guys and came back a long time after initial install to repair a problem that reallywasnt their responsibility and didnt charge.
  15. to remove all my layers on house and seperate garage (1400 sq. ft house 2 story) lay down the good plywood (tech shield?) and install best shingles was 3300.00
  16. True story...had a friend give away his plants as a house warming gift....(the reciever had envied the plants for a long time) anyway, plants, soil, mulch all went....come to find out there was termites in the soil/mulch. Found out a little to late.
  17. Well, the reason I asked is there are some that think they are getting something they arent....I looked at structural problems for a friend and after explaining the problem, the response was...it was restored in 1990....maybe, but they forgot to address structural/sagging floor issues. Sometimes I think I put way too much effort into my house, doing things that will never be seen, but just to ensure its life.
  18. mine had around 5 layers of roofing over the shingles....it was enough to fill up a container and a half. I can only imagine the weight.
  19. I have looked at some "restored" houses around recently and not sure what that term actually means. Is it restored to original? Thats how I define it. Several of the houses I have seen (1900-1940`s era) seem to skip the foundation , leveling issues and general structural items (roof, patching of sheetrock) . Then its just a case of paint and polish...which I call a golden turd....looks great, just dont pokeit too much. I am not trying to bust any company in particular, just curious what people expect when that term is used.
  20. most of the houses around there are nice....like a scaled down Eastwood. It seemed all the lots were fairly large as well.
  21. I have...my insurance said you have 30 days from close to fix problems. I really dont think they ever came back out though to ck problem
  22. There is a neighborhood between Wayside and Downtown off Harrisburg that has some really nice houses. I think it has been discussed here already, but couldnt find the original topic. Seems the main street is Sherman. Its north of Evergreen cemetary and maybe called Norwood? I am super curious what some of those big houses are going for? Anyway...what is that neighborhood called?
  23. I notice that alot of classified ads are from spammers....all have 1 post and will never contibute to this forum. Does any of the moderators see this as a problem?
  24. the girls pics are plain...you have to go into the main pics to see them...theres one on that first page...the ones with cars lined up at diner...sign up for myspace then see the others... She also took my wedding pics, and everyone thinks they are like postcards...ck out. www.myspace.com/donhug and no I havent sold the car yet, but not really trying very hard...this is the only place I advertised it
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