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  1. Fat cats never get squeezed...you know who does? First time home buyers. With the influx of entry-level townhouses and condos set to deliver in 2007 coupled with the seeping of the subprime crisis into the prime mortage market, I think you are going to see a big downturn for the condo/townhouse market for properties in the 200-350k range. These places are usually targeted to first-time homebuyers who rely on creative financing to afford their first digs. I'd be worried if you have a condo/townhouse inside the loop in the 200-350k range and are looking to unload in the next 2 years.
  2. Wow...thanks guys. That is exactly what I was looking for. I did some browsing in the Rice Military area (my price range is 250K - 300K) and I just can't imagine living that close to the railroad or that close to some very sketchy areas. As we were driving to the West End, I literally saw a drug deal go down. I can't imagine that much appreciation in that area with railroads and drugdeals right around the corner.
  3. Does anyone have thoughts on how the inner loop housing market is doing? Just from glancing on HAR.com, it looks like prices have increased quite a bit in the last year. Is Houston's real estate market poised for growth despite what's happening on the national stage?
  4. Does anyone have info on inner-loop home price statistics? To me, its a totally different animal than the rest of Houston as land is not plentiful and demand is higher with the trend that younger folks want to be closer to downtown.
  5. Since the deal was struck exclusively with Union Pacific, does anyone know specifically what rails in Houston would be targeted for relocation? I am considering purchasing property in the Rice-Military area and obviously this would be a huge incentive to buy.
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